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How do I do this? (Moving/packing question)

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In my mind it seems easy enough but when faced with an open, empty box- the task seems impossible!


I have to pack the kids & I to live with my parents and I keep hitting a HUGE wall of indecision of what is worth having at my parents' house with us and what needs to go to storage. Esp. of our personal items!


Should I put aside a week's worth of clothing and all the absolute essentials we need and pack the rest?


I think it's the realization that our lives are about to dramatically change and I don't want the kids to suffer in any way, while I think about what toys and books to take to my parents and what to store...


I don't even know if I need advice other than a good ol'fashioned kick in the butt to get started. I know I want to write a list of what is in each box so that when it IS in storage, I know what we have and where it is.


Oh, we're more than likely moving at the end of this month. :scared: Depending on my job situation...

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I would just pack the absolute essentials. I know how you feel. Every time we've ever moved, I've always gone through a "overwhelmed/frozen" period before I could actually get down to work.


Do you have a friend that could come and help you? I have a friend who is good at doing this and knows I won't start until she's there. After she gets me started, I can usually get down to it and finish by myself. :001_smile:

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Should I put aside a week's worth of clothing and all the absolute essentials we need and pack the rest?




Sounds like a plan. :001_smile:


I imagine this will be hard on the kids, so why not let them each pick two or three special non-essential items to bring with them?


Good luck, Jessica. :grouphug:

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I think you should not worry too much about the kids not having all their stuff. It will be new and exciting for them to be at your parent house. Think of it like an extended holiday and just pack the essentials.


The worst thing that can happen is that you have to go back to the storage company to find something that you really need and can't easily repace. I'm sure it won't come to that though.

Good luck!


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I tried going from room to room packing non-essentials, but it never looked like I was getting anywhere. Stuck in mud, I was. It wasn't until I started with a room and stayed there until it was completely packed that we saw results. Moving is so stressful! :grouphug:



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I think it's the realization that our lives are about to dramatically change and I don't want the kids to suffer in any way, while I think about what toys and books to take to my parents and what to store...




Try to view this as a camping adventure, for the kids' sake. Kids can weather so much if they have a brave grown up whistling a happy tune.

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I think that's what I'll do. I'll go through each room deciding on the essentials and put them in one place (I have an empty spare bedroom right now) and then once the essentials have been taken out, I'll pack the rest making the decision (keep, toss, donate).


Now to DO it. Sigh. Thanks ladies for the help and commiserating.

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We have moved many times, including into a travel trailer while a house was being built, so I do have some experience with this. Estimate how long you think you will be staying and then add some time to that. Then pack the school books you will need during that time. As far as clothes are concerned, be aware of the changing seasons where your parents are at. You will be able to take less clothes that the kids because adults seem to handle weather change better. If it is going to start warming up, but still cool, have at least 1 week of warm and 1 week of cool clothes-that way you only have to wash once a week.


As far as toys, take the well loved, can't miss toys and store the rest-they always see it as Christmas when those toys come back to them out of storage.


I agree with your plan to label boxes, maybe not down to the last utensil name, but pack according to room so when you unload you know which room to take it to immediately. Also when placing in storage, keep boxes of the same room together so you can find something if you really need it. I recommend starting with your own room, then non-essential rooms such as dining room, living room (particularly if you have things on the walls or knick knacks-these go first), then kitchen-non essentials, leaving enough silverware and plates to eat or go plastic/paper, bathroom and lastly kids rooms. They do not get stressed as much when their things are still in place.


Know that no matter how long you stay, you will still accumulate things and will have access to your others, so prepare well for the kids and the other things will usually work out in the end. Best of luck with your move and whatever the future may hold for you.

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Last time we moved, we lived in an extended stay hotel for 3 months while house hunting.

I packed a suitcase for each of us, a bathroom bag, and all school books we woudl need and then a few comfort kind of things for each of the kids.

Eventually our moving truck caught up with us and I made sure the dressers with the next season clothes ended up in front. We did transition from snow pants and boots to swim suits while at the hotel!


LIfe was an adventure for a while and the kids did well with very little toys and such. Your kids probably already have a few things at Grandma's house.


We did have professional movers pack and move us that time, but in the past when I have moved I always start with the walls, knick knacks and such. My sewing room, the cupboards with the extra dishes and such next.


Utitilize your guest bedroom..have suitcases or boxes open for each of you and just take it one goal at a time. Moving is overwhelming in the best of circumstances.



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Start with the pretty things around the house. The decorative and ornamental.

Once you have done that pack the useful but only infrequently items.

By then you will have cleared a lot and things will be clearer. Then start sorting through the more used items.


