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Did you enjoy The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane?


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Did you enjoy reading it? Did your kids?


Warning: spoilers.


I read it to myself yesterday, and I've been rolling it around and around in my head ever since. Does that make it a good book, then, that I keep thinking on it? :p The thing is, I can't decide if I loved it or quite hated it.


The pros: It was moving. I haven't wept so much over a bunny story since the Velveteen. It was engaging.


Cons: gosh, the swath of misery in Edward's wake. Lawrence & Nellie - bless their hearts, they probably felt like they lost another child. The "hobo" and poor Bryce. :(


Also: I was so ticked that the grandmother (who was obviously from a wealthy family) saw Edward and Bryce (hungry, alone, broken-hearted) and walked on. I was SURE she was going to help the boy.


Anyhow. Pointless thread really. I'd just seen this book called a "must read" but idk. Maybe the author and I just don't mesh; I didn't like Desperaux either...

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I loved it, and I loved the Tale of Despereaux. I think this particular book is probably too serious for some children. I'm not one for shielding them from the hardness of the world, but they aren't all ready at the same age. 


I think the book shows that the journey through this life will have it's ups and downs, and sometimes even heartbreaking realities. I love that he became better, not worse over it all. 


There have been some tragedies in my own life in the last few years, and I find myself wanting that, too. I want them to shape me into a more caring, compassionate person. Often, it's the hard things in life that do, if we allow them to do so. 









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I didn't like The Tale of Despereaux or Edward Tulane.  I wouldn't read it to my littles (when they were little.)  Some of it just felt like unnecessary suffering.  We have read plenty of books that dealt with the harsh realities of life, but this one seemed over the top.


Just my $.02


Amber in SJ

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