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Well-trained bodies - September

Laura Corin

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@Harriet Vane I hope your physio sorted you out.

Another busy day, but we interviewed someone who can start as soon as HR manages to process her appointment.  So that's good.

I managed to walk up the den this evening, and my knee felt fine on the hill.  I have to restrain myself from being too ambitious. 

We are going out to dinner tomorrow night - Hobbes is going back to university in a couple of weeks,  so this is a kind of farewell.  I'll miss him. He's a sweet lad.

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Thanks for starting the new thread, @Laura Corin! Glad your work load will be lightened soon with new staff! Enjoy your dinner out!

I biked over to play a little drop-in tennis last night. It's getting dark so early, that I could only play for an hour before I had to return home before it became pitch black. Dh and I will play tennis with friends tonight, then I'll play Saturday and Sunday morning. It's nice to have another 'streak' on the go!

Dh and I took both dogs for a walk this morning again. The older dog just loves it, but he sure moves slow compared to the rocket puppy. 😅


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I so wanted to wrap up a the assignments for one of my two classes last night, but it just didn't work out. At about 9:15, I gave in and decided a walk sounded like a better way to invest the remaining time before bed. Made my step goal, but left myself with a chunk of schoolwork to do tonight.

Started this morning with a slightly shortened (3.75k) walk and about 15 minutes of somewhat random strength and stretching before I ran out to a formal volunteer orientation for the organization whose donations I was working on organizing yesterday. I've been waiting through the entire pandemic for them to start taking on new volunteers, so I knew I couldn't miss this opportunity when the coordinator mentioned yesterday that it was happening. 

No yoga class tomorrow morning (holiday weekend), so I will try for a longer walk and some solid exercise on the mat to make up for cutting things short today. I should also do my next training walk at some point this weekend.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 92.1 of 650k
Walking Streak: 123 days

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So I have a pinched nerve. It's not a little flare up. It's the real deal. This has happened to me before because of the bone spurs in my spine, but it never gets easier. My spine dr is not available for a week. I went to the orthopedic urgent care (as I was told to do) and found that their nurse for walk-ins (nurse?!?!!) is out today and a different doctor in the building agreed to see walk-ins as able in between his regular patients. And he's not a spine doctor either. So I could pay urgent care prices at a specialized orthopedic clinic for some random doctor who will only be able to offer an xray and a cortizone shot. And somehow they think it's acceptable to call it a specialized orthopedic clinic and staff it with a nurse on regular days. Not an orthopedic doctor. 

This is American health care--all the same waits and idiotic bureaucracy as the so-called "socialized" medicine so any Americans fear, AND we get to pay a fortune for what little we get.

So I walked out. And if they attempt to charge me for sitting in their waiting room for hours hoping that the doctor would actually see me (and never did) I will make sure they regret it. Because if I'd know there was no care to be had, I would have avoided the drive in a bouncy car and the wait in their uncomfortable waiting room.

So the plan is to soldier through with ice and the various tricks I use to keep the system balanced. PT appointment today in 20 minutes should help, and hopefully I'll be able to continue getting appointments for PT. And pray that the numbness in my hand lifts so I can finish the revisions due on this project on Monday. Spine doctor on Thursday. 

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@Harriet Vane I'm sorry. Healthcare is crap. The bureaucracy is ridiculous. So much time and money wasted, just to line the insurance company pockets

@Laura Corin Wow, that is quick. Hope the new person works out.

@wintermom I'm sure we have more daylight here but it is still noticeable and cutting into our work time for sure.

@Jenny in Florida best wishes with the new volunteer gig 

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We got the roof on Thursday and Friday. Ya! We're hoping to get a good amount of work done this holiday weekend as we had to rent a lift to do the roof so we might as well do all we can with it while we got it. Slowly and steadily coming together.

I did get in a 30 min core workout thursday/nothing Friday--- except lots of work outside

Today-- 1 hr strength (bodyweight) (dh had a blood donation this am so I got that done while he was gone)

September goals-- keeping at the new schedule - works best for me to get in my workout by 7 so I can start school with dd1 by 7:30-- 5 days a week or so

Hopefully more pickleball- they only had 1 practice last week and it was an am one (during school time). This week dd has tennis T/W/R afternoons so I likely won't get any then either. 

