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I'm just going to come out and say it.....

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I watched the Duggars special last night, and I could have SMACKED Mr. Duggar (Billy-Bob? Can't recall his name right now!) while the whole group was in the baby store and he was on and on about how he had to sit down because fifteen minutes of shopping just EXHAUSTS him and it makes him SO tired and he just can't stand up any longer.


Ummm......wait. Isn't SHE the one who was walking around the store, 42 and eight months pregnant, 17 others in tow? Wonder how she felt?!


But on the upside, I liked how they took a vote on the baby's name! Very cute.


Astrid (ducking!)

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The poor dears. They get all tuckered out easily. Yesterday I woke up at my usual 4:30am, and my spousal unit woke at his usual 8:30. We needed to do some shopping after dinner, and by 8pm, the dear man simply could not. stop. yawning. I don't know if it's something about shopping or what, but they melt down.

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Why on earth would anyone take 17 kids to the store? If Dh and I were both available, you can be sure only one of us would go.


That seems really odd.


I've never seen the Duggar shows and only briefly visited their website to see it wasn't my cup of tea, kwim?


However, I have 8.9 kids and we take them pretty much everywhere with us, including the stores - especially BABY stores. They love going and looking at all the stuff for a new baby. In fact, we took them all with us to Babies R Us just last Friday afternoon. So what?:001_huh:


Now, as for the Mr. D. being such a ninny... yeah that don't fly in my house. If he was that tired to begin with, he should have stayed home instead of being a downer. We CAN totally understand that he might be too tired to go shopping due to over-work or whatever.


Otherwise, if my dh said that, we'd be all over him worried that something was wrong. Is he sick? Does he have a leg cramp? Is his sugar low? Do we need to go home?


And if there wasn't anything wrong, it'd get on my nerves big time. I don't like it when the kids whine, I sure wouldn't appreciate it in hubby!:tongue_smilie:

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However, I have 8.9 kids and we take them pretty much everywhere with us, including the stores - especially BABY stores. :



I guess my thoughts came from the fact that I just absolutely hate shopping and going to stores, even for baby stuff. DH does too. So I was thinking, "why make more family members suffer than absolutely necessary?" But I guess if it's fun for the whole family and you all like it, that would be different.

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Okay, I've never watched this show (heck, couldn't if I wanted to - no cable), but don't these people have something like 18 kids??


What could they *possibly* still need at a baby store after 18 kids??!! They don't have a crib/changing table/sheets/onesies/mobile/rocker etc. (possibly multiple ones?) left over from the seventeen other kids??


I think whoever said "for the TV crew" had it right...

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Okay, I've never watched this show (heck, couldn't if I wanted to - no cable), but don't these people have something like 18 kids??


What could they *possibly* still need at a baby store after 18 kids??!! They don't have a crib/changing table/sheets/onesies/mobile/rocker etc. (possibly multiple ones?) left over from the seventeen other kids??


I think whoever said "for the TV crew" had it right...


Well they said they had not bought a new set of crib bedding since they had the first, I imagine after that many kids it was very worn out. They needed something to fill the episode, and Michelle said several times in the episode that she is wondering if this will be the last. Speaking from experience, even though I had almost everything from the 1st 3 kids, when I got pg with #4 I was thinking she might be my last so I went crazy buying everything new and pink for her to just enjoy her more than using the hand-me-downs, maybe she is thinking along the same way? Or like said before, it was just for the camera crew. I am sure Jim Bob was exaggerating for the crew about his tiredness too, though I know of many men who just can't stand shopping and find the prospect of simply walking into the store tiring enough, my ex husband was like that.

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Mr. Duggar does help out with the kids a lot when he's off-camera, otherwise Mrs. Duggar would be ready for the loony-bin. In larger families (even in smaller families) the older kids help the younger ones, too. We know several very large families and the husbands and other kids help the moms almost constantly.


Still, it sounds like Mr. Duggar was caught in an "off" moment and it does make him look bad.

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I don't even like taking my 2! Mine are young though. Maybe they get easier when they get older?


I'm with you on that one.

I think it depends, my 12yo is not too bad to shop with, but the younger two... I'm yawning just thinking about it ;)


Oh, and by now you'd think Mr.D would be capable of getting his OBGYN degree, not goofing about soft cervixes.

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Mr. Duggar does help out with the kids a lot when he's off-camera, otherwise Mrs. Duggar would be ready for the loony-bin. In larger families (even in smaller families) the older kids help the younger ones, too. We know several very large families and the husbands and other kids help the moms almost constantly.



No - I think it is the teen girls who do most of the housework/kid care in the Duggar house. What the place would look like if the upper crop of kids had been all boys I hate to imagine!!!


Good ol' JimBob is too much into gender-roles - guys do NOT shop is a stereotype he fully intends to live up to lest we question his manhood!!!!! Jerk!

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No - I think it is the teen girls who do most of the housework/kid care in the Duggar house. What the place would look like if the upper crop of kids had been all boys I hate to imagine!!!


Good ol' JimBob is too much into gender-roles - guys do NOT shop is a stereotype he fully intends to live up to lest we question his manhood!!!!! Jerk!


You must have missed the show where he took all the girls out into the shop and showed them how to change the oil in a vehicle and change a flat tire. And Michelle was inside teaching the boys how to cook.


I didn't watch the entire show the other night, but I did hear Michelle say they were shopping for this baby's keepsake item...they get them all one even though of course they probably don't 'need' much after 18 kids.


They didn't have 18 kids to get a tv show; however, I am sure the offer they received and the trips they get to take their kids on has, in their estimation, made the intrusion worthwhile.


A lot of men hate to shop. I didn't find that so unusual. I find them very charming.


What irritated me was the cameraman/producer/whatever trying to make a big deal out of the little 4 year old who was 'dancing' to the beat of some toy in the back room. The tv person was all acting shocked like since apparently the Duggars don't believe in dancing. I hate that sort of thing being made into more than it needs to be.

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I hate shopping. Really hate it. But we just tend to be one of those weird families that do most everything together via neccessity. Keep in mind my oldest is only 14 - a bit young to be left at home babysitting 7 younger siblings, imo! So there's never been an option to NOT take all the kids.


What could they *possibly* still need at a baby store after 18 kids??!! They don't have a crib/changing table/sheets/onesies/mobile/rocker etc. (possibly multiple ones?) left over from the seventeen other kids??



You'd be surprised at how cruddy things are made these days.

I only have 3 outfits (from baby GAP and gymborie) from my 1st born child. The rest haven't lasted and I sure couldn't have afforded the babies if I kept buying baby GAP and gymborie for all of them.:D We went through a highchair every kid or every other kid there for awhile until I got the best ever one from IKEA with #8. Every car seat, regardless of brand or price, as been recalled and or in tatters after no more than 2 kids. burb rags, bedding, all gets worn out after a time too.


sometimes new stuff comes out that's better or just easier than what you already have. I wouldn't run out to waste money I didn't have just to upgrade, but it'd be nice sometimes. For example, I want one of those new fold up baby swings that don't take up half the living room.

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