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Well-trained bodies - October

Laura Corin

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

@Laura Corin Wow!!!!!  Those last 2 photos are AMAZING!!!   You are so lucky to get to spend time there. 

I really am. I can be on the edges of the Highlands  in 90 minutes by car. Beach walks are about twenty minutes away from home too. 

My Fitbit is getting ready to stage an intervention  - it's been telling me for days that I'm overdoing it and that my readiness to exercise is stuck at 1 percent. Today, I'll listen - I  plan a short dog walk and some gentle yoga, plus the usual fallen apple collecting to stew for the freezer. The rest of the day, I'll work on essay 2. Oh, and I'll order a thornless rose to scramble up one of the apple trees.

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@Laura Corin Always beautiful photos, the forest reminds me of the forest we visited between Glen Coe and Ben Nevis.

@heartlikealion yes, we did have pickleball Tuesday. The temps weren't so bad by the afternoon but the wind was up again.

I started my period Wednesday and felt properly yucky Wed and Thurs. But I slept decently last night and no longer have cramps so I'm hoping for a good day.

Wednesday I did upper body strength

Thursday I meant to do yoga in the morning but didn't. I did go to pickleball in the evening and got a solid 2 hrs of play. Tuesday wasn't a good day. One of those I felt like why am I even bothering I'm not improving. Yesterday my play was actually decent. Best I've ever played. Several people commented to me about how much better I'm playing. That gave me some hope. 

It is good we only play twice a week as I could start to feel it in my shoulder last Thursday and the long weekend break really helped. My hips bothering me too. I tried to go heavier again on my lower body weights last week and it screwed me up. I don't understand it. PT was worthless. It feels like it is out of place almost. Tuesday I couldn't do one legged bridges on the left side at all.  

Today is full body but we'll see what my hip tolerates.

Also, I'm starting to paint the siding. Hoping I get on one coat of gray on that we got put up.(and if things go well get one coat this am and one this evening to finish it off) Most shouldn't be so bad but the end of the side will require some serious ladder work and I may or may not be able to get. The tall ladder is really heavy to move and a PITA to get into place and still yet I might not be tall enough. I'll do what I can!


Edited by Soror
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Got out for a walk last night after I finished my midterm (with a score that I don't love but doesn't jeopardize my course grade), a little over 4K to finish off the day's steps.

Last night was my third in a row of less than five hours of sleep, and, although I woke up at my usual time, I just couldn't force myself out of bed for a while. I ended up having to cut my walk a little short, about 3.5K, and spend a little less time with strength and stretching on the patio in order to be at my desk to check in on time. 

Depending on how I do with work this morning, I may try to take a break and either go out for a quick walk or ride the stationary bike for a 30 minutes or so. Getting the discussion submitted yesterday afternoon and taking the midterm last night means I have finished my schoolwork for the week (early, for the first time this semester), so I should have the luxury of going out for a longer walk or something this evening. 


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 553.6 of 600K
Walking Streak: 7

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Been very distracted but the fall fest is over now (I posted some pics on the frugalistas and craft threads). I did eat some of the baked goods. 

Did 45 min on the stationary bike tonight (first time using since second tailbone injury). Glad to feel ok. Dd and I watched the 1984 Frankenweenie movie while I biked. She’s the only reason I got any exercise — she didn’t want to go to bed lol 

I haven’t been wearing my watch all day so don’t know my average steps recently. I’ll try to wear all day tomorrow. Watch just gets in my way for some tasks. 

Dd and I are supposed to go out tomorrow so I hope I rack up steps. Oh yeah I did buy hummus recently. Ate with veggies this week. Need to restock my pumpkin seeds (I add to salads). 

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All I did yesterday was about 12 minutes on the treadmill. Need to not open the work computer before I work out as "answering a few emails" took way too long.

Rain finally came yesterday and other than tomorrow (partly cloudy), my watch shows rain every day through next weekend. Everyone was calling Thursday (77°) the last nice day. We just settle into our Oregon frame of mind that it will be mostly gray and drizzly--mizzling I guess--until May or June.

Did the fairly recent Celebrate yoga this morning. Planning to do much schoolwork of course. Need to get the house in order and I would like to make an apple crisp this weekend too.

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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

All I did yesterday was about 12 minutes on the treadmill. Need to not open the work computer before I work out as "answering a few emails" took way too long.

Rain finally came yesterday and other than tomorrow (partly cloudy), my watch shows rain every day through next weekend. Everyone was calling Thursday (77°) the last nice day. We just settle into our Oregon frame of mind that it will be mostly gray and drizzly--mizzling I guess--until May or June.