More walking-- they should be finishing the bridge this month cutting back on traffic. 

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I dug myself out from under a portion of the mound of school reading and assignments for this week yesterday afternoon and evening, but there is still more to do. Technically, I have until tomorrow night to turn in a couple of things, but tomorrow is my husband's birthday and I am trying to avoid having to spend a lot of the day focused on schoolwork. 

By about 8:00, though, my brain was mushy. So I went for a solid 5.3k walk (while listening to one of the books that is not required but strongly recommended for one of my classes), which finished off the steps for the day.

Since there was no yoga class this morning, I started the day with another 5K walk around the neighborhood and then did a 30-minute yoga video

I've promised myself I can go out and buy frames for a few things I've acquired to hang on the walls only after I knock off at least the rest of my textbooks reading and the two quizzes. I may also do a little grocery shopping while I'm out, so a few more steps there. 

Then it will be back to my laptop to finish off the remaining items on my school to-do list before taking another walk this evening to top off the step count.

I paid my tuition for the semester yesterday, and looking at the workload for these courses, I'm definitely having a bit of buyer's remorse. I'm sure I'll get into a rhythm eventually -- I always have before -- but right this minute I'm wondering why I did this to myself.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 102.3 of 650k
Walking Streak: 124 days

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Trying to get better at checking in.  I am keeping up weekly lifting adding in a couple more stretch days and daily walks.  I decided not to renew  beach body and dh helped me find all my favorite programs on dvds.   I am thankful for so many people who put out various exercise content on you tube.  I feel I need to have a lot of workout variety as to not get in a rut. Kwim.   

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My tailbone seems worse lately ugh. I tried Tylenol and that seemed useless. 

I totally hear you on urgent care — I went to the sports & medicine urgent care and the person that spoke to me besides the X-ray tech was a nurse practitioner and young. I felt like I should have seen a dr or a more experienced nurse practitioner. Not just because of the age but because I really didn’t get the vibe they were very knowledgeable. Part of the reason I went was so if I have to try to get the post office railing fixed I have medical documentation of an injury. They didn’t look at my body at all and I have no idea if they should have. I shaved and showered before the visit because I didn’t know if I’d have to get undressed. 

My butt cushion arrived which is nice. 

I’m dog sitting right now (Sat morning to Mon afternoon) and don’t know if I’m welcome to use the shower. They didn’t talk about it or towels. I did bring my own towels but will probably just shower when I get home Monday. I showered Sat before I got here. This is harder than I expected. You go outside with the dogs and one in particular will not relieve herself. The owners just said escort her out and I did and she refused to move a couple times from the patio to the grass or just stood there and wouldn’t pee. Hours went by and she still wouldn’t go. So this morning I took her on a walk and she peed twice and pooped twice. Finally! 

I packed food and picked up a few items at the store so I’m less tempted to eat out. I bought the wrong oatmeal but I’ll make do. The oats are huge. Yesterday I got a little over 6k steps which was better than some days lately. 

I was going to go to church tonight (that service is more casual for dress) but the dogs eat at that time and then I’d need to stick around to try to get them to use the bathroom so I guess I’ll go this morning. I only packed jeans for church but oh well. 

When you walk your dog do they always go potty? 

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24 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

When you walk your dog do they always go potty? 

Mine almost always at least pees, unless I have taken her out recently to relieve herself. She's an older pup, though, and has recently been diagnosed with kidney insufficieny, so she pees frequently. We aim to get her outside at least every couple of hours. She generally poos just once or twice a day.

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I made the mistake of inviting my husband to come do my shopping yesterday, which resulted in us spending a lot of money on Halloween decor and treats from Whole Foods. It did net me some steps, though, so by the time I finished my schoolwork and closed my laptop later in the evening, I needed only about 3,000 steps to meet my goal. It was raining lightly, so the dog opted to stay home, but I walked about 3K.

Started this morning with about 4.5K of walking. Sunday is my exercise rest day, so it'll just be more walking later.

The plan for tomorrow is to head out to one of the walking trails and do my 7K+ training walk for the week (which will also knock out the Labor Day 5K badge for my walking challenge).


