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Brag post

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I thought it would be nice for us all to take a moment to brag about something our children did recently no matter how small. I find when I stop and think about those little things they do it really helps me over come any down feelings I am having about how I am raising them.


I'll start with baby girl, at only 15 months I find her amazing. Very verbal already, follows directions, wants to "do" school so she has tot school, and today started potty training on her own, by running to the bathroom door yelling "mom, PEE!" right after she uses her diaper. She sits on her little potty says "done" then carries her potty to the big toilet. Finny thing is we havenot used that potty since she was tiny, we used to use EC with her, but I had to stop when she was 8 months old. Guess she remembers using it. After so many "difficult" children I am amazed at what a bright normal child is like, especially one that was premature, corrected age is just turned 14 months.


Ds5 Learned how to write dog today. He was at Auntie's house this am, and copied out the word dog then drew a picture of one to go with it. Why is this amazing? because this child is apparently allergic to anything that involves writing, colouring etc and he did both on his own.


DD9 Amazed me yesterday, normally her and I butt heads like crazy from morning till night. Yesterday am she woke up before me, got dressed for the day, did her grammar then laid out clothes for both of her brothers. ALl this before 8 am when I woke up. SHe is growing into a such a mature young lady, but mostly still little girl kwim.


DS10 Got his promotion at Cadets last week. He had to write an exam, which for him is a big deal, he has anxiety disorder and writing a test in a group of people is hard for him(Like when he used to do them in school it triggered a full blown meltdown). He wrote it, and did well enough to be promoted from a New Entry to an Ordinary Cadet. Those with kids in cadets know that this first promotion isn't hard to get, but for me I am over the moon excited for him. This is the child that at age 5 I was told would never succeed at anything, that I should make literate and leave be, that I should think about institutionalizing. He is now an OC and has been asked to try out for the drill team.


Okay your turn. What can you brag about your son(s) or daughter(s)? What have they done in the last week or so that makes you beam and realize you are on the right track raising them?

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DS3 - Cleaned up all the toys in the house, without me having to "bug" him about it. I was so proud of him. Today he helped me make bread and he measured everything out, helped stir and then rinsed all of the dishes. Told me that God had made a "perfect" day yesterday and that he loved me.


DD1 - moved to a big girl bed and is doing great in it. Also, learning all her different body parts - eyes, ears, nose, toes, hands, tummy and her favorite: tongue.


My babies are such a blessing to me.


ETA: I think it's a great idea to often reflect on the good things our kids are doing.

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I was at Trader Joes last week with dd4. We were in the produce section looking at some lettuce. Dd4 says "ooooh, Mommy, look, they have SPINACH here! I LOVE spinach!" The lady shopping next to us raised her eyebrows. Then dd went on: "Mommy, spinach is good for you. It makes you healthy. Mmm hmm. Yup."




And dd2 is doing so well now with her OT that at her latest evaluation she tested at or above her age level on all of the areas we were working on I'm beyond thrilled!

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Dd6 - She has been amazing me at how well she can memorize things. She is doing awesome with addition facts (and loves flash cards!) and she learned to say all the books of the New Testament this week (without the song!). I am very proud of her.


Ds1 - He doesn't have a huge vocabulary yet, but he figures out ways to communicate his needs. This week he started making a clicking sound to ask for milk. Dh says he's trying to make the "k" sound.


I love my kiddos!:D

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Dd6 - She has been amazing me at how well she can memorize things. She is doing awesome with addition facts (and loves flash cards!) and she learned to say all the books of the New Testament this week (without the song!). I am very proud of her.


Hey, I know this is off topic, but tell me that I can get a copy of this song?! I wasn't sure one existed, but have been wanting to find one! Where did you find it? Ladies, help me out here! Is there one for just the New Testament, or is there one for the Old Testament, too? One with all of them in it?


Can someone PM me? Please?

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Calvin: A* (A+) in his public biology exam - we got the results today. He's proud of his achievement, but is behaving sensibly and modestly.


Hobbes: we recently had a family with a rambunctious 3yo for lunch. Hobbes entertained the little boy for close to three hours, resulting in, to the parents amazement, the child starting to use the word 'yours' with grace.



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19yodd made dinner 3 times this past week for the family!


17yodd wants to pay for sibling to go to winter camp


15yods got an amazing 1st report card for high school


14yodd spent 2 days laughing with me over anything and everything - we just had fun goofing off together


12yods does homework all the time without being asked or reminded and got a great report card, he's very independent


11yods has been doubling up on lots of lessons homeschooling here at home with me and has a goal of finishing for the year in June (July has been the pace he's been going at)


11yods had a birthday where he only received pants, shirt, hat and he said they were wonderful gifts that he just loves... a couple of siblings of his get major gifts from members of a "different" side of the family that don't buy for the other children (like nintendo ds and multiple games and expensive name brand clothing and shoes) and I wondered if this son would feel sad or disappointed - not one bit!! He's such a great boy.


10yods went a couple of weekends behaving!! really, it's a big deal when he is not in trouble for a longer period of time! I have been very proud of him and complimenting him on such good habits, etc.


9yods has been playing outside on a scooter, having fun, too! and trying new things - this is difficult for him most of the time (aspergers)

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My 13yo dd got her bike stolen at the library yesterday. She walked home crying. When her dad told her not to worry he would replace it, she said "Daddy, I will make the money to replace it, I didn't lock it up like you told me to, it's my fault.". I was so proud. We didn't even ask about her locking it up.