Did the fairly recent Celebrate yoga this morning. Planning to do much schoolwork of course. Need to get the house in order and I would like to make an apple crisp this weekend too.

Bonus points for you for using the word mizzling🥰

Edited by Harriet Vane
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Yesterday, dh and I took a good walk around the neighborhood. Since I had done so much exercise the day before, I felt good about keeping it low impact. Unfortunately I did not do much in the way of PT, so I will have to rectify that today.

The plan for today is to get out and walk, because the weather is gorgeous and I must take full advantage before the November gray skies. I'd also like to make sure I hang upside down on the teeter table and get in a full and complete PT rotation. I'm saying it here to make sure I follow through.😉

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13 minutes ago, Miss Tick said:

I rarely do more than the occasional lurk in these posts, but I wanted to add my voice today. This morning I finished a local half-marathon, and I want to particularly thank @Soror @Kassia @hshibleyfor their specific advice over the last few months on varying topics that helped me make this race a success.

Congratulations!  What a wonderful accomplishment!  🙂  

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I did not get out for a walk or make time for the stationary bike at lunchtime yesterday, which meant that, since I had not walked as long as usual in the morning, I found myself with more than half of the day's steps left to do when I logged off work. I strongly considered just giving up, but I went out for a walk and listened to my audiobook and logged almost 5K.

Started this morning with about 3K around the neighborhood, then headed out to yoga at the lake for the first time since the hurricane. The preserve definitely took a hit, lots of downed and broken trees and a lot of walkways still covered in leaves, branches and other debris. They have cleared the boardwalk to the lake, though, so we could have class in our usual location. It was breezy and cool (for Florida), but nice to be back.

The walk to and from the class location netted me another 2K.

I have been on my feet walking all over the house and kitchen for most of the rest of the day. My husband and I are scheduled to go to a Halloween party tonight, and I had to finish a few elements of our costumes. Early in the afternoon, I suddenly remembered that I had also planned to bake something to take with us. So, instead of the somewhat leisurely day I had hoped to have, I've been busy. Once the last batch of pineapple-pomegranate (in honor of the party's mythology theme) upside-down mini cakes are out of the oven, I plan to nap for an hour, shower, get dressed and head on out.

Maybe tomorrow can be more restful?


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 563.2 of 600K
Walking Streak: 8

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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7 hours ago, Miss Tick said:

I rarely do more than the occasional lurk in these posts, but I wanted to add my voice today. This morning I finished a local half-marathon, and I want to particularly thank @Soror @Kassia @hshibleyfor their specific advice over the last few months on varying topics that helped me make this race a success.

Congrats!! That is amazing.

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Many congratulations @Miss Tick, that is a wonderful accomplishment.

@Jenny in Florida those cakes sound fabulous

I've been working outside the last 2 days got a chunk of painting done, 2 coats on the bottom half of the front and part of the side. My shoulder protested and said no more so I'll wait a few days and try to finish the side. Yesterday and today we've been working on the top half of the front's siding. It is herringbone and the measurements and prep have taken forever. I'm sure for those that do this for a living it wouldn't be a big deal  but for us amateurs we're slow.

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Yesterday I forgot to wear my pedometer. Took dd out. Didn't realize the YMCA closes at 4 on Saturday and they usually make you exit the pool like a half hour before and then you need to make sure you have time to shower if you plan to do that... so I just told dd we don't have time for the pool today. We went to a library event then trunk or treat. I was starving and got us a Little Caesar's pizza we ate in the car between events (apparently they are not $5 anymore and I didn't realize they had free hot dogs at the trunk or treat. Oh well, I don't think I could have waited that long to eat). 

Hope to do bike and/or workout video later today. 

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

@Jenny in Florida those cakes sound fabulous

Thanks. By the time I got them out of their pans and onto the platter, I was pretty sick of them. I had made the mistake of tasting the batter and snacking on bits of a couple that stuck in the pans . . . . and I hadn't eaten any real food all day. So, I was feeling pretty woozy and gross by the time we made it to the party. As far as I'm concerned, I'd be happy never to see one of those cakes again. However, they were a hit among the crowd.  

Also, yes, painting is tiring. I keep looking at the blank walls in our guest room and dreaming up creative things we could do there, but then I remember how exhausting it would be to actually do the painting. 

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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We didn't get home from the party last night until about 11:00, by which time I was tired and still feeling groggy and gross because I had eaten too much sugar on an otherwise empty stomach. So, I looked at the step count on my Fitbit and basically decided I just didn't care.

