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Extracurricular - How Many Times a Week ?

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How many times a week do your dc get out every week for extracurricular (inc coop) purpose ?


Just wondering ....

My dc have extracurricular activities 4 days a week. Some weeks we go to our local homeschool group park day; so 5 days those weeks.

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Soccer-2 or 3 times a week. Taekwondo- 2 or 3 times a week. We try to meet friends a play once a week and we're looking for a homeschooling playgroup in our area. Our best friends moved away in December and we're missing our weekly plays with them. I'm dreading looking for friends again. But, it must be done!

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Right now it's ridiculous, because we are in our busy time of year. We're at 6 days a week and it could be 7 if we allowed our 11yo to go to her Sunday practices. I can't maintain this pace for long though. We're in the overlap between dd's softball and ds's swim.

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One or the the other pretty much every day:


Monday: chess club (both)

Tuesday: Karate (Hobbes)

Wednesday: Taekwondo (Calvin)

Thursday: cub scouts (Hobbes)

Friday: Taekwondo and scouts (Calvin)

Saturday afternoon: Chinese community school (both)


Once a month they also have home educators' book group on Friday in the morning.



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Right now dd does Karate on Thursday with a co-op and Geography Club on Tuesday with the local library. In April she will also do a hiking club one Saturday a month with 4-H, and will begin piano lessons once a week this summer after Geography Club ends.

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We devote 2 full days to being out and about. Tuesdays we do a library storytime for DS in the morning, gather our materials for the week, etc. Both kids have dance in the late afternoon, and DD has science every other week. On Fridays we swim in the morning, do another library trip, and have homeschool playgroup in the afternoon. I usually skip the swimming one week each month to fit in a field trip that would be easier on a weekday than on a weekend.

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Four days a week. Dd4 goes to preschool two mornings a week so I can take dd2 to speech therapy. At preschool she does a lot of art projects and a couple hours of unstructured play, which is perfect because those things are my weakness at home. :D Then we have a group voice class, ballet, and mandarin for dd4 and gymnastics for dd2 (each of these once a week). This doesn't include playdates/park days, which we usually do once or twice a week, depending on the week.


We are all happier (and the girls have fewer discipline problems) when we are busy. :D I do keep one weekday completely free so we have downtime in the middle of the week.

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Thankfully, I have been DS6 karate school offers classes six days a week for his age, although we only attend three. The beauty is that I can pick which three based around the rest of our week schedule. Now that DS10 baseball is in full swing, I decided that I will do Karate on the same days as baseball, so we do as much as we can on those days, which makes it a long day, BUT on the other hand, that gives us two days a week where we have NOTHING to do. I try to even avoid errands on those days, so we can literally just stay home and relax.

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Too much!


Mon. - gymnastics

Tues- nothing (yeah)

Wed-art class

every other Thursday-homeschool group

1st Friday of the month-another hs group


We have piano every other Wed, but he comes to the house.

And, we are going to start taking a knitting class twice a month.

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My DS takes taekwondo classes from 4pm to 6pm Monday through Friday.


My DD is less interested in classes. She just finished a six week art class that met for 1 1/2 hours on Mondays. She'll have two weeks off and take a different art class on Thursday nights from 4pm to 6pm for six weeks. These two classes are the only extracurriculars she's done all year.


As a family, we go bowling every other Thursday for two hours. My husband and I bowl while the kids practice with a bowling coach...for free!

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Ours fluctuates with the season. Right now we are in high gear.


Monday- Swim & Gym class (both), track & field-dd

Tuesday- track & field (ds)

Wednesday - track & field (dd)

Thursday- track & field (ds)

Friday - horseback riding (both)

Saturday - tennis (both)

Sunday - track & field meets (this starts in mid-April)


There are various other field trips, errands, girl scouts, earth scouts, etc. during different weeks. Up until a week ago-there was very little on the schedule.

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