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Twilight-I'm hooked!

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Okay, I never understood what the fuss was all about.:confused:


I'm in, now!:D I put the book on reserve months ago, and finally got it yesterday. I was up until almost 1am last night-could not put it down. And, I was actually able to find a copy of book 2 that was available, so I'm picking that up today!


I guess it's the escape I need or something.:tongue_smilie:

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Ha! I know exactly what you mean! I saw the first book in the check-out lane at the grocery store. It was a little, "economy-version" paperback, and I thought, "Okay, I'll just buy it so that I can see what all of the fuss is about." I was up until 1:30AM with it. I've read them all once, Twilight twice, and am nearing the end of New Moon for the second time. I read fast, so I wanted to go back and re-read for detail. I'm enjoying it just as much the second time. My DH happily;) saw the movie with me---twice. The next movie will be out in late 2009.


Have fun with it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
LOl - I went to bed at 4am last night after starting the 1st novel around midnight! Wow...how addicting! I just wish I hadn't gone online a long time ago and learned essentially what happened in all four books since I had no intention of ever reading them. :(


That's a bummer! I finished Twilight, and New Moon, and am anxiously waiting on the list for the 3rd one. It's probably good that I have to wait, because everything gets neglected when I'm reading them.:D

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I read them one after another, too. I got nothing done around the house or office until I'd finished them all. Thankfully it was only four days, so everyone survived and my business didn't go under. ;)

If I was pressed, though, I still couldn't say what I found so incredibly appealing in those books.

What is it about that series?!

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I read them all in a few days, too. My dd has had them for years and I never thought much about it until all my friends were reading them. Naturally, I was apalled that my adult friends were reading children's literature. Now I'm eating a little crow. Oh, and as for the poster who wondered what on earth the appeal is. Uh, that would be Edward. :drool:



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I find him creepy. In fact, I find the premise of the books creepy. I'm in the middle of the third book and while I'd like to stop reading them, I can't. I've fallen under their spell for some bizarro reason.


And yet, the whole thing makes me shudder. I mean, he's a VAMPIRE!!!vampire-smiley-21.gif Have you people not seen/read Salem's Lot??? And what about the sweet little lady in the second book with her rosary?


Also, there's just something off about the fact that he pines to kill her but holds back because he loves her. Not to get too deep, but I find that bizarre.


Oh well. They are fun. Just weird.

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I find him creepy.


So do I. But his being a vampire is the least of it. The mind games, the control issues, the stalking, the breaking into Bella's house to watch her sleep - and her being fine with all of it - is what disturbs me.


I've only read the first book, though. Maybe their relationship improves.

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And I still can't get over that the "good" vampires don't try and save innocent humans from succumbing to other bad vampires.


I know Carlisle is a doctor, and good for him, but what about all of those tourists in the second book? Wouldn't a real good and wonderful guy try to help all people from their certain fate? Wouldn't he die trying?


I personally couldn't respect my beloved vampire who was so obsessed with me and yet wouldn't try to help the innocent.


Is it enough to avoid blood on your own hands or do you have an obligation to stop others from killing to make you a real good guy worthy of the adoration Bella has for him?


I know. I know. Too deep. It is really just a fun read but Ed bugs me.

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So do I. But his being a vampire is the least of it. The mind games, the control issues, the stalking, the breaking into Bella's house to watch her sleep - and her being fine with all of it - is what disturbs me.


I've only read the first book, though. Maybe their relationship improves.



Right. I get that. And in fact, I find it too bad that millions of impressionable girls have read this book and have come to regard Edward as an ideal boyfriend. So maybe it's my inner weirdo that enjoys that somehow. Some sort of self-destructive part of me that is attracted to that. Oh well. I still say Edward is the reason for the page-turning.


BTW, I have read Salem's Lot (and saw the movie when I was a kid... yikes!) I've also read all the Interview with the Vampire books. Maybe that would be why I'm sort of immune to the creepy factor.

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I got completely sucked in too. Now nearly every single woman on my side of the family - three aunts and five girl cousins - have read them. My mom finally gave in and said she would try them. Hehe!!


And I agree that Edward is the main draw. :D I always thought his controlling behavior/obsessiveness stems from the fact that he's waited 100 years to meet someone, and now that he has he is extra-protective of her. I find it more romantic than anything else.

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I find the books hugely entertaining.