I had a weird moment this morning while out walking. I slept a bit later than usual, but pulled myself out of bed and out the door to walk. I was thinking about how Sundays are the only day I have when I can walk as long as I want, because there's no other schedule in the morning. I have an audiobook I'm enjoying. I made it about a kilometer from the house and suddenly just couldn't figure out why I was walking at all. Like, really, I wasn't going anywhere or doing anything "real." I was just . . . walking, essentially going nowhere very fast and very intentionally. I had this impulse to just sit down on the next bench I passed and stop.

I didn't. I kept going. But I can't honestly say I remember anything I saw while I was out there or that it in any way felt good to walk. I just did it.

Anyway, Sundays are my days off from anything other than walking. So, I'll do something else later to get my steps . . . probably.



Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 567.7 of 600K
Walking Streak: 9

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@Jenny in Florida
Walking for movement is ok. Just hopefully you can enjoy it. I don’t follow the plan closely but the Metabolic Renewal plan says walk 10k a day and not quickly/for cardio. Strictly to get some movement. However when I walk I just go at whatever pace I feel like. 

Sometimes I mute the Get Fit with Rick videos and choose my own music. I try to make it enjoyable and I don’t always like the music picks. 

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9 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

@Jenny in Florida
Walking for movement is ok. Just hopefully you can enjoy it. I don’t follow the plan closely but the Metabolic Renewal plan says walk 10k a day and not quickly/for cardio. Strictly to get some movement. However when I walk I just go at whatever pace I feel like. 

Sometimes I mute the Get Fit with Rick videos and choose my own music. I try to make it enjoyable and I don’t always like the music picks. 

I always mute my walking videos and just listen to a podcast.

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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

@Jenny in Florida
Walking for movement is ok. Just hopefully you can enjoy it. I don’t follow the plan closely but the Metabolic Renewal plan says walk 10k a day and not quickly/for cardio. Strictly to get some movement. However when I walk I just go at whatever pace I feel like. 

Sometimes I mute the Get Fit with Rick videos and choose my own music. I try to make it enjoyable and I don’t always like the music picks. 

Ye, normally I like just being outside and moving. I enjoy perusing whatever sights, scenery or greenery I'm passing. I listen to podcasts or audiobooks. Walking several miles a day has been part of my daily routine for quite a while. 

But this morning, I just couldn't figure out why.

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All day outside yesterday, no official exercise. We didn't finish the top front siding but made good strides. We'll easily finish it next weekend and finish the last couple pieces of trim, then it will be ready to paint. 

This week--- week 9 Epic 3--- lower/upper/lower/full- strength training + HIIT

I didn't do the HIIT this week. I haven't felt that peppy and honestly stayed pretty busy this weekend. Many, many hours outside so my nose is very stuffy from the allergies.

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Weight went back up. Ate too much junk this weekend + not enough exercise. Couldn’t restock fridge as it was so late after trick or treating. I’ll try to offset the junk food this week. 

I tried to buy high waisted jeans but they didn’t have my size in stock. I ordered my best guess online but their online descriptions don’t match the descriptions on the pant labels. I will probably get the wrong thing ugh I want to swim laps soon but it’s so much gas to get there. An hour drive. Literally looked up apartments (small ones, 2 bd) closer to the things I like to do and they are over $1000/mo. Ugh. For my cost of living area, that’s sorta high IMO. But typical now. 

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40 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Literally looked up apartments (small ones, 2 bd) closer to the things I like to do and they are over $1000/mo. Ugh. For my cost of living area, that’s sorta high IMO. But typical now. 

If it makes you feel any better, rents in my area for a two-bedroom apartment start at about $2,000 and go way up from there. 

And it's not like I live close to the hip and happening part of town.

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I spent most of yesterday just hanging out on the patio. I was supposed to be doing my reading for school, and I got a little bit done, but mostly I watched YouTube and napped and read news and wandered into the house occasionally to put in the next load of laundry.

I bestirred myself in the evening to make a simple dinner for my husband and myself, then went for a walk to log my remaining daily steps. 

Started this morning with the usual walk, about 4.4K, followed by about 40 minutes of strength and stretching. I was very sore and stiff when I started, so did some yoga stretches before starting anything more strenuous. Nonetheless, this morning I wasn't able to use the heavier weights for anything at all, even the stuff with which I don't normally have any trouble. 

My neurologist wrote me an order for another PT evaluation for weakness, which I didn't ask for and wasn't planning to follow up on. But I'm beginning to think I possibly should at least do the eval.

