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She's home!

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Emily is home from her third, and hopefully last, deployment! She left in January, stationed in Kuwait, to do retention throughout the Middle East. A few months later, she was pulled to run convoy duty in Afghanistan because she had experience with it from her previous deployment.


This past fall, her convoy was hit by indirect mortar attack, injuring her and others. In November, she had surgery to remove bone fragments and shrapnel and to reattach some ligaments in her knee.


She's home now still in a brace and rehabilitating. Each deployment has brought that awful challenge of reintegrating into normal life again. This time she will face more challenges.


Please pray for her physical, mental, and social well-being and adjustment.


This picture is three years old, taken after her second deployment, and a rank or two lower than what she is now (Staff Sergeant, with promotion in the near future).



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Janie, I can't imagine how warm you must feel inside just to have her home again. I also can't imagine how hard the reentry must be for everyone. Please know that there are many, many of us who are grateful for what your daughter and your family have given to us as a country. Sending gentle patience and complete healing to all of you.


Enjoy being together as a family again,

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I'm glad to hear she's home. I know you'll sleep better now!


If she's having traumatic memories (which would be understandable!), see if you can find a counselor who does EMDR. EMDR is a simple, relatively quick technique that has been used with lots of veterans, and it can help break the connection between a traumatic experience and the fear/anxiety remembering it can cause.


EMDR won't remove the memory -- it just helps decrease or eliminate the trauma associated with it. It doesn't require long-term therapy, and it's especially helpful for people who have a specific situation/incident that causes flashbacks or traumatic memories. War vets are classic candidates for it.





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