That said... it took a couple readings for me to get past the (unhealthy, IMO) obsessive qualities Edward has... and start to like the guy... as a fictional character. In a real person, I would not find his behavior at all romantic or endearing. Been there. :tongue_smilie:


But since there is really nothing realistic about the books- it's fun to get wrapped up in them and enjoy the story.

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I read the first one, and whew, was it addictive!! I just could not put it down. However, there were themes to the book that I found very troubling, not only for young girls (though I think it's particularly bad for that age group), but also just in general. To see if things were headed in the direction I suspected, I read a summary of the last book online before I got any further sucked into the series, and I was *disgusted* by the events in that book. I am really glad that I didn't read any further in the series.

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Oh Interview with a Vampire is incredible!!! As is Anne Rice's work as a whole. :)


I am finding the Twilight series very teenager oriented. However, it sucks you in and I agree with the pp that said it is Edward that keeps the pages turning. It wasn't EDWARD persay, but the way he spoke to Bella. It was the imagination at work, the sweet and soft touches he gave her, the immense love he seemed to have for her...though he had no idea why and tried in vain to fight it at first. It is just that ooey gooey sappy epic love story thing that we all get sucked into as women. My husband would read up to chapter 6 in twilight and vomit at all the ush and gush. :) Me, I just go back and remember a time when touching my husband (before he was my husband mostly! LOL) felt the same way that Bella describes feeling when she touched, saw, or was touch by Edward.


Besides...the whole immoratal, faster than lightening, protector type always awes the masses.


Now...get to book 2 and after he leaves her...gosh, the thrust really goes downhill for me. My reading voracity slowed down immensely as we get sucked into the whole Jacob thing. It is like watching Days of Our Lives. You know, you always fast forward past the teens to get to John and Marlena/Bo and Hope/Sami and Lucas? LOL

Edited by Tree House Academy
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I read Twilight over Christmas and was surprised when I actually liked it! I was reading it more to see if I would let my kids read it . . . :D In fact, I loved the book so much that I had my dh take me to the movie on our date night!


But, I just got done reading New Moon and wasn't impressed. I felt like the book could have been half the pages and still said the same thing. Maybe I just didn't like where the story was leading?


I actually love the idea of the books, but not sure if I'll read the next two.

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Oh Interview with a Vampire is incredible!!! As is Anne Rice's work as a whole. :)


I am finding the Twilight series very teenager oriented. However, it sucks you in and I agree with the pp that said it is Edward that keeps the pages turning. It wasn't EDWARD persay, but the way he spoke to Bella. It was the imagination at work, the sweet and soft touches he gave her, the immense love he seemed to have for her...though he had no idea why and tried in vain to fight it at first. It is just that ooey gooey sappy epic love story thing that we all get sucked into as women. My husband would read up to chapter 6 in twilight and vomit at all the ush and gush. :) Me, I just go back and remember a time when touching my husband (before he was my husband mostly! LOL) felt the same way that Bella describes feeling when she touched, saw, or was touch by Edward.


Besides...the whole immoratal, faster than lightening, protector type always awes the masses.


Now...get to book 2 and after he leaves her...gosh, the thrust really goes downhill for me. My reading voracity slowed down immensely as we get sucked into the whole Jacob thing. It is like watching Days of Our Lives. You know, you always fast forward past the teens to get to John and Marlena/Bo and Hope/Sami and Lucas? LOL



I should've just done this :iagree: instead of writing a post! This is how I felt too!

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I read Twilight over Christmas and was surprised when I actually liked it! I was reading it more to see if I would let my kids read it . . . :D In fact, I loved the book so much that I had my dh take me to the movie on our date night!


But, I just got done reading New Moon and wasn't impressed. I felt like the book could have been half the pages and still said the same thing. Maybe I just didn't like where the story was leading?


I actually love the idea of the books, but not sure if I'll read the next two.


Read the next two. New Moon is the least interesting by far. I think it is the absence of Edward through the middle of the book. I actually SKIPPED and skimmed middle chapters (*gasp*, I know, :lol:) to get to where she met Edward in the tunnel in Italy...


The next two, Edward is there and the whole story is back in line, IMO.

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Yes, I'm hooked too, and not sure why. It's certainly not any literary masterpiece. But the something about the teeny-bopper storyline has my mind sucked in, like to a good b-grade scary movie!


I couldn't wait the 150 spots on my library queue, so I bought it on ebay for about $5- and I usually never buy books. ;-p

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