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How crowded are your stores?

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I went to Target last night to wander - got there at 8pm, left at 9. There was 1 cashier working - and it was about empty.


We live in a pretty "early" area though - it's NEVER busy at night, but i swear there was less people that normal (ok, a few months ago i was the only customer in the store at 8pm). I guess the retired folks have bought most of their stuff and shipped it already.


They were out of dumb stuff too - irked me :glare:


I should have stopped at more stores huh? LOL!

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I was at Toys R Us last night shopping during a "special event" with a $10 off coupon for purchases over $100. With 4 dc and 4 nephews, that's not a hard number to hit. It was practically empty. In the past I've not shopped at Toys R Us very much (I've done more catalog shopping) so I'm not sure how that compares. I was there from about 9:45-11:00 pm. There was only 2 cashiers open. I was surprised as I was expecting it to be a zoo since the special event started at 8pm. I think more people are waiting to the last minute this year. Perhaps they want to see if they get any pink slips before they go out and buy gifts. It's really sad.

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WM was pretty busy this morning (considering it was pouring too). I had to park further out than my normal spot. HMPH. LOL!


But the evening thing surprises me.....


I'm going to Orlando on Saturday, i'm hoping its not overly busy. I'll keep telling myself that right? My mom said yesterday at Costco in Orlando had the most people she'd ever seen there. But up this way (about an hour NW of Orlando) things seem light.

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Our Target was pretty busy around 9 last night. There were at least 5 checkouts with 3-4 people in each line.


Overall the crowds have been less than I've expected this season. Perhaps more people are shopping online, I know I am. The economy is also in the crapper so that can't help. :(

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Walmart seemed pretty busy but the rest of the stores are ghost towns. We went shopping in the afternoon on Black Friday to Toys R Us and there were only a hand full of people in the store. On the ominous shopping day, Black Friday, mind you! We went with every intention of turning around if it was too crowded. Turns out we needn't have worried.

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I haven't shopped this week, but MIL told me today that when she went to Kohl's on Wednesday, when the extra Sr. citizen discount usually brings out lots of shoppers, there was hardly anyone there. I was there the day after Thanksgiving, and the line to pay was still long, but much shorter than previous years.

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