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Dumb things I did today


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Started bright and early. Fixed up my coffee pod in my single serve machine. Went to dress as it brewed. Forgot to put the cup under it so my coffee was all over the counter when I came back.

went to fabric store and went to check out. Forgot to go by the cutting table to cut my lengths of fabric. Been buying fabric for almost 30 years. 

reprimanded my dd for taking my phone. While my phone was in my hand.

im going to bed now. This day needs to end.

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Oh, gosh, we all have days like that. Today was mostly good, but I have definitely had days where it was just one dumb thing after another. For ex, this past Friday...went to the place to get my car inspected. Couldn't find my car insurance. Pulled it up on my apple wallet - that wasn't sufficient, and it wouldn't open further to show the thing. Looked in my email - found it! Yay! Oh, nope. Just the one that expired Dec 2023. Dang. Looked in the car. Couldn't find it. Gave up. Went home. Picked up a piece of random paper off the floor....and.....it was the insurance. Right there. Face down on the floor, the whole time. Awesome. 

Anyway, all that to say, we have *all* had days like that. Go to bed, get some rest, you will feel better and do better tomorrow. ((((Hugs))))

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Ugh, Had a similar day. LOL I'm on steroids for my asthma and not sleeping so I am blaming it on that. 

Went to grocery story, had to turn around half way there to go back for my purse. 

Was making fajitas and needed to make a spice blend in a bowl. I was increasing the amount for extra shrimp and chicken. I get to the 3rd ingredient and can't remember how much I increased it by. ONLY 30 seconds later! The ratios were .75tsp originally, and I couldn't remember if I added 1tsp, or 2tsp!  Huge difference of chili powder and cumin if I get it wrong, I had to dig around in the bowl and just guess. LOL It turned out ok, but seriously, I couldn't remember 30 seconds later!!! UGH

Cleaned garage, opened up the trailer in the afternoon and left the door open as I was caring things in and out. Luckily, about an hour before bed, I remembered that I had completely left the trailer open, door and all. I'm in the PNW, so rain is inevitable daily occurrence right now. Ugh. Thank goodness I remembered! That could have caused a lot of water damage quick! 

I let my boyfriend's dog out the back door, but about 30 minutes later, she asked to be let in the front door. I had left the side gate open when cleaning the garage and she escaped and I had no idea!! She is a runner when she gets freedom, so she could have been completely gone. 😞 Thankfully, she came back. I don't know if he would have ever forgiven me. He loves that dog so much. 

So glad today is over!

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10 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:

Started bright and early. Fixed up my coffee pod in my single serve machine. Went to dress as it brewed. Forgot to put the cup under it so my coffee was all over the counter when I came back.

In the last couple months, I have done this exact thing three or four times. :blush: You are not alone.

Hugs to you.

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If it makes you feel better, I did my usual routine of starting the coffee before I took ds to school.  I came home to a pot of lightly tinted hot water.  I completely forgot to add the grounds to the pot.  Sadness reigned heavy in the kitchen this morning.

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4 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

My dumb thing was setting together two strips of one-way fabric with one upside down. So much for that border of the quilt. Rip, rip, rip, rip, reset. Sigh. 

I have days when I see everything perfectly and then there are other days where it all is a mes.

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