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Tackling Tuesday Together! 8.8.23


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It's a slow-ish day here!

  • take kid to checking clinic*
  • stop by the grocery store on the way home for taco stuff
  • 5 mile walk, if the weather holds


I'm glad we signed up the kid for 4 hours of checking skills, but I'm not loving the drive every day. It ends up being about 4 hours daily of a commitment, due to travel and such. BUT, most of the kids here will do a single 50 minute session and call it good, meeting the mandatory requirement.  The program we signed up for is perfect for ds: it's a slow ramp of getting them used to hitting and being hit in a very controlled environment. He won't be left to his own devices too quickly.  He's a pretty imposing kid when compared to others his age and I don't want to take chances with how he is perceived this year.


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Ds is having a meltdown. 😢😠

After I drop Ds at school, I will be spending the whole day working with Dd on her party.

Scout out the park ✔️ 
Buy tablecloths ✔️ 
Figure out coolers ✔️ 
Costco ✔️ 
Food prep ✔️ 
Put food in neighbor’s fridge ✔️ 
Shower ✔️ 
Set up ✔️ 
Enjoy the party ✔️ 
Clean up ☑️ 

Somewhere in there:
Ds to practice? ✔️ 
Pick up CSA box ✔️ 

Have Dd submit her textbook order.

Double check university bill and pay it. 

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Working on the basement...prepping for sheetrock installation. Still trimming fire blocking foam and have to cut and install 2 boards for the HVAC boxing out. 
Eldest has behind the wheel at 11:15, dropping youngest off at a friends house on the way there. 

Basement rough in inspection is at 2:30.

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@ScoutTN, I'm sorry for the rough start to today! I hope the party makes it a much better day!

Dd called after work last night, and we talked on the phone until 1 AM. It's a good thing I got that nap late yesterday. 

  • medicine
  • coffee
  • meals 
  • meal plan/grocery list
  • take laptop at 10 AM for some upgrade stuff 
  • work on rearranging the office because of a new standing desk
  • final planning and getting things ready for the first day
  • meet dd for coffee
  • go pick up laptop
  • grocery shop
  • try to get in bed a little early


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Good morning!

Today I have:

....eye appt for me -- we discovered that they also accidentally charged me a 3rd time for the higher rate of glasses, so deal with that :sigh:
....come home, CLEAN THE HOUSE -- I have let all my stuff just explode everywhere while DH is gone
....take a nap??
...take DS to his friend's house
...oh, before coming home, grocery run for a few things for dinner -- Oldest plans to cook
...finish laundry (one load left, and if Middle needs to toss theirs in maybe...?)
...debate whether to go to fencing or not - I'd like to, a lot, but it means talking to DH from the car; we'll see
....dinner, maybe a movie with the kids if I stay home?? they insisted on that last night, and it was fun
...decide if I'm going, or bailing, to my mom's tomorrow -- we're supposed to go help her pick flowers/stuff for her wedding (Hobby Lobby); if I get the house cleaned today, i'll probably go ahead and go maybe

Okay, gotta get ready for the eye doctor....have a good day, y'all! 

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Happy Tuesday!

Today, my kids are supposedly going to try soccer with the new coach at school.  They went back and forth on playing this year.  They put their names on the list because their friends were going to play, but the friends backed out, so they backed out.  But the coach called me and talked me into asking them to come to a practice before deciding.

Well, Kid2 hasn't played on a soccer team since she was 9, and she wears a size 11 shoe now.  So this means going to the store in the middle of the day and buying new cleats.  Which she may or may not ever wear again.  This feels dumb.

I would love for them both to play soccer this year, but I think it's more likely I'll spend the time and money just for them to refuse to play the season.

Anyhoo, that's on the schedule for today.

And voting.

And trying to catch up on work, laundry, bills, and all the other stuff.

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Another to-do:

-call the doctor's office and the insurance company.

