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Any AP test takers this week?

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DD took Psych and she's not sure how she did. She did well on the practice exams but felt like she didn't pace herself well with timing during the actual exam. So we shall see.

I agree that the only way to really know which exams to take depends on your goals. My oldest took 3 - CS, Eng Lang, and Calc BC. He wanted to get a jump start on college and not have to take a bunch of introductory courses and instead go straight into the meatier stuff freshman year. My 2nd didn't take any APs because he doesn't like standardized tests and he preferred to spend his free time on extracurriculars and leadership opportunities. This psych exam was DD's first and only and she mostly just wanted to see what an AP course was like and not have to take it at uni.

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On 5/13/2022 at 9:52 AM, calbear said:

I seriously hope this will be the case for my son...AP Chem will be his first one next year. He is with Connie is year.

Just reporting back that my son received a 4 on his AP Chem test! He is very pleased since this was his first AP Exam and he's a 9th grader with no previous formal science.  Just to recap: he self-studied for the AP Chemistry exam after taking the parent-graded version of Connie's honors advanced Chem class.

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Last year we self-studied with a done-at-home chem for a 4.  This year we did biology and US history and kid got 5s on both.  He worked through my class (we could have taken it at co-op, but self-paced online was better for scheduling) and did co-op history, but both are basically the Fundafunda classes.  Kid read through parts of the '5 steps to a 5', watched a bunch of the college board videos to find out what they think is important, and took a practice test.  Kid thought that the bio and US history tests were considerably easier than chemistry.  It's hard to know if the tests are easier or if kid was better prepared - freshman year was overscheduled and the study time was rushed, but also having found the test to be hard last year, kid studied more this year.  Kid also likes the content of biology and history better than chemistry so it was less of a chore to prep.  The timing of APs is rough here, since they fall during baseball and science olympiad season, which is already the busiest part of the year for my older kid.  

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And my ds is overseas this week and checked while I was asleep, needed to change his password, didn’t tell me the scores and is now offline ( bc he doesn’t have a phone plan for that country). It didn’t occur to me he’d even remember that today was the day! lol Aargh!

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I hope everyone is getting the scores they expected or better today as AP scores are released!

I tell my students throughout the year: You may well have goals and dreams for which you need a good score. I will support your efforts and provide you with all of the tools you need. But always remember: your worth as a human being is never determined by a test score. 

I am proud of all of my students, whether they took the exam or not, or whether they earned a 5 or a 1 (different students are facing different circumstances, priorities, and situations, throughout the year and on test day). My students can rely on me to be supportive no matter where they stand in the class.

I am happy that we more than doubled the global percentage of 5’s. And yes, I invested hundreds of $ and thirty hours of training this summer to make the course better still (because as a practical matter, many students DO want a high score and college credit, and I will do what I can to help them achieve that goal).

 But the best outcome is having a group of students prepared to interact with statistics in the world around them, and who spent a year learning to think more flexibly about data.

 So May your score reports be what you hoped. And even if this one score falls short, hopefully the experience in whatever your students studied was worthwhile and amazing. 

Good luck to all!


 Jen Driscoll

 AP Statistics/PA Homeschoolers

 Honors History of Science/PA Homeschoolers


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59 minutes ago, freesia said:

And my ds is overseas this week and checked while I was asleep, needed to change his password, didn’t tell me the scores and is now offline ( bc he doesn’t have a phone plan for that country). It didn’t occur to me he’d even remember that today was the day! lol Aargh!

I was able to go in and change his password bc I remembered I have access to his e-mail.  Yay!  So, he got 5's on Comp Sci and Physics 1 and a 3 in English Language.  The 3 is disappointing because he wanted to skip freshman English, but what can you do!  He's planning to go STEM, so I am happy that the other 2 were so high.  Honestly, we had though they'd be 4s. I am happy for him also because he's the third child and always compares himself with his older siblings.  These scores put him right in the mix--better than some and equal and less all in the same score report.  He will be relieved. 

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My senior got a 5 on lit and a 4 on us government, and my 10th grader got 5s on gov and human geography—he was pleasantly shocked 🙂 Human geography was an outside class (once a week at homeschool co-op—other than the class he just went through a test prep book, so we weren’t sure how it would go); the others we did at home. 

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1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

@kokotg DS16 had a 4 for human geog. He didn’t take a class, just read one set of past year FRQ and a test prep book. So basically spent less than a day on human geog. Told him to use common sense for the exam 🤣

I’ve taught a small group ap hug before, and the hardest part is getting them to realize how much they already know just from being a moderately informed human. It’s really interesting material, though…my senior took the class without the exam, too, just because I figured he’d like it

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7 hours ago, mlktwins said:

My guys both got 5’s on their World History: Modern.  It is much easier here when they get the same score 🤣🤣🤣.

My oldest seemed only very slightly bummed that his younger brother beat him on the government exam 😂…it probably helps that they had the opposite scores last year with APUSH, so everything’s even now!

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1 hour ago, Arcadia said:

@kokotg DS16 had a 4 for human geog. He didn’t take a class, just read one set of past year FRQ and a test prep book. So basically spent less than a day on human geog. Told him to use common sense for the exam 🤣

Mine tried that for Micro. Didn't work for it, lol. Wish she could have found a seat for human geography. She reads that stuff for fun.

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8 minutes ago, kokotg said:

I’ve taught a small group ap hug before, and the hardest part is getting them to realize how much they already know just from being a moderately informed human. It’s really interesting material, though…my senior took the class without the exam, too, just because I figured he’d like it

DS16 is my slow worker. The 4 for human geog means he can get credit for community college human geography class, thus making his workload more manageable. DS17 took human geog at the community college last summer together with two other classes and had plenty of  time to play because he is a fast worker. 

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22 minutes ago, MamaSprout said:

Mine tried that for Micro. Didn't work for it, lol. Wish she could have found a seat for human geography. She reads that stuff for fun.

My teens did Micro and Marco as summer intensives years back (2019 DS17, 2020 DS16), forgot everything and had to watch Jacob Clifford exam cram videos the night before their exams. Thankfully they did well. 

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On 7/5/2022 at 3:14 PM, mathnerd said:

Is there a way to access the raw scores of the AP exams? Thanks!

Unfortunately, no. Even we classroom teachers we don’t get to see individual student graded responses; we just get instructional reports that show us what types of information the students mastered and struggled with, at a class level. You can pay to get your student’s test book back, but it will not have the grading information in it.

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