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Can you recommend a Latin Curriculum???

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It depends on what you want. We've had much luck with Prima Latina. This program also includes prayers , such as the Lord's Prayer, Our Father and so on. YOu can use it either religiously or take out the prayers and use it non secularly. My girls enjoy the DVD's that go with the program. I would definitely say if you haven't had any Latin I would go with a program that has a DVD to go along with it.

We also like Song School Latin made by the makers of Latin for Children.

I decided not to go with Latin for Children yet because I wanted my girls to learn the prayers and because their chants on the DVD go kind of fast.

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We like Latina Christiana very well. I have no previous Latin experience either (and failed dismally in all my teen and young adult efforts to learn foreign languages). The CDs help us very much with pronunciation, and the books don't move along too fast.


We love the LC series. We used PL, LCI, LCII, with the DVDs and we are very happy with it.

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Latin for Children is very thorough, but not too hard for me to keep up with so far. T is on lesson 14 and doing very well with it. Even though the writers are Christian, I haven't seen anything distincly Christian about the program so far, except the first "chapter maxim" which is "in principio erat verbum" (in the beginning was the word, John 1:1). The other chapter maxims are short quotes by various people (Descartes and Machiavelli, for instance).


B wasn't able to keep up with LFC so well, but loves Getting Started With Latin. Each lesson introduces only one small concept, and grammar concepts are introduced in English before being practiced in Latin. The author has free mp3 files on his website to go with each lesson. It's very affordable!:)

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Prima Latina in 3rd grade and really liked it (VERY basic at that age - mainly vocabulary words, but didn't use a lot of it because of rel. content). I think we left a good part of the meat of the program on the pages - lots of memorizing of religious excerpts.


We finished PL and started Lively Latin in the fall, and I give it my vote of favorite curriculum of the year. We're thrilled with it. I'm glad we didn't go straight into Latin Prep or something else. I didn't want ds to get turned off. This is right at his level. (I'd say language arts come pretty easy for him and he's almost 10).


I haven't tried any other program, so can't compare.

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We did Latina CHristian I and II. Even though I was hoping to find a secular program, I found the DVDs fantastic for learning Latin along with my kids. We've now moved onto Cambridge Latin and my boys really, really like it! Even I find the stories interesting!

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We are in Primer C and many times I have said, "This is just too hard!" and each time ds has encouraged me to continue. "No, mom, you can do this! 'Cmon, I'll show you....":blush:


Since we homeschool year-round, sometimes we do need to shake it up a bit. We add a little Lingua Latina here and there. Familia Romana is the name of the first book, I believe.


But I think 4th grade will be perfect for starting Latin for Children "A." I recommend getting it directly from the publisher (and getting the MasterPak or whatever they call the full-blown package) because they have revised the DVD recently. The two (or three sometimes) homeschooled girls will be a fun addition to your homeschool. They are respectful to their teacher (Dr. Perrin), but they still have fun.



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I also have had great sucess with the LC series. We've done Prima Latina and are now on LC1. I never studied Latin prior to this, and having the DVDs is wonderful, I sit and watch them with the girls and we all learn together. There are lots of great programs out there, good luck with your decision.

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We started with Latin for Children -- good but a little dry. We would have continued with it had we not found Lively Latin, which is more fun. Also, my 9yo can do it more independently than when he did LfC.


We have supplemented a little with Cambridge for reading and translation, but mostly use Lively Latin.

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