More walking and/or stationary biking later, I suppose.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 575.7 of 600K
Walking Streak: 10

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12 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

If it makes you feel any better, rents in my area for a two-bedroom apartment start at about $2,000 and go way up from there. 

And it's not like I live close to the hip and happening part of town.

Yikes. I rent a 3 bd 1 ba house for less so it pains me to pay so much for something smaller. 

Drove all the way to the YMCA tonight because I’m crazy. Swam laps. It was really cold entering the water! Some man sat down by my lane so I was self conscious. But we spoke later. He was just waiting on a grandchild and plans to swim another time. I felt really winded and rusty. I think I’ll watch some swimming videos to look at their form. 

Stopped at target on way home (here now) and got a few groceries. Watermelon, strawberries, blue corn chips, refried beans, carrots and lettuce. I can’t wait to eat the watermelon. Been craving it but it was $12 for a big one out of a guy’s truck and $5 at Walmart for a smaller one. This was a personal size one for just under $4. 

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The last few days I’ve walked the lane by the house and not much else. It’s really beautiful with the fall colors, but I do need to be strength training, running, doing targeted PT. Tonight’s goal is to hang on the teeter board before bed. (I already walked outside.)  Tomorrow is a really busy day, but I hope to walk outside again in the unseasonal warmth and also do a good PT rotation. 

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I felt kind of physically and emotionally gross yesterday, but forced myself to do a lap around the downtown area after getting my hair cut. I still had a good 5,000 steps to do by the time I got home, but just was not up to putting on socks and real walking shoes and heading outside. So, I spent about 45 minutes on the stationary bike, instead.

Still feeling under the weather this morning, which led to a slow start to the day. I did get out for a walk, though, about 4.6K. Back home, I just did a 20-minute seated upper body workout video (level 1, because I was too lazy to do anything more ambitious). 

Yoga tonight, and at some point I'll get the rest of the steps for the day. 


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 593.2 of 600K
Walking Streak: 11

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Bodyweight circuit x2 and grading papers instead of yoga. Equally calming I'm sure.

@heartlikealion I've almost convinced myself that blue corn tortilla chips must be healthier than regular because they're blue. So they probably have all the special antioxidants that blueberries have. Right.

Dh and I are both crazy busy this week. Yes, worse than normal. Everything is due. Plus parent teacher conferences tomorrow and Thursday. Tomorrow is teaching a full day and the PT conferences. Who planned that? Not teachers.

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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

Bodyweight circuit x2 and grading papers instead of yoga. Equally calming I'm sure.

@heartlikealion I've almost convinced myself that blue corn tortilla chips must be healthier than regular because they're blue. So they probably have all the special antioxidants that blueberries have. Right.

Dh and I are both crazy busy this week. Yes, worse than normal. Everything is due. Plus parent teacher conferences tomorrow and Thursday. Tomorrow is teaching a full day and the PT conferences. Who planned that? Not teachers.

They have more protein and lower glycemic index according to google. They also often come in organic. I haven't been able to find the Great Value version in a while (which may or may not be organic). So I don't buy every shopping trip as they are kinda expensive. And yes, they do have antioxidants. 

I like to snack on them on their own, add to tortilla soup, and eat with refried beans. A bag never lasts long here. 

Sorry you have everything due at once and conferences ugh. 

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yesterday am - strength upper body 

afternoon- pickleball --- only 1.5 hrs as we had to play inside and the area was booked for volleyball

a bit of walking too while I waited on dd to finish swimming

My week has been busy here too between dd's swimming practice and appointments which of course don't line up quite right. We were supposed to get flu shots this morning but I'm already behind and have another appt for dd on Fri. We'll just do a drop in at a pharmacy. 

I *need* to do lower body strength training but I also really need to get caught up on my housecleaning and just don't want to. I'd planned to paint today but (1) I got too much to do and my shoulder is still sore. I'll do it at some point and it will probably be a half-ass session as I'm struggling to focus but done is better than perfect.

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My weight went back up ugggh I gotta be more consistent with food & exercise. I’m working on something at work that is a ton of busy work and I’m trying to streamline the process. So I’m kinda occupied with that. 

The things in my house are getting worse. I thought it was squirrels but they were making noise at 1:30 am last night so could be rats for all I know. More often than not something is making noises. Rats aren’t supposed to be active during the day and I hear it off/on all day. 

It’s making relaxing in bed harder. I’ve told the landlord multiple times but I don’t think they understand the gravity. It sounds like they are chewing wires or building nests. I need to clean my room and see if I can get one of the landlords to come over while the creatures are active. 