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 109.9 of 650k
Walking Streak: 125 days

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I signed up for a booth at the upcoming Germanfest after church (it’s a huge annual fundraiser and I’ll probably bake something for their dessert booth). Hopefully by then my tailbone will be better. Depending on the set up I may or may not have access to a chair but I don’t think the shifts are too long and you earn a free meal. I’m not into the traditional meal so I usually just get the regular hotdog. 

It was cool this morning but I still broke a sweat so I don’t think I’ll walk the others. Plus running low on bags for their poop. The owner was only concerned with the hyper one being walked, anyway. I just felt bad for the others. They don’t like being in the yard long. They pee and then kinda sit around a min and may stand by the door to go back inside lol There are 3 dogs total. 

I brought my laptop and did some work + started on my annulment write up yesterday but I don’t have the right laptop adapter tip for my universal charger with me. No one sold it locally - I checked a few stores and online so my laptop might be dead today or with a low charge. My other charger is at home along with the adapter tip set. 

I’ll probably relax most of the day and watch some tv. Last night I streamed a marvel movie I hadn’t seen since they had it (newest dr strange. I still can’t believe Xh took dd to see that in the theatre. It had some horror movie vibes). 

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Just showered (delightful!) after 2.5 hrs of tennis this morning. That's the last tennis of a 4-day streak and my body is feeling sore. My hips and knees get sore from the hard court surface from Thurs and Fri nights. I'm going to have to stick to the soft clay surface as much as possible. 

I'm going to rest and recover for the remainder of the long weekend, with just dog walking and possibly a kayak paddle if it warms up.

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6 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

My tailbone seems worse lately ugh. I tried Tylenol and that seemed useless. 

I totally hear you on urgent care — I went to the sports & medicine urgent care and the person that spoke to me besides the X-ray tech was a nurse practitioner and young. I felt like I should have seen a dr or a more experienced nurse practitioner. Not just because of the age but because I really didn’t get the vibe they were very knowledgeable. Part of the reason I went was so if I have to try to get the post office railing fixed I have medical documentation of an injury. They didn’t look at my body at all and I have no idea if they should have. I shaved and showered before the visit because I didn’t know if I’d have to get undressed. 

My butt cushion arrived which is nice. 

I’m dog sitting right now (Sat morning to Mon afternoon) and don’t know if I’m welcome to use the shower. They didn’t talk about it or towels. I did bring my own towels but will probably just shower when I get home Monday. I showered Sat before I got here. This is harder than I expected. You go outside with the dogs and one in particular will not relieve herself. The owners just said escort her out and I did and she refused to move a couple times from the patio to the grass or just stood there and wouldn’t pee. Hours went by and she still wouldn’t go. So this morning I took her on a walk and she peed twice and pooped twice. Finally! 

I packed food and picked up a few items at the store so I’m less tempted to eat out. I bought the wrong oatmeal but I’ll make do. The oats are huge. Yesterday I got a little over 6k steps which was better than some days lately. 

I was going to go to church tonight (that service is more casual for dress) but the dogs eat at that time and then I’d need to stick around to try to get them to use the bathroom so I guess I’ll go this morning. I only packed jeans for church but oh well. 

When you walk your dog do they always go potty? 

My dog will sometimes pee in the garden but needs the stimulation of a walk to poo.

I was at my desk most of the day. I took a 4 mile walk after supper and used my hand weights for twenty minutes. 

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Don't mind me. I'm just sneaking into this topic and will mainly hide against the wall.

I decided this week to start a Couch to 5k and successfully jogged/walked on Thursday and Friday. I was planning to head out today but it was 80° and humid at 6am and it's headed up to 108° today. I don't really like announcing to my husband about plans like this because he'll get waaay too excited and encourage/nag me about it. So, just you invisible friends get to know for now.

My plan so far:
Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri
Right after I drop kids off at school, I'll jog/walk until I can consistently run a solid 5k.

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1 hour ago, ericathemom said:

Don't mind me. I'm just sneaking into this topic and will mainly hide against the wall.

I decided this week to start a Couch to 5k and successfully jogged/walked on Thursday and Friday. I was planning to head out today but it was 80° and humid at 6am and it's headed up to 108° today. I don't really like announcing to my husband about plans like this because he'll get waaay too excited and encourage/nag me about it. So, just you invisible friends get to know for now.

