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Everything posted by TravelingChris

  1. I have a 5'4 1/2 dd who only weighs 102. She wears size 2 and she needs suits for debate team. SHe keeps going to a large Salvation Army thrift store which has tons of suits but none in size 2. Size 4 she swims in. Can you alter jackets at the shoulder? ARe there stores or websites that sell business attire for such tiny people? If she was taller, she would look like a model but she is average height and even if she did look like a model, I don't know where they get their clothes. I can find ssmall size pants and jeans but she needs attire as an attorney would wear. She found a suit online for 299 and she doesn't even like it and that is beyond my budget. ANy ideas?
  2. WE aren't dong the Dave Ramsey plan but we are paying down debt. However, I am not sacrificing our current life to future plans. THat means we do pay for my son's college. That means we occasionally eat out and go to performances. I had a scary antibiotic resistant infection this year and while I am not spending money we don't have to have a little enjoyment, I am also not cutting out all enjoyment to pay down credit cards any faster.
  3. We went to the big 9/12 march and I only saw two posters I didn't like. One compared Obama to Hitler and another showed an aborted fetus. I saw thousands of signs expressing displeasures with policies. I saw people of all races and all ages there. The speakers were not all white too. This was the first protest I have ever attended and it was very peaceful and nobody was threatened in my sight. We did have one guy with a Huge Public Option Now flag go through the rally. Nobody tried to attack him but we did loudly chat "NO Public Option". We don't hate and had no hateful signs. We did have a Don't thread on Me flag which is what we believe. We all cheered at the First Amendment carving at the Newseum as we were passing by. Note the passage about free speech and free assembly to petition the government.
  4. No school room because we don't need it. The older dd studies in her room or in the family room where she watches a video. The younger uses her room occasionally for reading, the living room, the office for SPanish, the kitchen. Both girls use my husband's workroom in the basement for science experiments. We use the craft room for testing. Occasionally I teach a lesson in the sunroom.
  5. Not very much. I had an Officer's wives thing to go to today and my 7th grader stepped up and did most of the work. I would say normally less than an hour. Some days I am doing more for the high schooler.
  6. My youngest dd goes to Kennedy Krieger for bone issues and they have been very helpful and really have taken the time. I hope that you also get the same great care.
  7. Oh now I understand. You are using BJU elementary science. I am sure that is a lot different. I am using BJU texts with DIVE Cds. The advantages: cost, we get to keep the CDs, lot less material to deal with, quarterly tests versus tests for every chapter, videos of the labs so if you can't get the materials for some lab you can still do it, good labs, good review questions. Negatives: I can't think of any. The normal course of action is for my dd to read a chapter in the text, define terms, watch lecture and take notes, complete review questions and check answers, and finally do the laboratory activity.
  8. I am not understanding the sentiment expressed by the OP. It costs money and time. If you want to spend it, why not? We have a free country. I tend to agree with the new poster who talked about taking the practice tests over and over. The SAT measures how well you take the SAT. Why should you take it only once? If you study up on the parts you get wrong, you should improve at least somewhat, all other things being equal. The ACT measures what you know. As you learn more, you should retain more knowledge and end up doing better. Either way, take it as many times as you want. WHat colleges want to see is another matter. I have no idea if some look down on excessive exam taking- probably more than 3 times per test.
  9. My severely spelling deficient daughter did the Apple Spelling Drills when she was in 8th grade. Her spelling improved tremendously. It is now about average. I can't say how much was the book itself and how much was her finally getting it, but nonetheless it helped. In our family, two of us are natural spellers and three are poor spellers. Both dh and now the middle dd have been able to overcome their deficiencies. Now I am working with the last dd.
  10. Where are you and what do you need to report? In many states, all you need is a test and it doesn't matter whether you are done or not. Even if you have someone look at a portfolio, don't talk about not being done. Just show what you did. Often that is more than enough.
  11. Yes, mine is but my youngest is 12. When we lived in Belgium, at first we had our 14 yo son on a different floor and when he went off to college at 16, we moved his 12 yo sister there but kept the then 8/9 yo in the bedroom next to ours. In our last house before this, we had only one floor but on opposite sides of the house and I couldn't hear what was happening on the kid end. That was when youngest was 9.5. I am glad we didn't have those issues with younger ages.
  12. My daily ones are here, Lucianne.com, and DrudgeReport. My homepage is yahoo since that is my email. I click on some stories there so I did know about the Kanye story and the Serena Williams tirade.
  13. I got up at 5:30 because dh had a early morning flight. Talked with dh for a while, checked email. Gave my middle her medicine and woke up youngest for her weekly dose of Fosomax. Measured out 8 oz, of water and let her watch tv. (She gets 1.5 hours of tv watching in the morning on the day she takes Fosomax). Did chores and made sure middle one got up. She ate a quick breakfast and started on history. I started making chocolate chip cookies. Youngest ate breakfast and went down to run. Middle left for doctor's appointment. Woke up oldest. Youngest did math, then literature. Middle came home and did Biology. Youngest did spelling, history, physical science, and life science. I worked on preparations for classes I am teaching at co-op and for the team I am coaching for Odyssey of Mind. Tried to arrange PSAT testing, no one answers or returns my calls. Lunch Middle asks for help in math, goes on to do a PSAT diagnostic test. Somewhere in between she read Beowulf, and did her Spanish. Not quite sure whether she worked on debate or writing. Drove oldest to college. Meantime youngest did Spanish, looked up recipes for barley bread for her ancient Greek class, and then went downstairs to practice trumpet. I made many batches of cookies, read and answered emails from students, parents and team members. Will be cooking dinner soon.
