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Caring for Newborn Kitten


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I have been given an abandonded newborn kitten to bottle feed. She is just under or right at 2 weeks old. She fully opened her eyes just today. She is eating fairly well, around 10 ml per 24 hour period, although it is really hard to get her to take the bottle. She is very alert and active. She is urinating after every feeding. The biggest problem is that I have had her for about 5 days now and she still has not had a bowel movement. I'm getting very concerned about that. The suggestions given by the vet haven't helped and she has an appointment tomorrow. Her name is Chloe, but I should have named her Fireball. I've never seen such a little fighter!


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My goodness, she is adorable.

My sister has a 9 week old kitten that she bottle raised from the day he was born. He pooped better on homemade formula (made w/goat milk + other stuff) than the commercial stuff. He did have to have a few enemas at the vet before we got his food figured out.

She used recipe #1 on this website, it was recommended by our vet.


Anyway, here is a photo of 9 week old Kevin McCattister, who is a now a big boy and uses the litter box all by himself. 😁









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I don't have any advice for the pooping issue, but if you're having a hard time getting her to take a bottle, maybe see if she will lap the formula from a spoon? I once took in a pregnant stray and one of her kittens had a severe case of feline herpes virus, which caused such terrible blisters in her mouth that she couldn't nurse, so I used an eye dropper for a bit and then once her eyes were open she quickly learned to lap from a spoon. (The vet initially said that her chances of survival were very low, but she was a feisty little thing like Chloe.)


Edited by Corraleno
missing word
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7 minutes ago, fraidycat said:

My goodness, she is adorable.

My sister has a 9 week old kitten that she bottle raised from the day he was born. He pooped better on homemade formula (made w/goat milk + other stuff) than the commercial stuff. He did have to have a few enemas at the vet before we got his food figured out.

She used recipe #1 on this website, it was recommended by our vet.


Anyway, here is a photo of 9 week old Kevin McCattister, who is a now a big boy and uses the litter box all by himself. 😁









Thank you so much! I will try one of those. I am just using a formula from Walmart. Those look so much better. Thank you. Kevin McCattister is so pretty. I just love his markings!

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7 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I don't have any advice for the pooping issue, but if you're having a hard time getting her to take a bottle, maybe see if she will lap the formula from a spoon? I once took in a pregnant stray and one of her kittens had a severe case of feline herpes virus, which caused such terrible blisters in her mouth that she couldn't nurse, so I used an eye dropper for a bit and then once her eyes were open she quickly learned to lap from a spoon. (The vet initially said that her chances of survival were very low, but she was a feisty little thing like Chloe.)


I will try that. Thanks!

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Oh, I missed the bottle part. At first we put the nipple on a small syringe because Kevin couldn't suck hard enough. He'd expend too much energy trying to eat. I'm trying to find a photo of it to show you what I mean.

ETA: Yes, this little white kitten is the same brown/grey/white/black kitten from above. He changes colour every day. 😁



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What a cutie you have.

I follow kitten caretaker Hannah, aka Kitten Lady, on her YouTube channel. She has a long video on kittens and poop problems. I don't know if it’s right for your kitten, but she also a short video showing how to give a constipated kitten an enema.


If you need some tips for bottle feeding, she has videos explaining why some kittens have problems and how she handles them.

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57 minutes ago, fraidycat said:

Oh, I missed the bottle part. At first we put the nipple on a small syringe because Kevin couldn't suck hard enough. He'd expend too much energy trying to eat. I'm trying to find a photo of it to show you what I mean

I have seen that, but I have been afraid to try it. How much do you give at a time and how fast do you go? I'm scared to death she will asperate.


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Catsite.com. will have the best advice. 


I use KMS, brand kitten milk replacer. You can get it at local feed stores or pet stores.  I like the syringe style of bottle when they're little, it keeps them from aspirating. I feed bottle babies every 2 to 3 hours, and follow with gauze patting n their bottom. I keep bottle babies in a box with a heating pad on the lowest setting. 2 hours after a feeding I picked them back up and pat bottom again so they will go potty. 

TML Pet Nursing Bottle, Nursing Bottle Kits, Replacement Nipple Mini Cat Feeding Bottle


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2 hours ago, Kela said:

I have seen that, but I have been afraid to try it. How much do you give at a time and how fast do you go? I'm scared to death she will asperate.


We went pretty fast with him because he would get hangry, LOL. We'd usually do 1/2-3/4 of the syringe full, then stop and burp him and clean his face and chest up because he'd make a big mess trying to grab/latch when he was so hangry. Then we'd do the rest of it at a more sedate pace while he dozed off.