My plan so far:
Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri
Right after I drop kids off at school, I'll jog/walk until I can consistently run a solid 5k.

I love being in on a secret! You go, girl! 

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Today I told myself that surely it was socially acceptable for me to shower here? If it’s not then society is wrong lol I felt sorry for the other 2 dogs not getting walked so I took each dog on a separate walk after their dinner. The hyper one got a morning + evening walk. Everyone went potty on their walk or just before. After my shower two dogs got on my bed and curled up for sleep… I looked at the clock and told myself yeah I’ll skip the extra tv watching and head to sleep now. If I stay up I’m tempted to snack. All together a bit over 10k steps today. Drank a lot of water. 

My weight hasn’t really done much since 2 weeks ago. I should be down like 4 more pounds but I’ll try to not beat myself up over it. 

@ericathemom couch to 5k… that sounds good! Is there a recommended exercise routine? When is the 5k or do you not have a specific one in mind? 

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15 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Is there a recommended exercise routine? When is the 5k or do you not have a specific one in mind?

I've seen several different schedules online that generally follow a 6 week or so progression of something like "walk 1 min, run 1 min" until you're running more than walking. I didn't know how to manage that derailed timekeeping in the midst of exercising so I'm just running until I can't, walking only long enough to catch my breath, and then doing that again. We'll see how it all goes. I'm also using mapmyrun to track some basic stats 'cause statistics are fun.

I don't have a 5k in mind, but we'll see as time goes by.

My main goal is to, over time, get a bit more fit and to feel more comfortable in my clothes.

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9 hours ago, ericathemom said:

Don't mind me. I'm just sneaking into this topic and will mainly hide against the wall.

I decided this week to start a Couch to 5k and successfully jogged/walked on Thursday and Friday. I was planning to head out today but it was 80° and humid at 6am and it's headed up to 108° today. I don't really like announcing to my husband about plans like this because he'll get waaay too excited and encourage/nag me about it. 

I used couch to 5k to start running too. I didn’t tell anyone including my husband about it until it was time to register for the 5k. I was too concerned I wouldn’t complete the program and didn’t want any one to know if I dropped out. 


6 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

@ericathemom couch to 5k… that sounds good! Is there a recommended exercise routine? When is the 5k or do you not have a specific one in mind? 

There’s a free app that’s really good. 

I’m hoping to get back to posting regularly. I have my first triathlon this coming weekend. I’ve been training hard for the swim portion. I’m not much of a swimmer. 

Today - 1 1/2 hour swim practice, a easy hour bike ride and hopefully mow the yard. 

I’m trying to get back to regular strength training but it’s been hard with two a days for triathlon. 

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9 hours ago, ericathemom said:

Don't mind me. I'm just sneaking into this topic and will mainly hide against the wall.

I decided this week to start a Couch to 5k and successfully jogged/walked on Thursday and Friday. I was planning to head out today but it was 80° and humid at 6am and it's headed up to 108° today. I don't really like announcing to my husband about plans like this because he'll get waaay too excited and encourage/nag me about it. So, just you invisible friends get to know for now.

My plan so far:
Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri
Right after I drop kids off at school, I'll jog/walk until I can consistently run a solid 5k.

Welcome! Our lips are sealed.

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This one dog will rarely pee for me in the yard. Jumped up on me in the bed twice this morning - I took her outside both times and she just won’t go. So I’ll probably end up taking her on a walk. I just read some dog walking etiquette I didn’t know oops. It says you should only let them pee in the grass between sidewalk and street vs in someone’s yard. Also I don’t know how to handle marking. The male dog marked a mailbox post and something else. Do you try to stop them or only let them mark certain areas? I do believe the dog is neutered but that apparently doesn’t always stop the behavior. 

According to the scale here I’ve lost one pound but my weight keeps fluctuating. I’ll try to aim for more daily steps. There are days I don’t leave my house and even with a YouTube video I don’t always get that many. Maybe I can do outside walks soon (depends on the bugs). 

