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Airbnb question - this *is* a red flag, right?


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We have to travel for my niece's college graduation in a few weeks. DH was looking for a place to stay -- we almost always do Airbnb because there are 5 of us, the "kids" are grown (but at home), and it's roomier/more comfortable and often cheaper than 2 hotel rooms, plus affords us a kitchen, etc. 

He asked me to look over 2 he'd found that looked good -- in the initial look, 1 looked to me a bit better, as the other mentioned it collected a $250 security deposit at check-in; the other didn't. 

As I scrolled down though and got to the "about your host" part, they were identical. Two different names (and both super hosts, supposedly identity verified), but otherwise identical. Same joined date, same co-hosts listed, same wording in the "I won't be visible, but am around, message if you need me" stuff, etc. Also both listings had used the exact same "around town" pics in their listings after the pics of the houses themselves (and both with similar furniture, though very different homes). 

We looked around a little more, and found a 3rd one in just a brief glance -- different host name, but again, all identical info. Again listed as a super host. 

That's weird, though, right???  Or it's completely normal and of course I should trust the superhost, identity verified marks on Airbnb? 

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I would guess that it is normal in that so many homes are now airbnbs, bought up by investors and furnished like little hotels.  Not snarking on your use, just thinking it might be totally normal.  The name thing is very weird, though.  Trying to get around local regulations by using different names?

Edited by Eos
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16 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

I've never paid a security deposit at an Airbnb. That screams odd to me.

Us either; that's why I first thought "oh, this 2nd one is better...." -- but with the info being identical, I'm curious if that one also has a (non-disclosed, or buried in fine print somewhere) deposit. 

12 minutes ago, Miss Tick said:

Are there reviews on the properties? If so, how far back do they go and do they sound legit. I wouldn't be particularly worried about the security deposit if it is on credit card. But I wouldn't ignore the weirdness. You could try an email to Airbnb asking if this is normal.

There are reviews, going back to 2018 for both/all of them, but I haven't looked closely yet; I was so thrown by the name thing and we were in the middle of other stuff so I didn't keep digging. 

10 minutes ago, Eos said:

I would guess that it is normal in that so many homes are now airbnbs, bought up by investors and furnished like little hotels.  Not snarking on your use, just thinking it might be totally normal.  The name thing is very weird, though.  Trying to get around local regulations by using different names?

The similar furniture, sure. The name thing/identical wording is what weirded me out, but maybe investors is it. I hadn't thought about regulations and such...

3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Trust your instinct on things like this!

Thanks; I think we're going to hotel it this time unless I can find something not so wonky. 

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10 minutes ago, kbutton said:

We used an AirBnb that was one of several owned by one person. We also paid a deposit. It went well—anything that went amiss was promptly fixed.


Yes, we've done that before, but never where the "one person" had multiple different *names* as the host. That's the part that seems odd to me. It seems to be all one person, and all have the Super Host, Identity Verified marks on the listings (can you spoof those??), yet all are listed under a different *name* entirely. 

That's the part that's giving me pause. 

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5 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Yes, we've done that before, but never where the "one person" had multiple different *names* as the host. That's the part that seems odd to me. It seems to be all one person, and all have the Super Host, Identity Verified marks on the listings (can you spoof those??), yet all are listed under a different *name* entirely. 

That's the part that's giving me pause. 

trust your gut, better safe than sorry.

check out if the same properties are on VRBO.  I don't think they've had the same issues that have made so many people upset with AirBB.

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1 minute ago, TheReader said:

Yes, we've done that before, but never where the "one person" had multiple different *names* as the host. That's the part that seems odd to me. It seems to be all one person, and all have the Super Host, Identity Verified marks on the listings (can you spoof those??), yet all are listed under a different *name* entirely. 

That's the part that's giving me pause. 

I wasn’t sure when reading it if they had different names of or you meant the same two names were listed as co-hosts. Or possibly two different company-type names. Ours had a sign with what I assume is an LLC or something like that. It wouldn’t necessarily be a red flag to me to have a business owner listed on one and the business name on another because people are inconsistent. 

I agree that would be weird to have different people names with identical bios. The only thing I can think might legit happen is a divorce settlement kind of thing where they know keeping their rental history is key, but properties were split between the divorcing individuals. Is there a way to report it to AirBnb to find out what’s up? 