Ds has a consistent bleeding issue. It came to a head, his doctor finally ordered tests to be done so we walked across the hall to get blood drawn.  We just got a $1400 bill because our clinic didn't properly inform the insurance company, who would have covered it!! if they had been informed! 

I am so ticked.  My husband's emergency back surgery was $25 because paperwork was done.  But standard bloodwork is $1400??  Ugh!

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1 minute ago, HomeAgain said:

Another to-do:

-call the doctor's office and the insurance company.

Ds has a consistent bleeding issue. It came to a head, his doctor finally ordered tests to be done so we walked across the hall to get blood drawn.  We just got a $1400 bill because our clinic didn't properly inform the insurance company, who would have covered it!! if they had been informed! 

I am so ticked.  My husband's emergency back surgery was $25 because paperwork was done.  But standard bloodwork is $1400??  Ugh!

You should be able to file the claim yourself.

$1,400 is nuts.

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6 minutes ago, SKL said:

You should be able to file the claim yourself.

$1,400 is nuts.

Yes, but this isn't the only issue.  He also needs a neuro work up and needs a referral for that.  We have received letter after letter from insurance saying "hey, we know he needs this, but your doc is screwing up by not doing the paperwork". I mean, more professional than that, but that's the gist. It has been so frustrating for the past year trying to get services without holding their hand through it all.

ETA: this all started about the time dh was told to do Cologuard.  Insurance refused to cover it because they weren't informed until after.  That was another $1200 headache that could have been avoided.


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Took my youngest to a counseling appt this morning at 8

Put food in the crockpot for dinner

Donated my chemicals to another homeschool mom/co-op. Grateful to have some of that space back.

Worked with youngest on math

oldest is currently at physical therapy

More school today. I need to exercise and also walk the dog.  

Looking online for study guides/help for The Great Divorce. I think we will cover that after Dante's Inferno.  

I still need to get some supplies for science but I am hesitating on one of the more expensive items. The other stuff requires me to go shopping and I honestly don't feel like it.  😃 


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Today is a bit of a down day for me.  I am so tired, emotionally and physically.   I would like to not leave the house at all today, but we will see.

  • dishes
  • mail off dad's IRS refund letter
  • Make an appt with my bank to get a medallion signature
  • see if I can change son's doctor's appt 
  • order pillow
  • order sleep meds
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Dishes - done

Laundry - last load in dryer, except for Middle, who has yet to bring theirs to the laundry room

Eye doctor - done, avoided any upcharges, got handled the other stuff, ordered my new bifocals - yay, me, and talked to the doctor about a few weird things that turn out to be one, relatively normal thing (hypersensitive peripheral vision, or something like that) (red/blue lights in movies make me dizzy, as do pinstripes on clothing)

Dining office is tidied properly and back to normal

kitchen is clean

picked up the grocery things for Oldest to cook tonight

Eating something, then time to take DS to his friend's house

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Boy did go to school. 

Dd is about to make the fruit salad. Still to do, pimento cheese sandwiches. 

I am having coffee, finally. And putting my feet up for a bit. 

Not gonna get to the computer stuff today. We will have time to do it tomorrow. 

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@ScoutTN, it's not often. She texts more than calls, but I am grateful she does occasionally. 

@SKL, any way they could practice in regular shoes before you buy them?

@HomeAgain, I'm sorry for the awful charge, but I do pray they can find out what is wrong. I'm sorry he is dealing with it! 

@cintinative, I'm so glad you joined the tackle family!! 

@history-fan, I have no advice due to no experience, but I do hope you find what works!

@WildflowerMom, how is your son? Still doing okay?

@DawnM, sending virtual hugs!! Hope you feel better!

@LifeLovePassion, sorry for the migraine! I hope you can rest and feel better!

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The laptop didn't take long, and I was able to do the shopping this morning. 

Dd and I talked some more on the phone. I'm heading back over to town to meet her for coffee when she gets down there. She is picking up food to make for dinner and dropping it off at her girlfriend's house first. 

I've done some work in my office. I cleaned out the area by the regular desk and printer where the standing desk will go. Electronics areas get so dusty!