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I did couch to 5k a couple of times. The first was with my kiddos when youngest was 8--part of our homeschool PE. We all entered a 5k and youngest was the fastest in the family at about 25 min. I would have loved to make it under 35 min in any of the half dozen 5k's I ran but I never did-not sure I even made it to 36 min. Since youngest was so fast, I told dh it was his job to stay in sight of her and he managed that and even beat her once. She was a 400m runner in high school--just a naturally fast runner. I ended my running career after my second bout of plantar fasciitis.

Did 30 min on the treadmill this morning. Also did a mile walk with dd yesterday evening. Now time to get some work done on this fine Labor Day. First day of school is Wednesday and tomorrow is a teacher work day at school.

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17 hours ago, ericathemom said:

Don't mind me. I'm just sneaking into this topic and will mainly hide against the wall.

I decided this week to start a Couch to 5k and successfully jogged/walked on Thursday and Friday. I was planning to head out today but it was 80° and humid at 6am and it's headed up to 108° today. I don't really like announcing to my husband about plans like this because he'll get waaay too excited and encourage/nag me about it. So, just you invisible friends get to know for now.

My plan so far:
Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri
Right after I drop kids off at school, I'll jog/walk until I can consistently run a solid 5k.

Welcome! And your secret is safe with me.

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5 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

Aren’t some 5ks a choice to walk or run? I couldn’t do the run at this point. Impressive. 

I have arthritic knees that prevent me from running. I walk all of the "race" events I do. 

Most races are walker friendly, with the caveat that you must keep to some minimum pace or be cleared from the track if you run over the allotted time.

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Dragged the dog out with me into some slightly drippy weather for a short walk last night to finish off steps.

I took her around the block a couple of times this morning just for the sake of maintaining her routine, then got her settled at home and headed out to the trail to do my official 5K for the walking challenge and the extra 2K to knock off the 7K training walk. It was an okay plan, except for the fact that I ran a little later than I should have getting out the door, which meant that it was already pretty warm and humid, and I was unaware that the portion of the trail I chose to walk has a lot more changes in elevation than would be ideal for walking a 5K at pace. 

I made both goals, but that last kilometer mostly uphill was not what one would call "fun."

It wasn't until I drove home and was sitting in the driveway that I remembered today is Monday, meaning I should do my usual 20-30 minutes of strength and stretching. I tried to talk myself out of it -- figured I might just do one of the runner recovery yoga videos my teacher has on YouTube, but I decided I am enjoying my audiobook and doing the regular exercise gave me an excuse to listen for a while longer. 

Fortunately, all the walking this morning means I won't need more than another short walk this evening to finish off the day's steps.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 120.9 of 650k
Walking Streak: 126 days



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I did managed to go for a peaceful hour of solo kayaking this afternoon. I saw some turtles and a few other paddlers in the river, along with herons and other birds. Dd and I are going for a walk in the woods with puppy later today. 

ETA: Also played some backyard badminton with ds. ☺️

Edited by wintermom
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17 hours ago, 73349 said:

I'm tracking my steps and get more steps in each day. I'll have an opportunity to take a bonus walk this afternoon while DS is in a class.

Great goal, do what you can. 

On 9/5/2022 at 3:46 AM, hshibley said:

I used couch to 5k to start running too. I didn’t tell anyone including my husband about it until it was time to register for the 5k. I was too concerned I wouldn’t complete the program and didn’t want any one to know if I dropped out. 


There’s a free app that’s really good. 

I’m hoping to get back to posting regularly. I have my first triathlon this coming weekend. I’ve been training hard for the swim portion. I’m not much of a swimmer. 

Today - 1 1/2 hour swim practice, a easy hour bike ride and hopefully mow the yard. 

I’m trying to get back to regular strength training but it’s been hard with two a days for triathlon. 

How exciting! I always wanted to do a triathlon but whenever I've started training my body does not like so much cardio. I hope you're first one goes well and you have a great time.

On 9/4/2022 at 6:28 PM, ericathemom said:

Don't mind me. I'm just sneaking into this topic and will mainly hide against the wall.

I decided this week to start a Couch to 5k and successfully jogged/walked on Thursday and Friday. I was planning to head out today but it was 80° and humid at 6am and it's headed up to 108° today. I don't really like announcing to my husband about plans like this because he'll get waaay too excited and encourage/nag me about it. So, just you invisible friends get to know for now.