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2 minutes ago, kbutton said:

I wasn’t sure when reading it if they had different names of or you meant the same two names were listed as co-hosts. Or possibly two different company-type names. Ours had a sign with what I assume is an LLC or something like that. It wouldn’t necessarily be a red flag to me to have a business owner listed on one and the business name on another because people are inconsistent. 

I agree that would be weird to have different people names with identical bios. The only thing I can think might legit happen is a divorce settlement kind of thing where they know keeping their rental history is key, but properties were split between the divorcing individuals. Is there a way to report it to AirBnb to find out what’s up? 

I'm trying to figure out how to do that; I'm guessing perhaps an investor, using multiple different first names (some are male sounding names, some female sounding names), so far I've found 3 different first names as the "host" and then they all have the same 3 "co-hosts" - none of which are the listed "hosts" on any of them. All with identical bios, etc.  There are a LOT of properties under these folks, and relatively low numbers of reviews for how long they've been hosts - perhaps started small, and keep buying & adding properties, so they've been hosting a long time, but maybe this property hasn't been listed long (for ex, one had under 300 reviews, but the host has been on since 2018). 

TONS of the listings in the area we need are listed by these folks. 

I finally found one property that wasn't this group, and they mention "we are licensed by the city, license number xxxxxx" which leads me to think perhaps it's what someone else said, trying to get around city regulations.  Reviews on that one were much more honest/real-people sounding, included details, etc. 

I'm thinking we're going to hotel it, and we'll just make due with that. Or maybe check VRBO first. But something about these listings just seems really weird to me. 

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As I was reading your post, I thought how that sounded like an Airbnb we stayed in in... San Antonio. I ended up corresponding with one of the people and it is a group that seems to use one person as the point on the property, but any of several people might be the ones who respond or assist you. I think they just took over a number of properties, because when we stayed in July they had just started requiring security deposits.  If you are interested, I can PM you the listing we stayed at, to see if it is the same group. 

Our stay was fine, but the property was not well taken care of for the price and location.

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We don’t travel alot but we have used AirBnB in the past 5 or 6 times without issue. However, in the last few years it has gotten weird. The last couple trips we have tried to take I’ve looked at AirBnB and never found anything I was comfortable with either because of price or just weirdness. The last one we stayed in was ok but there were signs all over the building about how AirBnBs are illegal and to call the police if you suspect someone is doing a short term rental in the building. I’m a total rule follower and that bothered me a lot even though dh didn’t care. 

I still always check there but I just never find anything that isn’t really expensive or weird. I did just book a beach condo through VRBO and all I can say is that it just doesn’t seem as iffy. You never know until you get there but it just isn’t as weird feeling. 

So we are back to hotels for short stays and trying VRBO for the beach condo. I think hotels are going to be our “go to” again just for the predictability. Hotels can be bad but it just isn’t the same sense of adventure as pulling up to the AirBnB. 

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2 hours ago, scholarly said:

As I was reading your post, I thought how that sounded like an Airbnb we stayed in in... San Antonio. I ended up corresponding with one of the people and it is a group that seems to use one person as the point on the property, but any of several people might be the ones who respond or assist you. I think they just took over a number of properties, because when we stayed in July they had just started requiring security deposits.  If you are interested, I can PM you the listing we stayed at, to see if it is the same group. 

Our stay was fine, but the property was not well taken care of for the price and location.

sending you a PM; thank you! 

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1 hour ago, Heartstrings said:

AirBNBs have gotten to where they are such a hassle that it's often easier to just stay in a hotel. 


when it's just DH & I, and we need one room, we often do; when we're traveling with the "kids" (who all live at home, but are 26, 23, and 18), having 2 hotel rooms can get pricier than an AirBnB and for less space (especially if it's a longer stay, and we'd make use of the kitchen). 

I do think we're leaning that way, though; the places we're finding all seem to not be in great areas of town. Or I need to not specify "near the Alamodome" or something. 

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34 minutes ago, TheReader said:

when it's just DH & I, and we need one room, we often do; when we're traveling with the "kids" (who all live at home, but are 26, 23, and 18), having 2 hotel rooms can get pricier than an AirBnB and for less space (especially if it's a longer stay, and we'd make use of the kitchen). 

I do think we're leaning that way, though; the places we're finding all seem to not be in great areas of town. Or I need to not specify "near the Alamodome" or something. 

We like the Holiday Inn Expresses and the Candlewood Suites we've stayed in in San Antonio.  We tend to prefer those along the north part of the 1604 loop or the Stone Oak area.  In case that helps.  

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