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WWYD- accepting a gift

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Dh's brother just had a baby with his girlfriend (he is 31, she is 21). They are very immature and have tons of debt. We hear constantly from MIL and FIL how they don't have any money, having to borrow to pay the rent, etc. Dh and his brother are not close. They talk maybe twice a year.


We do not do adult gifts. We give MIL a small token item each year because she is alone but that is it. No adult gifts. We've been saying this for our 13 years of marriage. MIL and FIL still gift us but that is their choice and every year we ask them not to. We do give gift the kids. We sent a baby gift when the baby was born and I sent a small toy ($10) to the baby for Christmas. I figured I was setting a precedent that there would be a small gift for child each year.


Yesterday ( a month after they received our gift in the mail so they knew what we were spending) we get $100 Old Navy gift card from them. What???

I do not want to accept $100 gift card from people that need to beg and borrow to pay rent.


I do not feel like we can take this. I don't want it. If it was $25 I would have said "they shouldn't have" but I'd have accepted it. But, $100 ???


Dh wants to call BIL and say, "Thanks but babies grow quickly and you'll need clothes for him." and send it back.


I am unwilling to up the ante on my gift giving to match and make everything even out.


What to do?



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Maybe even wait until spring/summer stuff comes out. Old Navy has some cute and pretty durable baby/children's clothing.


But, that wouldn't address the underlying issue. I'm not sure that you saying anything will change their underlying issue. But, I understand you don't want them sending $100 type gifts for holidays.


I will say that the underlying issue is the reason they are in debt. We have family that think nothing of putting gifts on credit cards.

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Maybe even wait until spring/summer stuff comes out. Old Navy has some cute and pretty durable baby/children's clothing.


But, that wouldn't address the underlying issue. I'm not sure that you saying anything will change their underlying issue. But, I understand you don't want them sending $100 type gifts for holidays.


I will say that the underlying issue is the reason they are in debt. We have family that think nothing of putting gifts on credit cards.



:iagree: That is very wise indeed.

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I agree with your husband's thought. There is no need to go into why you don't feel comfortable accepting the gift (i.e. that they are constantly borrowing to meet daily needs), just tell them you can't possibly accept such a generous gift and that it should be spent on the baby.

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I hadn't thought of just spending it on the baby. That could even be fun.


I certainly wouldn't get into their habits and why I don't want to accept it other than that it is just too much and (again) we don't do adult gifts.


I'll let DH decide whether we send it back or spend it on the baby. I just cannot keep up with this gifting dance every year. We go through this every year but to a lesser degree and they have only increased the amount of the gifts and it is just too much.




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Although spending it on the baby, relieves your guilt about accepting the gift, it just perpetuates the gift, for a gift problem. It could make them feel like they need to buy you more gifts!


Either return the card to them, give it to your inlaws who pay for everything, or save it for birthday gifts back to them.


Then next year, set a spending limit, and get everyone to agree to it. I would set a birthday limit too!


Another posibility is that they didn't mean to send that particular card :0/ are they typically overly generous? Sometimes people who go from being single and having extra money, have a hard transition to family life, and the budget. It can also be a his/her family difference. My bil had a hard time with his first wife in that they spent Lavish amounts on each other for holidays. His family didn't so there was always a tension around the holidays of expectations and reality.



Personally, I would send the card back with a very sweet note that says you think there was a mistake, and that maybe they sent you the wrong card. You could also say that, if it was on purpose you soooooo would love to be able to exchange such generous gifts, but that you couldn't possibly accept it and hope that they will use it on the baby.

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