I have a mat by my kitchen sink that I am considering putting in front of the new desk. It would be much better on my feet than the rug we have now. 



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Texted mom before I left, that I might cancel on her tomorrow - I'm exhausted. She wants to reschedule. I do not. We'll see; will call her shortly. 

Tried to call insurance to see about the medical benefits for nutrition/dietitian, and got the run-around, so calling back later. The first person said maybe it was behavioral health, but then when I gave her the codes she said it's medical, but then instead of transferring me, she put me back in the normal start of the line, so I gave up for now. 

I need a snack, more coffee, a nap, and to not do another single thing all day. Ha. We'll see what actually happens. I also need to fold laundry, finish cleaning up, etc. 


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Got the soccer shopping done, but not in time for practice, so the girls will go to tomorrow's practice.

They are in the backyard reviewing skills right now.  🙂  Nice to see them doing this instead of sitting around indoors.

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We have a million house flies that have popped up suddenly. Not sure where they are coming from. We've probably vacuumed up 100 or so today. I can't find anything rotten like potatoes or anything. I don't smell anything off anywhere in the house or see a swarm of them any one specific place, I've just found them in groups by the windows throughout the day.

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8 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:

We have a million house flies that have popped up suddenly. Not sure where they are coming from. We've probably vacuumed up 100 or so today. I can't find anything rotten like potatoes or anything. I don't smell anything off anywhere in the house or see a swarm of them any one specific place, I've just found them in groups by the windows throughout the day.

We had that once. In our case, it was the outside trash, and then for some reason, in they came. We stopped keeping the outside trashcan in the garage, and it hasn't happened since. 

But also, we randomly get ants, and wasps, at times too. Usually when it is either way drier than usual (so they are looking for water) or way wetter than usual (so they are looking for a place to not drown). So, could be something like that, maybe. 

Best of luck getting rid of them! It's a pain!


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Dinner was good - I forgot what a big help it is just to have another grown-up cook & clean up. Oldest made dinner, then did dishes, while I worked on putting my living room/bedroom/school stuff all back together. Whew! 

Stopped to eat & visit with the 2 big kids, got back to work, and now all the school stuff is once again organized, my bedroom is clean again, my living room is clean again, my dining-office is clean again, and the house feels peaceful again. :bliss: 

Waiting on youngest to get home from his friend's house. 

I feel way less stressed/way more relaxed, and so can probably go ahead and go to my mom's tomorrow; we'll see. 

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1 minute ago, TheReader said:

We had that once. In our case, it was the outside trash, and then for some reason, in they came. We stopped keeping the outside trashcan in the garage, and it hasn't happened since. 

But also, we randomly get ants, and wasps, at times too. Usually when it is either way drier than usual (so they are looking for water) or way wetter than usual (so they are looking for a place to not drown). So, could be something like that, maybe. 

Best of luck getting rid of them! It's a pain!


I ordered fly traps to be delivered tomorrow. We did have some in our garbage can, but they went away. Not sure where they'd be coming in as we have all new siding/windows and everything is sealed. I will have to take a closer look there I guess. 

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5 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:

I ordered fly traps to be delivered tomorrow. We did have some in our garbage can, but they went away. Not sure where they'd be coming in as we have all new siding/windows and everything is sealed. I will have to take a closer look there I guess. 

Yea, we never figured ours out, either; we are in new construction, so it was all pretty well sealed, etc. but that was the only connection we could find. It was weird. 

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The party was fun. I think everyone who came enjoyed it, though it was small due to the late date and short notice. Lots of extra food - all put away now.

Lots of odds n ends to wrap up tomorrow. 

Enjoying being off my feet! Next up: read! 

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I have gone over all the lessons for tomorrow. I am a little anxious because I have some new students. I'm hoping they all get connected with no problems. 

I keep feeling like I am forgetting something, but I did everything on the list I made this summer. 

I posted the Zoom links, which is probably the most essential thing. I won't post homework until right before class starts. 


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