New day, new goals. I will make time for exercise sometime today. Was too tired to do morning walk. 

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Did my hour of yoga class last night. It wasn't as enjoyable as usual, but that may have been for all kinds of reasons. She worked our legs quite a bit, and I am feeling it today. 

When I got home from class, I went for a walk (3.9K) to top off the day's steps. 

I woke up this morning and realized there was literally nothing waiting for me today that I wanted to do, so stalled quite a while getting out of bed. Eventually, I did, but the late start meant I had to but back on both my walk (3.2K instead of my usual 4K+) and strength and stretching (about 15 minutes). 

This means I will have to either find time and energy to do extra walking later or make peace with missing my goal (again). 


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 600.2 of 650K*
Walking Streak: 12

* (Reached my goal early because the stationary biking earns more mileage. Increased by 50K to extend through 10/31.)

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I did get out on the lane to walk yesterday, and I'm glad I made myself do it as it was the last day of unseasonable warmth. It's still pleasant outside today, but much cooler. I hope to go walking again later today and do some PT.

I also forced myself to hang on the teeter board. It's such a mixed bag. It undeniably helps. A LOT. Five minutes hanging at a steep slope upside-down will erase my limp. It's such a relief. Yet going down always brings a wave of fear that washes over me. After a certain point I have a much harder time controlling the speed of descent, so that's one part of it. The other part is the slide and then the grab at the ankles--the slide is only a few inches at most, but the ankle restraints are never quite tight enough, so there's an immediate I'm-falling! feeling when the slide/grab happens. Last night I did not put on the ankle boots, and the fear of falling is definitely worse when it's just my naked feet in the restraints. I dread going on because of this overwhelming fear, but once I've settled into position I am fine and I feel dramatically better when I am all done, so I wish I could get rid of the terrible fear in that final tilt downward. It's always a minute or two of gasping and shaking before I can settle my breathing and relax into it.

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3 hours ago, heartlikealion said:


The things in my house are getting worse. I thought it was squirrels but they were making noise at 1:30 am last night so could be rats for all I know. More often than not something is making noises. Rats aren’t supposed to be active during the day and I hear it off/on all day. 


We had mice in the roof at our last house  - the noise was mainly at night but daytime too. They were incredibly loud for how tiny they were. Can your landlord help?


I was very busy again at work  - no walk at lunchtime and just some apple collecting and fifteen minutes of yoga after work before dark.  

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I get to go at a slightly slower pace today--don't need to be at school until 9:00. I did get out for a short walk around the school yesterday afternoon which was a good mental break as well as physical. I was exhausted by the end of conferences. More today. I'll sip my mocha and surf here awhile longer, then do my dumbbell workout.

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I did manage to break for a short walk (about 2K) yesterday afternoon. After work, I decided to take the evening to carve the pumpkin I promised for a local event (managing to stall this week's school assignment for one more day). I spent over two hours wrestling with the three pumpkins I needed to hollow and carve, walking to and from my craft room for supplies, etc. I looked at my Fitbit assuming that the activity would have bumped me to at least 10,000 steps . . .

But no.

So, off I went for another (4K) walk. 

More trouble making myself move this morning, but I did so a little earlier than yesterday and walked about 4.2K, then did one of the 20-minute seated upper body workouts and an 8-minute "deskercise" stretch.

My husband has his RPG group here tonight, which is good incentive for me to hole up in my office and knock out that assignment. It's due by midnight tomorrow, and I really want this weekend free to do Halloween stuff. 

At some point, I'll make time for a walk, also.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 610.2 of 650K
Walking Streak: 13

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I've been away visiting my mom. Didn't get any intensive exercise done while there, just some very slow walking with mom. She's doing really well, considering she had a broken hip and major surgery about 6 months ago. She can walk for hours at a slow pace. It was quite relaxing, to be honest. ☺️

My tennis elbow is still very painful even with no demanding physical activity. I have a referral for PT, now I just need to make the appointment and get to work on it. 

Dh and I went for a lovely walk in the woods with the dogs this morning. That was it for activity. Still trying to get used to the time change after the visit.

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Today: easy hiking am; pickleball pm --- 2ish hours

Should have done yoga but with my allergy insomnia I didn't wake up in time to get it done before the hike at the nature center.

@wintermom sorry to hear the elbow is still bothering you. The walks with your mom sound very lovely

@heartlikealion that sounds very unnerving. Do you use white noise at night? YOu can download an app or play off of spotify or youtube. It could help with the noise until you get something done.

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