Pack up the absolutely NONessential for storage. As you do so, things you will need will come to mind, and you can keep a little notepad in your pocket or nearby for making that list. Out-of-season clothes and extra linens are among my first-pack things, too, as are those rarely used but must have kitchen gadgets.


Put some of your favorite, upbeat music on, turn it up comfortably loud, sing while you pack. It goes quicker and you will fret less.


As for the kids and toys, maybe you could ask each of them to fill a small box with what's important to them?


:grouphug: Jessica. And a little kick, too. Just getting a couple of boxes packed will give you a sense of accomplishment, so do whatever it takes to get that first one or two filled, labeled and sealed!

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We just finally sold our house after being on the market for over a year and are headed into a similar situation. We're moving into my father-in-laws house. I'll only be taking our personal items and everything else goes into storage. My plan for my son is to get 2 large storage totes and have him decide which of this things he wants to take. I'll probably get one tote for homeschool materials and one tote for each my husband and myself for our personal items. Everything else will be sold/donated before the move or put into storage.

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I have been through this and it is so hard. I left with the our clothes that we could fit in one suitcase each as I was flying from Germany to the states. It was three months before I could move from staying with family to a hotel and then out of a hotel and into a studio apartment. We managed just fine, including the kids. We weren't homeschooling at the time so that was not a concern.


I eventually got the kids stuff (toys, games and such) and the books. That's it. No furniture, household supplies, bedding, anything. You will be surprised what you can do without. I would pack the clothes that you need for two weeks. Since you are going into warm weather I would pack Pants or skirts, lightweight shirts and a few light jackets or sweaters. Shoes, socks and undies of course. Let the kids pick a few very special toys and then get any essential (but bare minimum) school books and supplies. Takes any items that are important keepsakes and family pictures. Your computer if you own one.


Put everything else that you get into storage. Pack the least essential items at the back of the unit and things that you think you might need at the front of the unit so you can access it if need be. This is hard but it can be done and I believe that you have the strength to do it. :grouphug:

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When we moved this time (to Scotland) we had six suitcases and everything else went into the container (which we didn't see for four months). Each person had a suitcase for clothes. We also had one case for favourite books/toys and one for homeschool stuff. If we had been able to, I would have added another suitcase of children's things, but actually we did fine with what we had plus use of the library.


Best of luck



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I do have a tip for your boxes. I have moved 4 times and I've done it myself and I've had movers do the moving. The last time we moved I got real smart about the boxes. See, they (and I) just wrote with a black marker what room it went in and a general description of what was in the box. This is better than nothing but here is another idea:


I got a stack of colored 5x7 notecards.

I assigned each room in the new house a color card. Pink for my daughter, blue for the boys room, green for the living room, etc.

This way, I didn't have to read anything as the boxes were unloaded, I just knew by color (and the kids could help too even though they weren't reading). I put a matching card on the door when we got there. Everyone knew the boxes with pink cards went in the room with the pink card.


As I was packing I also placed a star on the box(es) that I packed last in each room (these will probably be the boxes you will need FIRST when you get there).


This made it MUCH easier. Good luck!

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I do have a tip for your boxes. I have moved 4 times and I've done it myself and I've had movers do the moving. The last time we moved I got real smart about the boxes. See, they (and I) just wrote with a black marker what room it went in and a general description of what was in the box. This is better than nothing but here is another idea:


I got a stack of colored 5x7 notecards.

I assigned each room in the new house a color card. Pink for my daughter, blue for the boys room, green for the living room, etc.

This way, I didn't have to read anything as the boxes were unloaded, I just knew by color (and the kids could help too even though they weren't reading). I put a matching card on the door when we got there. Everyone knew the boxes with pink cards went in the room with the pink card.


As I was packing I also placed a star on the box(es) that I packed last in each room (these will probably be the boxes you will need FIRST when you get there).


This made it MUCH easier. Good luck!

I used little sticker dots the same way. It works really well. Just make sure you label them for where they are likely to go rather than where they came from.

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First off you have to figure out how much space you realistically have to live in and what you will need in that space. If it doesn't fit into that space put it in storage.


I lived with my parents and 3 kids a couple of years ago (reconciled with dh, though) and just took enough to live for a week. We had 1 larger room in the basement and we slept on air mattresses. We had 1 dresser and 1 tv. I knew I didn't need to worry about cooking and there wasn't room for anything else.


I took most of the clothes that they and I wore on a regular basis, a couple of well loved toys and books, school books and my laptop :) and that was really all I had room for. Dh kept some because we knew the kids would be going back and forth between us.


It got to the point very quickly where I realized how little I really needed and when we reconciled I ended up declutting most of the stuff that I had left because it was very unnecessary.



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