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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. I have used Physical Geography and also an earth science book for the NY Regents exam. Earth science is my favorite science and I have to be looking into that again for next year.
  2. I am teaching a US government and Economics class and I have my students bring in a news article every week and we discuss those. The students seem to be more interested in current events due to both this and the class in general.
  3. DD is reading the Sue Grafton mystery series. I think she is on D is for _____?
  4. Since we are active duty military, we didn't set rules for courting with our children. Kind of hard to require us to supervise anything when we are a continent away. That said, my oldest went out to meals a few times with a few girls, and then he had a girlfriend he was serious about. We didn't think it was a good match for him although we had no problems with her morals, her religion, etc. It was just that we thought it wasn't a good match personality wise and intellectually. He was younger than her. They dated for a year or so and then ds broke it off. Too much drama for him. He hasn't dated anyone in almost a year and a half. Next up is dd16. She is not yet interested in any boys except as an eventual thing maybe in college. We have no need for any rules right now since she has no interest. DD12 is also not interested and has been told that no form of dating is allowed before 16. She may turn out an earlier bloomer than her siblings because she is an extrovert. Then again, she isn't interested yet in boys at almost 13.
  5. :iagree:with the others who say this is a dangerous situation and you need to get him help. Contact NAMI in your area. They can lead you to resources and where to get help. It really sounds like he needs to be somewhere other than your home. IF he isn't taking his meds, it won't be the last time the police show up.
  6. I am reading Alexander McCall Smith's The Lost Art of Gratitude. He is the author of the No.1 Ladies Detective Agencies books and this is one from his series set in Edinburgh. Other things I have out and will be reading is a whole slew of mysteries involving gardens. (I love gardens and gardening and love mysteries). I do miss being in a book club and am thinking of starting one up here.
  7. I have several chronic conditions and am followed by a few doctors for them. None of the conditions is high blood pressure and I don't have that. None of my doctors have said anything about 110/70. I normally have something like 124/80 and I am considered to have no blood pressure problems. My dd has 110/60 and she has problems with low blood pressure. I would refuse medication unless my top number was routinely over 140 or my bottom was routinely over 90. When I was living in Belgium, I once had a doctor go nuts because my bp was 142/94. Well, that was with the automatic cuff and it triggered intense pain because it affects my ulnar nerve when they squeeze to tight. When I saw my regular Belgian internist, he measured it with a normal hand pumped cuff and my blood pressure was normal. It has been normal ever since as long as they don't torture me with automatic cuffs. Even then it is not always that high but that clinic had badly set monitors. To the OP, get yourself checked. While headaches aren't usually caused by high BP, you need to know what your bp level is anyway.
  8. I just registered my daughter today and all they needed was a check and her name. I believe you need the homeschool code on the day of the test.
  9. My 12 3/4 yo likes hanging around with younger kids. One is also gifted like her. She doesn't like hanging around that much with that one's older sister who is only a month older than her since she hangs around with older girls. Their conversations run to cute boys and make-up. My 16 yo is now deciding she needs to learn about make-up but only because she is becoming aware of social conventions and looking down the road to balls and other events where make-up is usually worn. She is an imminently practical child.
  10. First of all, my kids did not act the same at young ages. Based on the behaviors at various ages, I could truthfully say that at age 2, x was ahead but at 4, y was ahead. There are studies out there that say that in neuro-normal siblings, the IQ levels are close. THat said, my oldest showed more gifts earlier than my next two in some ways. My middle showed musical talent gifts at a young age and then after she was 11, she started showing her writing gifts. SHe also has the best work ethic of my three so no matter where her gifts are to begin with, she will achieve a lot. My third is gifted on the mathy, science, engineering type area but she is a very stubborn perfectionist and it took a while for people to see. I don't allow people to negatively compare.
  11. The person we talked to at the center today said my son was fortunate that he was still wetting because now we can address the sleep issue rather than just the symptom of wetting. Where so many kids wet long term with no relief, too many kids stop wetting but are left with the original issue so don't get help. Hopefully, you can help your daughter even though you don't have this particular symptom. Yes, her sleep issues are mostly resolved. SHe had night terrors for a few times later and also sleep walking but hasn't had that in the last three years. She also has had most of her insomnia problems resolve with medication for her PMDD. I do see that in our family, the only one who had night terrors and sleep walking, was the only one who had bedwetting.
  12. My dd stopped wetting at age 9, I believe. She definitely had and still has other sleep issues. But her wetting just stopped. We never used alarms or anything, just pull-ups and waking her and stopping drinks before bed. But none of that helped till she grew out of it.
  13. I put other because my son didn't quit Cub Scouts. He went on to be a Boy Scout and was an Eagle Scout with Palms. I thought it was a wonderful program.
