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What do you do in your free time?

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Good question. Whenever I get free time I don't really know what to do with it anymore....


Here's what I end up doing, but there are other things I wish I would do instead.


Really do:

Read a book

Watch a movie

Play a computer game


Wish I would do:

Make a walking stick

Write stories or poems


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Sit here, you silly goose:D!



Sewing a little project is something I enjoy if the kids will let me. They always want to help, and then it becomes more like school, and less like down time for me.:001_huh:


I love to cook, when I can, again, do it alone :001_smile:



I really do like my kids, it just isn't downtime for me if I am teaching them along the way.

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Play on the computer (lol)

Exercise (don't like that one necessarily, but I do it)


Chat w/ my dh

Go to the movies

Go to Starbucks

Meet a friend

Talk on the phone to my sister

Watch the birds in the backyard

Sit & think (in silence -- no radios or tv or ...)

Pet the cats

Try to spend a few minutes decluttering

Go for a drive (I love driving) w/ my favorite cds in the car

Send a note or silly card to a friend

Hang out w/ my mom

One in awhile -- go shopping (clothes, shoes, or makeup)

Research even more hs curriculum choices (haha -- don't we all do this one?)


I'd like to take a class of some sort -- maybe an art class of some sort, or beginner tennis or another language or ...

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I read and knit. I enjoy cooking, too, so that's not really a chore for me. I enjoy sewing as well, but don't have a place right now to set up my machines.


Things I'd like to do:


Take a knitting class/learn a new technique

Take a sewing class/learn a new technique

Learn how to play chess

Go to a movie - and see something I want to see

Spend an afternoon in a book store

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I practice my tai chi, I sing with my local choirsters (two nights/week), I meditate, I practice yoga, and I read. But I never really feel like I have free time because I never do as much of those things as I would like. For example, today I practiced yoga and meditation but never got to my tai chi practice and I didn't read any of "War and Peace."


Things I wish I would do: practice piano, learn knitting, practice guitar. Those things RARELY happen these days.


What is this "free time" of which you speak? :glare:



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I'm sure some of you have very little!

Michelle T

When I read the title of your post, I ask myself, "What free time? Do I have free time?":)


But when I do have some free time, I:


Read magazines, usually cooking/health related, when I need to unwind

Read books, when I want to educate myself

Come here, when I need ideas

Crochet, when I have some emotion to work through (usually hs related)

Bake, when I feel like giving dh and ds a treat

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Right now it is the end of summer holidays here, and I have suddenly become absolutely crazy about fermented drinks and foods. I have made real ginger beer, grape cooler, apple cider, sauerkraut, baked capsicum pickle and lots of kefir. Oh, and I have a big jar of mead brewing away too. The book Nourishing Traditions has been my main inspiration but I have also joined lots of Yahoo groups on the topic.


Other than that, I play on the computer, read, go for walks, and play on the computer some more.

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This has been an issue with me right now. I am finding myself with more free time as my kids have gotten older. My problem is that I don't know what to do with my free time. I exercise but I don't consider that an enjoyable use of my time. I read and I enjoy that but that is all I do.


I wish I could do something creative. I just haven't found any thing that I am good at plus find pleasure in. My identity crisis continues. :001_huh:

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Things I do daily, or very nearly:


practice yoga (more than I used to)

read (again, more often)

computer time on these boards and facebook (less than I used to)

walk with the kids and have a little tea time


Things I do weekly, or when I get the chance (planning on developing more real intention to do these things):


knit or make something (draw, write, cook, scrapbook etc.)


I am also kicking myself much less when I don't get around to doing any of these things. Anything I am doing to develop the habits I find pleasing, is pleasing to me.

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Because my sons are older, I find I have lots more free time. It is an amazing thing after years of involved homeschool mommy duty. Having drivers in the family and especially ones involved in outside classes and regular sports practices means I have lots more time to myself.


At first it was odd. What exactly am I supposed to do now, I thought. Clean house? Ugh. No way. ;)


I'm a passionate gardener. In the spring and summer, gardening takes up enough time to become a part time job. I love it.


I also write (hopefully will be my new career post homeschooling) and blog.


Quilting and sewing are old pleasures I've recently renewed. It is fun to have a machine and craft area all set up.


My dh and I recently took a stained glass class and loved it. We are gathering our pennies for the purchase of needed equipment.


Dh and I enjoy long fitness walks in our neighborhood and longer hikes at a nearby nature center.


Reading is an always and forever pastime. Who could live without reading?

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I like to read, write on our blog, learn German (to speak to my German nieces), take long baths, look on the WTM boards and blogs, listen to Rachmaninov, Sibelius and other romantic types, swim and knit. Most of all I like to curl up with my husband when he isn't working.

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