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1 hour ago, BeachGal said:

I have mad respect for all of you who care for kittens. From watching Kitten Lady’s YouTube channel, it looks like round the clock feedings for a period of time as well as many other duties. That’s so kind hearted of you all. 💕

It is definitely a labor of love. 

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I remember hauling our box of abandoned kittens around with us when we had to go do errands so we could feed at the right intervals. Loved that time, and those kittens were so bonded to us as a result!  Great work, @Kela she is adorable.

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6 hours ago, BeachGal said:

I have mad respect for all of you who care for kittens. From watching Kitten Lady’s YouTube channel, it looks like round the clock feedings for a period of time as well as many other duties. That’s so kind hearted of you all. 💕


3 hours ago, Eos said:

I remember hauling our box of abandoned kittens around with us when we had to go do errands so we could feed at the right intervals. Loved that time, and those kittens were so bonded to us as a result!  Great work, @Kela she is adorable.

It is a LOT of work. But, they are so precious and worth it.

And yes, it's just like hauling a baby around. You have to make sure you pack the "diaper bag" with all the right paraphernelia. 😁 

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I've had kittens that went 3-5 days before having a bowel movement, especially when first introduced to formula (coming from being with a mother cat/queen to a shelter and a bottle). But I'd honestly say that a vet is probably the best place to get advice if you are concerned.

Tip: if you aren't fostering with a shelter, consider checking with your local shelter to see if you can enroll the kitten there. They provide all the vet care for kittens enrolled, including spay or neuter after 2 lbs and vaccines. Even if you intend to keep the kitten, it's helpful to have free vet care. Shelters right now are absolutely swimming in kittens because cats start breeding more when the weather is warm and stop when it gets cold. So of you contact them, make it clear you will keep and foster, you just need support.

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She went to the vet today. Had an enema with good results. She is really skinny though and desperately needs to gain weight. I got a syringe and will start using that. Prayers and good thoughts please that she gains the weight she needs and makes it.

My German Shepherd apparently thinks he is the daddy. He lays by her crate all night and wakes me up whenever he thinks she needs attention, even though I set my alarm to feed her. He seems to think that he knows better than I do how to take care of her, and he is probably right, but lacking opposable thumbs, he must unfortunately rely on my incompetence. He whines whenever she cries and won't let the other dog around her. He has been especially anxious today, and that makes me nervous 


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What a sweetie your German Shepherd is. So protective.

I hope Chloe starts gaining more, too. Maybe getting all that poop out will make it easier for her to fill up her belly. Hopefully tonight will be long feedings every time. 🙏🏼 

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On 6/30/2023 at 6:31 PM, Kela said:

Had an enema with good results. She is really skinny though and desperately needs to gain weight. I 

She may well gain more easily now that her tummy doesn't feel so full and uncomfortable, as she will naturally eat more. 

When you stimulate, obviously you want to take care, but you also can't be too gentle. And use a more textured washcloth versus a more smooth one. 

A lot of people think a cat's licking (in any situation) would be gentler and smoother than it actually is, but those tongues are rough and they can lick pretty hard. We have a few cats who like to groom their humans, and that cat tongue is definitely not a soft experience, lol. 

Just wanted to throw that out there in case the vet wasn't super clear. 

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On 7/1/2023 at 11:19 AM, BeachGal said:

@Kela How is Chloe today?

She is good. She is eating a lot more now than she was. The vet didn't know how she had so much spunk in her condition. 

Pics of the attentive father 🤣🤣 He is so incredibly gentle with her.



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I was wondering if Daddy Doggo was so interested in her because he knew she was having tummy problems and wanted to help. Would a dog know where to lick a kitty to get them to go potty? Do puppies work the same way? Don't worry about answering. The adorable pictures, especially the one of the two of them, got my brain moving in curious hyper drive. LOL Truly, the picture of the two of them is precious beyond words.

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Oh, they are so cute together! Your German Shepherd is gorgeous, btw, and so sweet to be concerned about Chloe. I am not surprised. German Shepherds that I’ve known are such incredible dogs. Very loyal and protective. 💕

Maybe nce Chloe got everything out, there was more room in her tummy. She doesn’t appear to be fully tabby, maybe a little Russian Blue or Korat? Not that it matters. She’s adorable. 