My plan so far:
Sun, Tue, Thu, Fri
Right after I drop kids off at school, I'll jog/walk until I can consistently run a solid 5k.

Welcome! It is hard when the weather is so blooming hot. Best wishes with you're training. Pop in whenver you can/want.

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Continuing to work on the shop. Today is our last day with the lift, after that we'll be taking off 3 days. We're also doing a school break this week so hoping to get to a park at least once. I will likely not be able to do pickleball as dd has tennis Tues, Wed, and Thurs evening but we'll see the practice schedule.

This week I'm doing Caroline's Pure Endure Series-- it's a challenge week. I picked it as the workouts were shorter than other weekly programs- I'm working my way through ones I've not done yet. 

Yesterday-- 1,000 rep lower body-- I'm really sore, especially my hamstrings. I didn't feel it was crazy harder but it def changed things up because I feel it.

Today-- 500 rep shoulder workout

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First day back at work following the long weekend (extra long, in my case, because I took off Friday, too), and I really, really don't want to do this. That, combined with the cute and very cuddly cat that planted himself on my arm and demanded attention just after my alarm went off, made it pretty difficult to prod myself out of bed and out the front door for a walk. I eventually made it outside, and the dog and I walked about 4.5K. Back home, I did about 20 minutes of strength and stretching. 

It feels like Monday, so I keep forgetting I have yoga tonight, but that will be nice. More walking before and/or after class to finish off the day's steps.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 127.0 of 600k
Walking Streak: 127 days

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Dh and I took the puppy for a walk/run in the dog trails, and he met another like-sized dog that enjoyed running. The 2 of them had a great time running around the entire "walk." ☺️

My tennis seems to have slowed down a little, which is probably a good thing for my body. I'll try to keep up with cycling, walking and kayaking while the weather is still good. 

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6 hours ago, Soror said:

Continuing to work on the shop. Today is our last day with the lift, after that we'll be taking off 3 days. We're also doing a school break this week so hoping to get to a park at least once. I will likely not be able to do pickleball as dd has tennis Tues, Wed, and Thurs evening but we'll see the practice schedule.

This week I'm doing Caroline's Pure Endure Series-- it's a challenge week. I picked it as the workouts were shorter than other weekly programs- I'm working my way through ones I've not done yet. 

Yesterday-- 1,000 rep lower body-- I'm really sore, especially my hamstrings. I didn't feel it was crazy harder but it def changed things up because I feel it.

Today-- 500 rep shoulder workout

I did one of her Iron workouts.  Looking forward to trying her kettle bell workout tomorrow and others in the future.  I like that she uses heavy weights and and keeps it real and takes breaks as needed during sets.

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14 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Yesterday was very busy at the office  - no lunch break but I had to walk around town to a few meetings.  Then a walk after supper.  Today,  I am in the front office again, but I'll try for a walk and weights after supper.

It has been catastrophically rainy all day. I made it out for coffee at lunchtime and came back with my trousers soaked. It was another busy, tiring, frustrating day. 

But my daughter got a job and wants to tell us about it,  so that's good. I'll maybe do some light yoga after the call and perhaps some weights in front of the telly?

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6 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

It has been catastrophically rainy all day. I made it out for coffee at lunchtime and came back with my trousers soaked. It was another busy, tiring, frustrating day. 

But my daughter got a job and wants to tell us about it,  so that's good. I'll maybe do some light yoga after the call and perhaps some weights in front of the telly?

Sorry about the rain and busy work environment. Great news about your dd's new job!!! 

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Still muddling along with light stuff to nudge my neck along (pinched nerve due to idiot bat invasion) and try to hold the line on my lower back. (When one part is injured, the other parts that are dysfunctional want to slide down that slippery slope, too.) It's not as acute as it was on Thursday/Friday, but my left hand is still horrid pins and needles and I still cannot hold my head up properly. I'm exhausted from just how many days this is even as I remind myself that it's better now than a few days ago. Spine doctor the day after tomorrow. It's hard to keep doing the correct PT stuff through the day but I think it does help. Thanks for listening to me whine.😏

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