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The question you don't expect from your 7 yo ds:

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"So, Mom... what does the clitoris do anyhow?"


I have to add, this was totally out of the blue. We were taking down the Christmas tree at the time. We are factual and open about sexuality, etc... and that body part is labelled in the children's book we've read in the past on reproduction (It's Not the Stork). And it does pretty much tell you what everything else is for. So when push comes to shove, what kind of mom am I?


"Well... it's a part of the female body that's main function is to provide women with feelings of pleasure during sexual intercourse with their husbands." My mind is racing--what will he say?


"Oh... then... that's pretty pointless."


"Well, women don't feel that way about it."


"Oh." And back to the discussion of our Star Wars christmas ornaments, and whether or not the Emporer is evil, or just a bad guy. I guess it's a male thing.

Edited by Kay in Cal
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"So, Mom... what does the clitoris do anyhow?"


Now, we are open about sexuality, etc... and that body part is labelled in the children's book we've read on reproduction (It's Not the Stork). And it does pretty much tell you what everything else is for. So when push comes to shove, what kind of mom am I?


"Well... it's a part of the female body that's main function is to provide women with feelings of pleasure during sexual intercourse with their husbands." My mind is racing--what will he say?


"Oh... then... that's pretty pointless."


"Well, women don't feel that way about it."


"Oh." And back to the discussion of our Star Wars christmas ornaments, and whether or not the Emporer is evil, or just a bad guy. I guess it's a male thing.

If one of mine asks, may I quote you? You really, really have to save that conversation somewhere to give to his wife!

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"So, Mom... what does the clitoris do anyhow?"


"Well... it's a part of the female body that's main function is to provide women with feelings of pleasure during sexual intercourse with their husbands." My mind is racing--what will he say?



I'd call that a divinely inspired answer. I don't think I would have come up with that one on the fly. :D

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And back to the discussion of our Star Wars christmas ornaments, and whether or not the Emporer is evil, or just a bad guy. I guess it's a male thing.


My 4.5 year old son got a Darth Vader ornament this year, do you think having a "bad guy" on the tree sends a mixed message at Christmas time?;)


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My best 'out of the blue' question came on a plane. Calvin was sitting next to me while I read a book about Magellan's voyage. He must have been reading over my shoulder, because suddenly, into the quiet of the cabin, came this high, clear voice, "Mummy, what's sodomy?" I know that I answered, but what I said I now have no idea.



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I very pregnant with my firstborn and still working. I went by to see a woman that I knew in passing who had sent me an email that she had baby gift for me.


We were chatting about boys and she was sharing about all that she had learned about boys (and men) by being the mother of a boy. She had always done all she could to be involved in his activities: played chess with him, coached his soccer, read books he liked, etc.


However when he turned 10, he commented to his parents that he was now beating his mom at chess, that he knew more about soccer than she did, and that he knew that she really didn't like his books.


Then he said, "In fact, other than loving my mom because she is my mom, I really don't see much use for women at all."


His dad laughed and pointed out that marriage to a woman can truly be a wonderful thing for a man, and that their son wouldn't be there without it.


And the son said, "Well, I know how babies are made, and I want you both to know NOW, that I will never get married and make a baby with a woman. NEVER!"


I've often wondered when that kid changed his mind!

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My latest "nearly driving off the road" question was when 10yo dd asked if God was a virgin.


Regarding asking questions in unlikely places, we had the big Talk in the restroom of a Mexican restaurant. Those vending machines on the walls can prompt some pretty pointed questions!

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From my then 2 year old (who had listened in on a reading of That's Not the Stork when I read it to her older sister):


"Mommy, when I touch my clitoris, it makes me giggle!"


What do you say to that? I just said, "Oh? Sometimes that happens. Want to help me fold laundry?"

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