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Chloe was doing great and eating really well, but for the last day or so she suddenly doesn't want to take a bottle and she has been eating less and less. I've only gotten 1.5 ml into her all morning. Waiting to hear back from the vet. Havoc has been waking us up all night and whining, but we can't get her to eat. All she wants to do is suck on her blankie.

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On 7/2/2023 at 9:22 PM, BeachGal said:

Oh, they are so cute together! Your German Shepherd is gorgeous, btw, and so sweet to be concerned about Chloe. I am not surprised. German Shepherds that I’ve known are such incredible dogs. Very loyal and protective. 💕

Maybe nce Chloe got everything out, there was more room in her tummy. She doesn’t appear to be fully tabby, maybe a little Russian Blue or Korat? Not that it matters. She’s adorable. 

He is an amazing dog. I'm so blessed to have him. 

I am very curious to see how Chloe turns out. I think her fur even seems a little longish. 


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3 minutes ago, Innisfree said:

Do you think she could need another enema?

I hope the vet provides quick help. I’m worried for her. Sending good thoughts and gentle cuddles to Chloe.

I don't know. She is having bowel movements although a little constipated. Thank you for the good thoughts!

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If she’s not nursing much, could she be dehydrated? The harder poops might be a sign. And maybe also the loss of appetite? I’ve watched Kitten Lady give kittens IVs which perked them up. If she’s still not eating much, I’d probably take her to the vet to get checked out.

I think animals know when their buddies are struggling so if Havoc is worried, then he could be sensing something is off. What a sweetie. ❤️

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On 7/6/2023 at 4:24 PM, BeachGal said:

What a cutie pie! She looks pretty comfy all snuggled up in her little blanket.

That's great the antibiotic is helping her appetite. Now she just has to keep eating and growing big. Fingers crossed!i🤞🏼

Thanks! Yes, with the antibiotics clearing up her respiratory problems, her appetite has been improving quite a bit!

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10 hours ago, Kela said:

Thanks! Yes, with the antibiotics clearing up her respiratory problems, her appetite has been improving quite a bit!

That is so good to hear! It’s scary when they’re so touch and go and you have to try to figure out what’s going on. Sounds like she’s over that big hurdle. On to growing. Then kitten antics. Beware! 😸

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On 7/8/2023 at 8:28 AM, BeachGal said:

That is so good to hear! It’s scary when they’re so touch and go and you have to try to figure out what’s going on. Sounds like she’s over that big hurdle. On to growing. Then kitten antics. Beware! 😸

Lol. Yes! I anticipate her being a fireball. From what I understand, bottle fed kittens need to be taught how to do all the kitten things like groom themselves and use the litter box. So, I will have to figure out how to put her through kitten finishing school.



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I was wondering how Chloe was doing earlier today. She appears to be much better! And her ears look a little bigger, too, so growing!

Maybe you can enlist Havoc to help with kitten finishing school. I wouldn't be surprised if he pitches in somehow. What a sweetie.

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5 hours ago, Kela said:

Lol. Yes! I anticipate her being a fireball. From what I understand, bottle fed kittens need to be taught how to do all the kitten things like groom themselves and use the litter box. So, I will have to figure out how to put her through kitten finishing school.



Just set her in the litter box on a regular basis after waking and eating. She'll do the rest. You may have to cover it at first, but she'll figure that out, too.
She will also groom herself.

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9 hours ago, Kela said:

Lol. Yes! I anticipate her being a fireball. From what I understand, bottle fed kittens need to be taught how to do all the kitten things like groom themselves and use the litter box. So, I will have to figure out how to put her through kitten finishing school.



She looks great!  Her eyes are so shiny.  Good sized paws too.  Well done, kitten Mama!

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On 7/10/2023 at 11:56 PM, BeachGal said:

I was wondering how Chloe was doing earlier today. She appears to be much better! And her ears look a little bigger, too, so growing!

Maybe you can enlist Havoc to help with kitten finishing school. I wouldn't be surprised if he pitches in somehow. What a sweetie.

I believe he would! She is getting mobile, and the way she follows him around when she is out and about, I expect her to start barking and wagging her tail any day now...




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On 7/11/2023 at 2:03 PM, stephanier.1765 said:

So much adorableness! So a question - would you do it again? I'm thinking about fostering a kitten or two from Animal Control but it feels a bit overwhelming.

Yes. I really believe I would. I work full time, though, so I wouldn't be able to do it if my mom didn't take care of her while I was at work. I take her everywhere so I can feed her on schedule if we are out.

Are you going to be bottle feeding? If so, I highly recommend getting a miracle nipple. It works far better than anything else I used.

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