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Anyone else excited about the Cincinnati convention? :)

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I'm getting crazy excited!!!!!!!!!!! So who all is going? And has Sandy talked with SWB yet about a WTM board get together? Has she (Sandy) gotten a room?


I was look at the vendor hall layout, and they have it PACKED, absolutely packed!!! And with those 8' aisles, I'm not sure how I'm getting by with my stroller! Can't carry him in the sling that much, lol!

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CANNOT WAIT! I've been excited to go since *last *year! It was such a good conference.


My big problem is that I want to spend a lot of time looking at curriculum *and* going to talks ... I'm glad there are some speakers I heard last year that I have no intention of seeing again, so that cut down some topics for me ... I'm just gonna have to buy/skip some talks.

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Waaahhhhh!!!! I'm not sure that I'm going to get to go!!!!! I may be able to squeeze in a Thursday evening or sometime on Friday if I can get everyone's schedule to work just right. I really want to go as there are a couple of things I still need to pick up for next year. I don't think there's any way I'm going to get to hear any speakers, though.....

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Me, me!!! :thumbup:


I've never been to a big convention before. I can't believe all of the speakers. I'd like to get in as many of Susan's workshops as possible, but there are a lot of other speakers that look good as well! And then there's the convention hall. When do I sleep?


I do hope we can all get together with Susan. I'd love to meet some fellow hive members!

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Ohio12, if you were to drive JUST TO HEAR SWB for her "Homeschooling the 2nd time" talk, the one she gives the opening night, Thursday at 5 pm, and then you drove back home, I guarantee you your drive would have been worthwhile! That talk alone is worth the drive. But wait, you could spend the night (I found a hotel a few minutes away that is much cheaper), and you could go to all her talks Friday on writing. If you look at the schedule for her lectures, her talks that would apply to you are Thurs. night and Friday. The ones Saturday are on high school writing, lit analysis, and working independently, not exactly what you need just yet. :)


So I suggest you drive down for Thursday night and stay for Friday. You'll be SO glad you did! Besides, the wtm board get-together is usually Friday. :)


PS. The vendor hall is going to be huge and jam-packed. I think it's going to take some serious time to get through it! I can't believe those 8' aisles they have planned. That still blows my mind.

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Yes, Sandy is excited. Yes, Sandy has *attempted* to contact SWB about a "board meeting" (but hasn't gotten a response). Yes, Sandy has a room (same place as last year).


Whew! Sandy hates talking in 3rd person! :D


I am excited about going....just getting away from the norm, hearing wonderful speakers, gazing at all that lovely curriculum (even though I don't really need anything).


So, ladies, take a look at the schedule on Friday and see what time you think would be good for our meeting. PM me. I'll contact Mr. Dean and see if we can have a room.

Edited by Sandy in Indy
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Oh Sandy, you're too sweet! And here I was worried I wouldn't get to go to the bathroom even. :)


SWB is speaking at 1 and again at 4 on Friday. I assumed we would meet inbetween that. Later and it's supper, earlier is too early. Inbetween is just right. :)


And yes, my little chart is here, filled in already with the SWB talks I want to attend and the Little Bear talks dd wants to hear. Between those, it's going to be hard to squeeze in the vendor hall! She's psyched, even picking out historical costumes to wear. If you see someone walking around in a colonial costume, you'll know who it is... ;)

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Ohio12, if you were to drive JUST TO HEAR SWB for her "Homeschooling the 2nd time" talk, the one she gives the opening night, Thursday at 5 pm, and then you drove back home, I guarantee you your drive would have been worthwhile! That talk alone is worth the drive. But wait, you could spend the night (I found a hotel a few minutes away that is much cheaper), and you could go to all her talks Friday on writing. If you look at the schedule for her lectures, her talks that would apply to you are Thurs. night and Friday. The ones Saturday are on high school writing, lit analysis, and working independently, not exactly what you need just yet. :)


So I suggest you drive down for Thursday night and stay for Friday. You'll be SO glad you did! Besides, the wtm board get-together is usually Friday. :)


PS. The vendor hall is going to be huge and jam-packed. I think it's going to take some serious time to get through it! I can't believe those 8' aisles they have planned. That still blows my mind.


Thanks I needed some direction!

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Here I am. :001_smile:


Haven't seen a message from you, Sandy, so it hasn't gotten through (where did you send it)? Where do you guys want to meet up?




I sent it through PHP (I think!).


Tell us what will work well in your schedule and I'll see if Mr. Dean will find us a space. We had such a lovely time talking with Jessie last year, and I know we're looking forward to meeting you again.


Thanks...I know you're more than busy!

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I'm excited!! A friend and I are going on Friday (church commitments on Saturday). Never been and can't WAIT to go. I'm going to shop, shop, shop!! So OHElizabeth...if I see a little girl in colonial dress...and a little boy in a stroller, I'll know it's you!

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I e-mailed a friend tonight to see if she might be able to pull off a quick overnight trip. I'd much prefer company on the road. She is going to talk to her dh! Exciting! Now to talk to my Mom about keeping my girls. Oooh... I'm starting to think it could happen.

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  • 3 years later...

I'll be there! Last year I just got a shopping pass and my mom and son browsed around too. Then we hit the aquarium and Creation Museum. My avatar photo is of ds and me at the Newport Pier on the Ohio River last year. This time I'm coming alone for the whole thing. I will be there for the talks and I want to meet up with y'all. I'm excited.

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I missed this thread as well. We are coming from PA for the first time. I would love to meet up with some of you wonderful ladies who have inspired me and given me such great advice over the years! I am so excited!!!!


I also missed this thread the first time and would love to meet up as well (if I have a brain left by Friday noon.)

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I would love to meet up. I'll be there all three days, I think, and will meet whenever you guys decide. I can't wait!


Is the schedule up yet? I registered and paid online for the early bird tickets. Do they come in the mail or do I print that out? Are there any printables for planning your trip and schedule?

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I would love to meet up. I'll be there all three days, I think, and will meet whenever you guys decide. I can't wait!


Is the schedule up yet? I registered and paid online for the early bird tickets. Do they come in the mail or do I print that out? Are there any printables for planning your trip and schedule?

You should have received a confirmation email. It says:

PLEASE NOTE: In order to keep registration pricing as affordable as possible, nothing is mailed to your address. Instead, when you arrive at the convention, you will simply proceed to the Registration Desk and present a Photo ID or a copy of this confirmation email in order to pick up your Registration Packet.
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I.am.so.excited:001_smile: my posse and I are driving down from Wisconsin. (OK, so 'posse' is probably not the best term for a late 30-something homeschooling mom to use when referring to her friends, but you know what... It doesn't matter because we are going on a road trip!!!).


Side note, I think I really need to get out of the house (sheepish grin)

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