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I was dying my hair tonight...

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I had to bleach it for the color to work. I came downstairs with bright blonde hair (it is naturally very dark) My 8yo kept staring at me, I asked him why he kept staring and he said "Your hair...it is very...yellow.., and I was going to ask you a question but your hair looks weird and is very distracting, and now I forgot my question"


Then my 4yo and 6yo looked at me and kept staring at me with weird looks.


I went back upstairs and put the color in.


Want to know the odd thing? I dyed it pink..hot pink, and they did not find that distracting...just me being blonde was distracting. :glare:

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These are from the last times I dyed it. The goofy one with my husband was hot pink...the other color is one I made up by blending some nearly empty jars..2 reds, hot pink and violet.






It changes color monthly. :001_huh:

Edited by Eleni
resized photos.
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That is so cool looking! You have the most beautiful skin.


Thanks for the Pic's.


Oh..thank you...seeing as you are seeing my skin blaringly close! LOL!! I keep trying to fix the size but it isnt working.


Oh...and given that my husband looks like a thug or something, he really isnt, he was cold and is really a corporate sales exec.

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Oh..thank you...seeing as you are seeing my skin blaringly close! LOL!! I keep trying to fix the size but it isnt working.


Oh...and given that my husband looks like a thug or something, he really isnt, he was cold and is really a corporate sales exec.

Please don't take it the wrong way, but he is really hot!

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I love the color! I keep threatening to do that. My family thinks I'm nuts to even consider it :glare:



Do it!! It is SO fun! Besides, at a certain point/age it just begins to look silly. And I fully intend to hit that point with fun hair! DH convinced me to do it again. When we met 15 yrs ago I had purple hair. One night we were watching Eternal Sunshine and he looked at me and said "You miss dying your hair dont you? You need to do it, your personality does not go with brown hair, you are vibrant, passionate, silly and quirky...and you dont work outside the home, you need to do it!"


So I did.

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Do it!! It is SO fun! Besides, at a certain point/age it just begins to look silly. And I fully intend to hit that point with fun hair! DH convinced me to do it again. When we met 15 yrs ago I had purple hair. One night we were watching Eternal Sunshine and he looked at me and said "You miss dying your hair dont you? You need to do it, your personality does not go with brown hair, you are vibrant, passionate, silly and quirky...and you dont work outside the home, you need to do it!"


So I did.


Hehe...I'd be the only preacher's wife around with a hot pink do! :lol:


Ah, who knows, I might get a wild hair someday.

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I am the Preacher's Wife that showed up new in our small, rural, college town with streaks of flamingo pink in my hair. I should've learned to do it myself. Just seeing your pictures makes me smile. Thanks! :) Love that your kids flipped with the no color, color.

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What does the actress say in that old movie? "I would kill, mur.der.one. for that hair" I don't remember where/when I saw that line, oh maybe it was Facts of Life.:blush: Anyway, that is all I could think of when I saw your pic. Your beautiful. Never would've thought I would think someone with pink hair was beautiful, but . . .wow.

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Gorgeous!! Both you and your hair! I especially like the darker, mixed one. Very fun too! Thank you so much for sharing!!


(Though looking at you is making me feel very old! I probably have step-children older than you are! Yikes!)


I've been wanting to dye my hair dark, dark blue for awhile now, but keep putting it off....you may have motivated me to just go ahead and do it. :lol:

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Oooo I really like it!

I don't know that I could pull off that kind of shade. But I do have a funky streak in me that is half tempted to try. Boy, folks at church would think I'm a freak...even more so than when I henna dye my hair. :p (all the more reason eh? loosen up folks!!)


Anywho, sorry for the mini-hijack...LOVE the hair and LOL that the kids freaked at the bleach job more than the hot pink part :p

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It is weird watching peoples reactions to my hair. I have had people actually grab me just to say "You hair is ROCKIN'!" to laughing and pointing, having creepy creepy men stare at me in an uncomfortable manner. Overall though, the reaction is positive and I find that more people talk to me and are friendlier to me. It is very weird.


I have been tossing around the idea of cotton candy pink with lavender streaks.


There is a HUGE hs co-op here, and one of the rules is no un-naturally colored hair. I have thought about joining off and on, but that rule irks me and I wonder if we would be allowed to join with my hair anyway. :lol::lol:

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The color is just fah-bulous dah-ling! And hey, don't I know you from somewhere...:lol:


why yes, I do believe you do.... :lol:



Emerald....Montana is on my list of acceptable places to move. LOL..on a weird side note, there is a guy who follows my blog from HI, he couldnt believe that someone in Ohio knew who Joy Division was, and found that utterly bizarre and confusing. Seriously..I DO live on a farm, I have a cornfield on the side of my house, but I am also 30 minutes away from the Indie Art Capital of the World! :lol: So Im not all THAT hipsterly disadvantaged.

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