  14. I don't have any idea if one of mine had it. She had a fever and sore throat. That is it and she didn't have strep. No one else here got anything and the NP didn't think she had it for two reasons- she didn't seem very sick and had no stomach issues 2) at that time, there was no H1N1 going around our area. She thought she had a viral pharyngitis and so do I. But I don't really know. She did have a fever for about three days.
  15. I didn't watch and don't watch award shows but saw it today on Yahoo. I agree that he has no class and that the ladies do.
  16. We live in a house over 3500 sq. ft. with five people. It was built in late 60's, we cool to 76 and we live in the woods so we need more lights. We have a frig, a freezer, and four computers. Our low was 1556 and our highest was 2383.
  17. By the way, we are members of a PCA church and we believe in the Bible but we are not young earth believers. You can believe the Bible to be true but still recognize different literature forms and different emphasis of stories. Dinosaurs and young earth ideas are not salvation issues. The elders knew what my husband does and no one asked us any questions about our beliefs in how old the universe is since it doesn't matter to our salvation. Since my congregation has a number of scientists and engineers, I doubt that young earth beliefs are prominent. I do think most of us are creationists but not young earth believers. In fact, I just looked up some references and while creationism is a belief in PCA churches, you can be an old earth creationist. That is what we are.
  18. My daughter has PMDD and one of the treatments for this is putting her on the pill. We asked if there was an alternative and ended up using Lexapro (a SSNRI) in increased dosages before her cycle. It has worked and I just was very wary about the pill. I would not consider it at all if your daughter has migraines. I got a very severe of migraine when I was on the pill and while I know that the levels of hormone are a lot less these days, I also knew my daughter had worse migraines than me even without the pill.
  19. For my first one: getting the proper acceleration without having to be in classes with kids older than him until college. Also, learning subjects that wouldn't have been thought in school (logic, philosophy) and more indepth than in school. For the second one; being successful at home when I fear that if she had been in regular school she would have not been. She had severe spelling difficulties, a hard time with memorization, and a very short attention span. SHe also had problems with reading until we took her to a doctor that found she had convergence disorder. With prescritive glasses and eye training, she soon started reading very well. I figure that in school, she would have been labeled learning disabled. With proper education and medication, she now spells better than average, and is in a honor society and was in the honor program at community college. For my third; I tailor the work to her interests and thus foster greater learning. SHe is doing two sciences this year in seventh because of her interests and she is also learning programming and design. I doubt she would be doing all that since schools do much more of one sixe fits all learning.
  20. They are bad for people who get migraines and are sun sensitive too. I am going to start stocking up. THe problem is that we are military and have to keep moving. Two of us are migrainers and I am have the sun sensitivity associated with lupus. I am also going to try the non fluorescent new bulbs but I hear they are much dimmer.
  21. A lot of this is stupid. I am sorry but if a school board or some other governing committee decides that some book has sexually explicit material and isn't appropriate for a class and they should substitute something else, I see nothing wrong with that. I would say the same thing if they decide that some material is too violent ( a war novel) or some other issue. They not only have the right to decide on curriculum, they have that obligation. This is a far cry from deciding to burn books or remove books from libraries. Now I think discretion is probably more warranted in a school library than in a public library. There are tons of material that I find objectionable for all sorts of reasons in the library- too stupid, wrongheaded, too sexually explicit, whatever. But I am sure others would find some of what I want to read to be objectionable to them so I practive live and let live at the library.
  22. One and tomorrow is our 24th anniversary spent mostly apart since my dh is travelling to Texas.
  23. We are not literalists when it comes to things like 6 day creation, young earth, etc. We are creationists, nonetheless and do believe in the Bible. We just don't believe that our modern way of thinking should cloud that people thousands of years ago had different ideas about storytelling and narration. It isn't lying, it is just seeing the importance of the story being the moral lesson rather than a history or science lesson. Anyway, we don't join literalist churches that equate young earth ideas with salvation and we have had no problems in United Methodist, Presbyterian (including USA, Cumberland and now PCA), and military chapels. I know that a number of other denomninations hold similar views. In fact, I have never attended a church where young earth views were preached and almost all the people I have met who are 6 day creationists are homeschoolers. Its why now I won't have my kids attend science classes in any co-op except if I verified that the teacher was not a young earther. ( I thought a few years ago we would be safe with a food science class but I was wrong).
  24. I don't know about modestly but I dress rather conservatively so I suppose I do dress modestly. I do wear shorts but they are not short shorts. Most of the year, I am more covered up than less since I have temperature regulation problems and am often colder than others.
  25. Absolutely. We are doing school subjects here and everywhere we did co=ops. This year my older is having a creative writing class, debate class, and US Govt and Economics. My younger is doing robotics (programming and designing), Cooking, and Ancient Greece. We don't have to count hours here but I these classes are all similar to subjects that either my husband or I took in school (English, Home Ec, Computer programming, Drafting, History, Social Studies, Speech) so yes.
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