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Facebook question. What name do you use?

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I'm ready to do Facebook, since my dd has it and I want to be able to check it periodically. So are you using your first and last name? Married or maiden name? My daughter just uses first and middle name. That seems great for privacy issues but doesn't it make it hard to connect with old friends? What have you done?

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I use my first, maiden, and last name. I listed my high school and class, so that old friend can find me.


I have my security set so that only my confirmed friends can see my profile. They can find my name if the search for it, and they can see my face if they look at my friend's Friends Lists. But, they can't really find out anything about me unless they ask to be my Friend, and I confirm. Even then, I can determine how much of my life I want individuals to see.

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Can you see who visits your page?


No. There is no log of who visits your page. You set the security settings to determine who has access. And even then, you can also control who sees pics, who is told when someone else posts a pic that you are "tagged" (identified) in, and who can read notes you write (not updates, but notes).


I use First Maiden Married. It's easier to search for me that way. I joined for the networking with friends, so want to be easy to find. I have friends who just use First Married, and another friend who uses First Middle Maiden Married (but her names are VERY popular).


If you don't want people to "find" your dc, set her to be completely unsearchable (invisible), and then your dc would have to the searching.

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I use my first name and my maiden name and my married name.


Same here. I didn't put my maiden name at first but then people from my high school years started asking if it was me by my maiden name. I then added mine because I saw most people had listed their name that way.

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I'm ready to do Facebook, since my dd has it and I want to be able to check it periodically. So are you using your first and last name? Married or maiden name? My daughter just uses first and middle name. That seems great for privacy issues but doesn't it make it hard to connect with old friends? What have you done?


I used first maiden last. However, there is a way you can enter other names without displaying them to make it easier for people to find you. I have my last name from my first marriage entered that way.

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I use my first, maiden, and married names, but my dd will use her first and middle when she gets her own account. I am making her wait until she turns 13. It seems like a lot of her friends, who are not 13 yet, have their own accounts. She thinks I am a big, mean mom. Oh, well, I am not losing sleep over it. :) She will also be required to add me to her friends list.



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I used the name most people from the last 20 years know me by, but then I changed it to my legal name (I have never taken on my husbands surname so its not an issue). By the time I had changed it, most of the people I would connect with had already found me. Once I changed it to my legal name, my best friend from school found me. I was thrilled to reconnect with her.

SO, you can always change it and net a whole different lot of people :)

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someone asked how I added my maiden name so it doesn't show up on my profile, but so I still come up if someone searches;


well, I did it by accident.. after I made my account using first and married last name, I noticed friends had their whole names, including maiden on their profiles, so I went into my account and choose "change name" option. I put in my maiden name. I expected it would be added to my profile name, but it wasn't. If I do a search by my maiden name, I do pop up, so it is registered somewhere in facebook, even if it doesn't show.

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