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Video from MALAYSIA school

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What's not to love about it? It looks wonderful! I do have one question, though...Can I come with you!!! Please!!!! Or at least visit? I promise to be a good guest. I'll pick up after myself and won't be any trouble at all.


Are you any closer to a decision yet? What an opportunity, but what a huge change for your family. Praying you will be given the guidance to make the right choice.

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My dd said, That looks like a mission trip video!

We used the same wonderful song for our kids' mission trip video a couple of years ago, so that's what we thought of.


It looks like a cool place. I particularly loved the banner--It's Not About You!



Let us know!

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The video makes it look like a lot of fun. Remember that boarding schools, not matter what country they are in, are a 24/7 job. Dh taught in boarding schools for 9 years. But, given that you would have a 2 or 3 year contract (we can do anything for that period of time) and the once in a lifetime opportunity of living in a country like Malaysia, I would lean heavily towards going.

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Is Malaysia a safe place to be right now? I thought it was a hot bed for terrorist activity? The video was amazing. It looks like a wonderful opportunity. I would just be worried about the political and religious climate.


It is no more dangerous than the U.S. from my research. It is technically a Muslim country but other religions flourish there as well.

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Here is a neat video from the school I am considering:




For those of you who are following this journey and praying for our decision...thank you! Watch this short video and tell me what you think!


It sounds like an incredible opportunity.


Have you ever heard of a book about Murree Christian School in Pakistan? Some folks at our old church were associated with it (as former students or as current teachers) and I remember the church library having a copy. It might be interesting food for thought.


Our family has made similar choices over the last few years to live abroad. I don't regret those choices. But there have also been some bumps along the way. If you go, be prepared for a certain amount of ugliness, especially once the adrenaline of the actual move and settling in wears off. Try not to hold it against people but to remember that everyone in the family will have given up a place of comfort in order to do the move.

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It sounds like an incredible opportunity.


Have you ever heard of a book about Murree Christian School in Pakistan? Some folks at our old church were associated with it (as former students or as current teachers) and I remember the church library having a copy. It might be interesting food for thought.


Our family has made similar choices over the last few years to live abroad. I don't regret those choices. But there have also been some bumps along the way. If you go, be prepared for a certain amount of ugliness, especially once the adrenaline of the actual move and settling in wears off. Try not to hold it against people but to remember that everyone in the family will have given up a place of comfort in order to do the move.


I have not heard of that book but I will look it up! Thank you for the thoughtful comments. I am already trying to picture our family just "living" over there...you know...after the excitement wears off. I am trying very hard to be realistic (although it IS exciting!).

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I have not heard of that book but I will look it up! Thank you for the thoughtful comments. I am already trying to picture our family just "living" over there...you know...after the excitement wears off. I am trying very hard to be realistic (although it IS exciting!).


You just have to keep working on that balance. For us is was the balance between being able to visit castles and battlefields and cathedrals but not being able to find a store selling bagels. I know it sounds trivial. But I kid you not, my MIL brought each kid a bag of bagels when she visited.


Here there is the oddest pull between wow, we're living in an exotic asian country, look at how cool it is and help, we're living in an exotic asian country and I have to point at the food models in the window in order to get lunch. :tongue_smilie:


And I can't explain why, but I fell more fear of messing up here. I don't know if it is because I don't speak Japanese or because so many families seem better integrated than I am, or because I've just forgotten what those first months felt like when we were overseas before.


All of which is just to say that there is enormous potential in this job. And extraordinary opportunities for stress. So look forward for the one while looking out for the other.

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