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Surgery #2 today

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My 15yo son is going back in to surgery today. They placed screws and rods and donor bone into his back last Monday. Then Friday we were told that one of the screws was too long and was sticking out the front near a blood vessel. Today they are replacing that screw.


The disturbing side is that we were not told this was even a possibility, and my son was really upbeat and working hard to be ready to go home on Saturday. He's really lost his push and is quite blue today...not a good way to go into surgery.


Prayers are coveted--suppose to go into surgery around 2:00. Thanks.



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I'm so sorry Jean; I hope that comfort is your soon. Please know that we are lifting you all up in prayer.


...and I am sorry that I can't do anything to ease your burden - cook you a meal, buy you a warm cup of tea, just let you talk/share/sigh/what EVER!


But please know that we are praying!

I am so sorry! I am hoping that all will go REALLY well this time.


With Love,


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It went faster than expected and went well.


Now we can go back to recovering and working on getting home. Thanks, guys! It is so good to have support here :)




Hurray! I hope everything is smooth sailing from this point...prayers for a quick recovery and consequently a speedy trip home.



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Praying for a complete recovery, strength, and comfort for your son, you and your family.


Like Janice, I wish I could cook a meal for you but since I am in Florida that is not possible. However, I can pray.


Thanks for all you have given to us on this board.


May God's peace be with you.



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