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Dh said "Isn't it a holiday, other kids don't have school"

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Of course he said it right in front of the kids. So much for getting anything done. I didn't let them off that easy and read an old Kid's Discover on MLK Jr. and a Zoobooks on Little Cats!

Guess I get more time on the boards. Gotta catch my posts up with ~Rachel~ :D



Anyone else wish we had more smiley's?

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My daughter chats online with other members of Disney's Toontown, and several of them mentioned that they had no school today. I didn't even realize it was a holiday. So she was moping this morning about it. I told her, okay, well if ya wanna be just like the other kids, we can start at 8:30, end at 3:30, and have homework most nights. She didn't like that idea very much! But I decided to let up on the taskmaster routine and let her have a day off. Doesn't she realize I'm just gonna squeeze today's work into the other four days now?!?! Just kidding. Sorta.

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I had that discussion with ds yesterday. He has a good friend in ps who always lets him know when the school holidays are coming. I went through the whole business of how our homeschool runs according to our schedule, not the ps's, blah, blah. This morning I had the day nicely planned, sat him down to his math, and he up and threw up all over the school room (my fault, of course. He had Said he had a tummy ache, but I thought he was bluffing!). So I guess we are taking MLK's day off after all. Enjoy your holiday!

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With three kids in public school, I pretty much have to follow their schedule for the youngest or it will be a major fight to get the schoolwork done for the day anyway.


This is the first year the local public schools in the tiny town nearby have had the day off. It is also the first year, my kids noted, that there are any black students. It's a town of less than 2,000 people. It's so white here that when my oldest started 9th grade he was repeatedly asked if his mother or father was black, if he was Arab, or if he was Mexican. His response was to mess with them and make up all sorts of stories. This year there is one black student in middle school and one in the high school.


Now, I have always felt that kids should be in school for Presidents Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. They should be learning about the men who are being celebrated. I was glad to hear that the 8th graders at least have been learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. My 13yods was pretty excited about it, too. We had a really fun discussion last night about what he's been learning and he took me to several YouTube clips of famous speeches that they listened to in class. It was wonderful to see him so enjoying what he's been learning and really taking something away from it rather than just passively listening and remembering what's required for the test.


Another interesting note. While my brother and his wife were visiting yesterday, we were talking about the holiday. Someone brought up Columbus Day, and my sister-in-law mentioned that while they were in South Dakota they learned that public schools there do not celebrate the day. They celebrate Native American Day instead and there is a lot of hostility if anyone mentions Columbus. Isn't that something?

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DH is off (gov't employee) and we keep Fridays kind of light because that's his regular day off, so today will be light and we'll force ourselves to do more on Friday. It's no big deal, and I'm in need of a break (the last two weeks since Christmas break have just been so taxing ;) j/k)


Actually we just got dumped on by snow last night so I'm sure we'll get lots of PE in, and we have a video of the Railway Children we haven't gotten to yet, plus we'll watch March of the Penguins which is for science anyway. DH said he'll take us out for Chinese (history) for lunch if we can get shoveled out by noon!


So does that count as a school day or not? :D

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