10yo dd has decided to get serious about school work and for 2 weeks has been keeping track of her assignments. She says she enjoys marking them off of her list.


8yo dd is really taking off in reading. I have caught her twice this week sitting on the couch reading.


5yo dd has the best time playing barbies. I have never seen anyone play barbies like this girl. She builds houses out of boxes, turns socks into fur coats, my shoes become airplanes. To watch/listen to her play is such a treat.


Thanks for starting this thread!

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I'd have to think a moment to brag about individual stuff, but I have really enjoyed reading everyone's posts! It doesn't always have to be the BIG things that impress us or make us smile.


As a "group" brag, all three of my kids have been very huggy lately, seeking me out to give me big squeezes and "thank you"s for little things.



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I've loved reading your brags! Here's mine:


DS 2 is doing really well with potty training. He went #1 and #2 today on his own (big potty) and flushed without help. Third time around, I cannot *wait* to be done with diapers!! He also knows all his numbers and letters. Wahoo!


DS 4 is reading at a second grade reading level and he loves to read to me from his Early Reader's Bible. It is so pleasant to hear him read without stumbling over the words. He *begs* to do math with his big brother. He also got excited when I bought spinach at the store the other day, LOL. He's a picky eater, but he ate three helpings of spinach salad with cranberries, walnuts, feta cheese, and blush wine vineagrette a couple days ago. It is one of his favorite foods. Silly guy.


DS just turned 7 (on the 1st of this month) read 6 chapter books in a little over a week. His vocabulary is (and always has been) insane, the way he uses fascinating words without skipping a beat.

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My kids are recording a CD of their traditional Celtic music together this week. They are so excited, they didn't mind the hours of set up time in the studio or the numerous times they had to play through their tunes to get them right. They were very mature about saying whether or not they thought they had done their best or what they might improve the next go round. It was neat, as their mom, to not have to give much input at all.



Also, last weekend, my dd played her fiddle with a group of 20 adults at an Irish session and impressed everyone present. She was outgoing, funny, cute, and played so amazingly. They all said they wanted to play like her "when they grew up."

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DS8 is not, shall we say, the most empathetic, kind-hearted child. So I really took notice of this incident the other day when we were sledding. DS5 had done something rather naughty that caused him to lose a turn on our one sled (mean parents - one sled to share). He went off to sulk, saying he was giving up all his turns (so there!) DS8 would normally leap at such a chance to have the sled to himself. Instead, he coaxed, cajoled, and finally suggested that all turns from now on be doubles, just to get little brother back. And it worked. And they had a tumbling good time!


In some families this would be a routine gesture. In ours, for DS8, it was huge!

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Well, let's see. Isaac says "Peeky" (dit-tee) and "thank you" (sounds a lot like "peeky"). If you tell him to go get his shoes, he brings back a matching pair. He's started laying down on the ground outside when I try to get him to go somewhere he'd rather not (like home). :lol: I wonder if I should be bragging about that... but it's adorable.


The girlies have been doing research for their writing class and have done a great job. They had to research animals, and once I found them some animal notebook pages to work from and showed them how to look for basic info, they jumped on it.

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Well, I already posted this the other day, but here goes:


Two days ago, my 7yo dd was sitting on the bed reading Robert Frost's "Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening" to her stuffed animals. She was explaining all the lines to them just as I had done for her. I guess she really was listening. Today, she read Robert Louis Stevenson's "Windy Nights" and just loved it. She came to me and said, "Mommy, I love this poem! It's so beautiful. It has such a nice tune."


Gotta love that!


My dd 12 has been reading the novel I chose for her (A Wrinkle In Time) and actually LIKES it. This is nothing short of miraculous.


My ds 20 woke himself up this morning to start his second semester of college. And he bought me lunch two days ago! Woohoo!



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This has been fun...


Here are mine:


DS6--such a smart little guy. He loves to write and illustrate stories (OK, he dictates them to me, but...). He can imitate character voices really well and loves to put on a show! He's doing great in reading and, much to my surprise, is doing great in addition and subtraction. But what I cherish the most is that he just has the sweetest heart.


DD3--oh my...the cutest and smartest little thing. She doesn't miss a thing. She is very nurturing to me when I don't feel good...so sweet. And every time her brother asks her nicely, she readily shares with him...a very generous spirit. That and her dramatic antics keep us laughing.

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DS1 - He's 22 months old actually. Lately, if I ask him if he needs a diaper, he'll actually say yes and go lay down where we change his diapers.


DS7 (Just turned 7 three weeks ago) - This is an all the time brag. He'll get frustrated with something, tearful even, but never quits trying. He just keeps going through his tears. I really admire his dedication and perseverance. I wish I had some of it.


DD9 (Just turned 9 yesterday) - She really took that fact that her birthday was a rather anti-climatic day very well. She had one present from grandpa to open and the day off school and that's it. She understands that her present from us is the fact that she'll soon have her own bedroom and we're spending any birthday money (and then some) on furniture for it. It's not ready yet, but we are in the process of getting it ready. I was really feeling bad for her so we took the kids out bowling for the first time as a surprise.


Together...both of my kids are tackling the most difficult books they've tried to date DS7 is reading a RL4 Star Wars book that he picked out and DD9 is reading Little Women.

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