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labels on homemade items

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I am expecting our first grandbaby (girl) in September.  I am wanting to start a tradition of making homemade items for the grandchildren.  I want to create a label that I can attach to the items that identifies who made this item.    I was thinking about something like "Grandma Hugs" (meaning these items are hugs from Grandma) or "Hugs and Kisses from Grandma" (meaning, I send hugs and kisses with this item)....but I just am not sure.  Any thoughts or ideas from you guys?  Thanks for sharing your creative ideas.

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I think your label will depend on the intention of the gift and how long you'll be able to do it. 

I never expect my things to be kept for a long period.  The baby sweaters I've made for nieces and nephews?  I'm sure they've been passed on to others now.  DS still has his toys, but not all of them, and I'm not sure if the others do, and if not, I'm glad they're being passed to kids who may enjoy them, too.  I ended up adopting a unique stitch pattern in the corner/bottom of many items where it's my first initial in braille, done in a just off shade of the main color if it's a texture issue.  I want to be able to identify it, but not be overt.  My mom's detail work ended up in a museum display once and she had no way to identify her piece other than matching it to the fine thread she had used.  I want to avoid that, but also let my pieces be moved around to where they are needed.

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As a quilter I'm glad you're doing this. I can't speak to anything else, but if you  make any quilts, please put at least your name on the label. My labels usually have:

Made for Receipients name

                  city & state

Made by  TechWife

                 City & State where I live

                 Year made YYYY format


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33 minutes ago, TechWife said:

please put at least your name on the label.

Based on the things I’ve inherited, this is good advice. I’d love to know who originally made some things. “Grandma” loses meaning after a generation or two.

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Definitely order some custom labels!  
My mom added her own labels into garments and I was so grateful. She made a dress for me to wear to my sister’s wedding in 1970 and I cherish the label, which just has her initials, year, and a tiny pink flower  embroidered by hand.  
As a quilter, documentation is so important. If you make heirloom clothes, you might splurge on some special labels w your name, etc. 


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8 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Are you definitely going to be Grandma? Sometimes the grandkids come up with a cutesie name of their own. I think the labels will be super cute!

I think so....because the parents want us to be that....but that is a good question....so maybe something without the name would be better.....I was also thinking about just putting a heart with the U! on the inside.  Hmmmm.....thanks for asking this. 

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I’ll put initials and maybe the date. On my maternal side, we have plenty of hand me downs made by grandma, grandaunts and aunts. So grandma is a little confusing on a child size quilt since I would be guessing whether it was sewn by my grandma or my grandaunt. 

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My dad had a wood branding tool with his name on it. The kids all know his name so they know who made it now and as it is passed down, others will too. I would get labels with your real name on them and as they grow, they’ll know.

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I would be very picky about the quality/feel of the labels. My sensitive kiddos can't stand tags and labels that are scratchy or have rough edges - I have to cut off almost all tags and instead try to buy clothing and blankets that are tagless.

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