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What are YOUR priorities?

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"Unit, Corp, God, Country"...I heard that on "A Few Good Men" on TBS (which I watched for the 800th time...can you say insomnia?)


It got me thinking...so here's the deal: what are YOUR top five priorities in order from 1 to 5? Where does your family, marriage, God, career, hobbies, country, etc. etc. fall in relation to one another?


And finally, once you come up with your top 5 in order, does your list reflect your real life? Time to 'fess up ladies(and gents)!! :D

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Considering the way my house looks right now, I can tell you my priorities are not:


1. Laundry

2. Dishes

3. Tidying up

4. Vacuuming

5. Meal Planning


And, considering I'm on this computer, it must be my #1 priority at the moment to escape from doing those 5 things I don't want to do!



My priorities are:


1. Family

2. Relationship with God

3. Education

4. Sports (although this could go under family?)

5. Household duties, and all that entails.

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What I want my priorities to be?


This is too hard. First I feel that if my relationship with Christ isn't right, nothing will be right. Next, my children's walk with Christ. I think my children will benefit from their parent's healthy marriage. I'm more worried about their happiness than their education, but education is important. Good habits are important.


I can't concentrate on anything if the house isn't clean and kept up. Chores before school around here. And for me, a healthy, happy mommy has time to be outside.

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Well, never having considered this before, here is my stab:


1) self

2) family (which entails career, because I am the breadwinner)

3) culture

4) species

5) planet


On another day, I might reverse the order.


Mine would be something similar

1) family

2) community

3) global community

4) earth

5) hmmmm?

There are items that fall within one or more of those categories - for instance, taking care of my family also involves taking care of myself, which also includes spiritual development and education, education would fall into all of those - so the aren't listed separately.

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In my heart, mine are:


1. God

2. Husband

3. Children

4. Others

5. Self


I don't give the Lord the time I should, but I am pretty good at keeping my husband and my kids loved up and cared for. I try to serve others at church and in my community with 4-H leadership, teaching SS and VBS, serving on the Outreach Team and giving to charity. I feel so spoiled and blessed just being able to be a part of this family ( mine specifically and God's in general ) that my "self" gets fed just from that, but I do make sure I get to ride my horses once in a while and I get a lot of satisfaction from working on the farm.

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In my mind, they are:


1) Self development/health/spirituality

2) Family

3) Work (homeschooling/homemaking)

4) Friends



After that, I don't have any.

I just want to be the best me I can be, and show love and care while I do it.

I am imperfect, though, and am learning to be gentler with myself and thereby am gentler with others and their failings. I evaluate where I am vs. where I want to be at every new year, and set achievable goals regularly. They usually involve doing things that will bring longer-term joy, rather than short-term pleasure.

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1. God

2. Husband

3. Son

4. Homeschool/Housework

5. Extended Family


I STRUGGLE to keep God first as hubby and son are physically present and their needs seem most urgent and easiest to fulfill but always find that if I keep putting them first I get burnt out and testy quicker than when I am serving and being refreshed by Him.

it is also a struggle at times for my husband and I to keep from letting our son and his teenage needs/demands crowd out our time together.

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My ideal:


1. God

2. My family

3. My friends

4. Global needs (AIDS, malaria, clean drinking water, etc.)

5. My country


This is very oversimplified. I do feel that if God truly my number one priority, then the other things will naturally be right. Also, a lot gets tied up with family - homeschooling, homekeeping, etc., Plus prioritizing my children means teaching them abouttheir responsibilities with regart to 1,3,4 and 5.


They're all wound up together and I'm not sure how to separate one from another, truth be told.

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Let's see:


1. God

2. Family (Husband and kids which includes homesschooling)

3. Friends and Extended Family

4. Service

5. Home and responsibilities


I think I fail on the amount of time ( and possibly quality) I spend with my dh. I think sometimes he gets the raw end of the deal or me at my most exhausted - the end of the day.


I also put my home before I put friends and service. I am working hard to keep what matters most and is long lasting (silver and gold vs wood, stubble and hay)as a priority.

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I am a bit confused. When I read the OP I thought she was asking the question in a way to mean..what would you die for? What would you give your life for? Go to Jail for?? THAT type of priority. But some of the answers do really reflect that. Could you clarify what you mean by priority?


For me (the give my life for priorities)

1. My Children

2. My husband

3. My family

4. My community

5. My Country


Well, I think Chocolate and a good book might rate up there pretty high too! :D (just kidding) (maybe) :D

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I am a bit confused. When I read the OP I thought she was asking the question in a way to mean..what would you die for? What would you give your life for? Go to Jail for?? THAT type of priority. But some of the answers do really reflect that. Could you clarify what you mean by priority?


For me (the give my life for priorities)

1. My Children

2. My husband

3. My family

4. My community

5. My Country


Well, I think Chocolate and a good book might rate up there pretty high too! :D (just kidding) (maybe) :D


No, I wasn't specifically speaking of what would you die for. Just what order your priorities fall in...in theory and in reality.


In theory my priorities are:


1. God

2. Family

3. Church

4. Career

5. Hobbies


But my reality is that family concerns and job stress often lead me to drop God and church farther down the list. If I have a really busy day what is the first to go? Often it is my time alone with God. Too often. Embarrassingly often. So the reality of my priorities is what I am thinking about and how that needs to change.

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1. My relationship with Christ

2. My relationship with my dh

3. My relationship with my children and parenting them

4. My own mental and physical health (I've moved this one up lately because if I'm dragging, I *cannot* serve others and love them in the best way possible. My wants and even many of my needs do NOT always fall above #5, though.)

5. Looking for where God is pointing me to serve in the world and at church

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