  14. I am distractable. Very easily. I always try not to sit near parents with little ones in church because I will be distracted. In our church, we have the first part of service, about 1/2 hour where there is a nursery if one wants but the children's church hasn't started yet. So all the preschoolers and early elementary are in church. Some parents keep their infants there. My only problem is when the kid is noisy and the parent doesn;t leave. It makes it hard not only for distractable people but also those with hearing problems. We have a closed circuit tv system and it is broadcasting in the area where parents can go. They don't miss out on worship and their children can be more like children.
  15. I really question the judgement of the professor who would use such a book in a class about career development. Even in the most obnoxious, vulgar professions you can imagine, I don't think you would be dropping f bombs in an interview for the job. Most people are certainly going to apply for jobs where that kind of language is inappropriate. It really doesn't have anything to do with prudity but rather with judgement. I don't get it at all.
  16. My dh was in a PhD program. One giant difference we had was that he was paid a salary during that time. He wasn't around much and we had to plan things when he was around to him being in the lab at least every 12 hours so the experiment didn't need to shut down. IT was actually much harder on us when dh was travelling a lot. THe worse for us was the kind of situation he has now where he travels most weeks but there is nothing whatsoever regular about it. Many of us if not most of us homeschool alone. I have been homeschooling 15 years and in the beginning, there were lots of lectures and books out about how the Dad should be so involved. I hated hearing that type of thing. My dh was working which both helped us and his country. How dare anyone say that we weren't a good enough homeschooling family? That attitude has mostly disappeared.
  17. THe only choice in the PSAT is whether you want mail or email or not. Not which school gets a score. Only if they are one of the absolutely best test takers will they contact you about sending scores anywhere. The only choice now is yes to mail no to mail yes to email no to email. Oh and colleges do get selective lists and they are not only selected by majors. I don't remember since it was so long my older took it but it may also be by GPA or by score levels. Like they wouldn't know your child's score but a school could maybe request scores that have math > 70, or some such criteria. That way the highly selective colleges aren't wasting paper or people who got a math score of 34, let's say.
  18. Well they have two purposes. The first is in math in that higher math (like majoring in math) is a proof based subject. But on a more practical note, it demonstrates understanding of the subject. It helps with logical thinking. it is a way most students actually do logic. A = B, A + B =C, therefore 2B=C. That sort of thing.
  19. It does sound hormonal but gyns don't like spotting when we get to be in mid 40's and you are older. Yes, you will have a pap smear but he/she may want something else too. Just don't be shocked when you are informed. I have had a few instances at different times and once they wanted a more invasive procedure and currently I am on six month pap smears. Just a warning that you may want to bring your calendar to the appointment.
  20. Yes, OP it is physical and you will feel better when you have the hormones back. Please just rest and do what needs to be done medically. You are in a very stressed out medically condition and you need the rest and you really don't have the energy. Have your husband sit down with your kids and tell them they need to step it up. I don't have your problems but have chronic illnesses that sometimes play havoc on our lives. The kids have had to stup up to the plate at those times. It builds character and is altogether a good thing for them to learn at a younger age.
  21. My dd had severe PMDD. I am talking about very bad mood swings, completely muddleheaded, panic attacks, insomnia, and bad migraines. SHe has been on Lexapro 20mg. in the two weeks prior and there has been a remarkable change. Yes, she still has some anxiety and a bit of insomnia and migraines. However, she is human again at this time and while she still is not as clear thinking as in the latter half, she is much much better. Her insomnia is reduced from maybe two hours of sleep to at least 6. We didn't try bc pills since she is migraneous and I had basilar artery migraines develop with bc pills years ago.
  22. Our world is not equal. That is not the way it will be no matter what we try to do. If we mandate longer hours and no summer vacation, we lose a lot of athletic and artistic ability. Most athletics and artistic pursuits develp outside of class hours. They need the time to practice and they need the camps or programs in the summer to further develop their talents. Certain athletic programs are not limited to wealthier areas. Basketball camps, football camps, track camps, etc, etc, occur with regular frequency in poor areas. Would drowning statistics go up? (Most kids learn to swim in summer programs). Would the amount of students going to college go down? (Many high school students need the summer to make money and also the afterschool hours). THe problem isn't our lack of hours but our rather incompetent educational system. HOwever, like I said before, our world isn't equal and where you live, who you know, how much money you have, what your personality is like, how smart you are, how attractive you are, and a myriad of other factors influence your success rate. Government intervention, no matter how manipulative, can't change all the factors.
  23. No, never. I was a alumni college interviewer for many years. No one ever gave me a gift or even sent a card afterward. I didn't think anything less of them at all. I think I would have probably thought it was an attempt to influence me in a not good way. Don't do it.
  24. Congrats. We are going to try to find a school my dd will like with rolling admissions so she gets an OK early on. (She is an 2011 grad).
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