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Summer Curriculum?


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Do you have a lighter load in the Summer? Do you do something completely different than during the school year? Do you stop completely for the Summer?


I think we're going to spend the summer playing math/L.A. reinforcement games, going on lots of field trips, and using the KONOS program a lot. Any other ideas?

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well for this summer we will continue what we are doing. My son officially starts K in the fall. My plan is to finish anything that does get finished in the school yr during the summer(We usually finish early so this is unlikely to happen) I plan on having specific curriculum just for the summer. Here are some of my ideas so far: Math:Singapore Challenging word problems (we use MUS and Horizons during the school yr), Miquon, Zome Math lesson plans, K'nex Elementary Math, Mathematical Reasoning from Critical thinking co.LA: G.U.M. Drops, Reading various books, Draw Write Now, I'd like to do some economics type stuff during the summer like how to be an entrepreneurial kid, financial peace jr. We'll do some kind of science kits too. I may through in some Critical thinking books. So there is a lot but a little different than what we do during the school yr.

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We started WP AS2 in December... so, we will try to finish this summer in order to move into the next theme by fall. Of course, I have had grand plans for schooling all year round for the past 3 years... but, they are nothing but good intentions...


Other plans include possible increased work hours, a very large garden, trips, etc. so where do you fit school in anyway?

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At that age, we just kept going, which for us was tons of read alouds and time for crafts. Your dc are young, so have fun!


Now we do May Term, which is taking the month of May to hit some subject we miss because of being busy during the school year. Then we typically take a month off and begin our new grade formally, with box day and everything, in July. Summer ends up lighter that way because we'll usually ramp up then. That way we're going full-tilt by the end of August or September. And I usually have short term goals for each term (May Term, summer term, fall semester, winter semester).

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My kids are signed up for zoo camps this summer again. We are also planning lots of camping and maybe a drive to FL to see the family and camp at the beach. The kids have also insisted they will go to the Ren. Fair often, and we will be getting to the Renaissance in history at about the same time so I see no reason to drop a favorite subject.


We do math year round. Like others, it only took one summer off to learn my lesson. We also read and require reading year round. I have some science units planned for the summer themed around our camping and other outdoor activities - there are many local geologically exciting areas.


I kinda school year round, but summers are more relaxed although there is no summer fun any day until the math is done.

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We did a summer curriculum last year, and I thought it went really well, so we're doing something similar this year.


Special stuff that's only done in summer:

1. Life of Fred Decimals/Percents (schoolyear is Singapore)

2. German grammar book (schoolyear they go to a Sat. School)

3. I'm thinking of doing a unit on Human Body/Health

4. Keeping a writer's notebook (although hopefully this will continue in the fall)


Stuff that continues from schoolyear:

1. weekly "Homework" packets - mostly critical thinking and supplementary stuff - I may make these biweekly for the summer if it looks like they're overloaded

2. I'm thinking of continuing the Spanish program we've been doing, but maybe only doing it biweekly

3. Daily instrument practice

4. History (but this is mostly just reading, and read-alouds at bedtime - I forget it's part of "school")


Last year we did pretty much that, except it was the LOF Fractions book, and we didn't have the science unit or the Spanish. I still felt like I got the summer off, because none of the other stuff requires me to teach it. The two things I'm adding do, so we'll see how that goes...


Our extracurricular activites - coops and classes - don't take place during the summer, so that's a big difference. We usually do swimming, though, but I schedule it first thing in the morning so it doesn't impact our days.

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In the summer, we will finish up any curricula that we have not finished during the school year. We will have quite a bit to finish since we started with Calvert for 8 weeks and then dumped it. That leaves us "behind" in a lot of subjects for my 4th grader. This summer, he will be working on English, writing, math, a bit of Science, and handwriting.


My younger son is working in his 1st grade studies and he really just transitioned in December...so he will keep doing reading/phonics, math reviews and drills (addition practice), and maybe handwriting.

Edited by Tree House Academy
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Last year we did no school at all, and it was a nightmare. Complete chaos, total lack of structure (we don't have much to begin with). So, this year, I am going to do k-12 LA & reading every day, and Apologia Elem Zoology a few times a week. Might add other stuff in. Not our total regular schedule, but school daily.

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We will continue with math and Latin (which we will have just started). DD will be finishing up the ETC series around June, and I figure the summer reading program at the library will be the focus of our LA through the summer. I'm hoping to fit in a week of camp at the natural history museum for both kids, and maybe a week of sports camp for DD. Science will be easy to fit in, since we will have lots of time at museums and outdoors. Now that dd loves history, I imagine I will have to fit some of that in as well:001_smile:

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If you like Harry Potter, I think these ideas look fun (yahoo groups):


Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School

Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School: Care of Magical Creatures: Fairies

Hogwarts Summer Correspondence School: Care of Magical Creatures: Dragons


You need to join the yahoo groups for each of these to access the files. The main one is a 2-week program that you pull together, then you can 'surprise' your kids w/ the activities for correspondence school.


ETA: A couple of summers ago, we did a week-long camp at home (w/ friends) based on projects in the Amazing Leonardo da Vinci Projects You Can Make Yourself. We had a great time learning about him & it was really fun.

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We go year round, but lighten up in the summer and switch to a four day week. We're excited that this year our schedule is going to allow us to attend a local homeschool park day.



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We'll be doing daily Kumon math packets (classes 2 days a week), We'll only take 1 month off from this. Piano and violin classes once a week, daily practice. Lot's of Waldorf crafts i.e. sewing little fairies, felting, bees wax. Pimsleur french cds in the car, as well as books on cd. Lots of reading and finishing our nature journals. Oh.. and finish up Artistic Pursuits!

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:001_smile: I plan to do a full load of studies with my dss, this summer. I want them to be able to finish school yearlier than standard age. Then, I hope they'll do college at home and earn some credits toward their college enrollment.

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So far I'm thinking some cooking and home ec. for dd -- maybe even invite some of her friends over to make muffins or bread. Ds needs to finish learning to type and get into the habit of using the cursive he knows. Maybe a little Greek to keep it fresh and maybe some Latin too. There has been a summer boys' book club the last 2 years, and I hope ds will have that again. Otherwise, I am thinking of a break from most everything else for June & July (at least 6 weeks) -- we'll also have tennis camp, a trip to see relatives, etc. :)

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This year I want to keep up on math, reading, and piano. The past two summers I've done unit studies on a subject of their choosing for 3-4 weeks. Last year was airplanes, year before was trains. We may be moving this summer though, so I'm thinking this year will be housecleaning! We won't finish until the middle of June anyway at the rate we're going and I want to start "regular school" again July 20 so I can take more time off during the year ahead.

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We'll continue with math and reading. I don't have to do much about the reading, just let them read and they love it. math on the other hand I have to teach--we'll try to do 3 days/week at least, but this summer will be busy so I'll basically do math whenever we can! Also continue instrument practice and lessons. i've thought about adding those summer fun workbooks and assign a couple pages per day. they look painless and will at least keep my kids fresh. but on the other hand they do look boring so maybe we won't do that so much! i think i'm looking forward to the break as much as if not more than they are so we may just end up vegging for a while!

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