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Well-Trained Bodies-January

Ali in OR

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14 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

I've spent the weekend trying to keep up with PT and pound on a work deadline. My sleep is completely disordered. This always happens when work deadlines loom, but on this round I am noticing more how unhealthy this feels, both emotionally and physically. We've had a lot of chaos for several years, chaos that directly impacted when/how I could get things done at the computer. Doesn't help that I'm such a night owl. I've always vaguely said I need to get into better habits, and I always re-set in between projects with hopes of working my way towards a better "normal." Now that there are no foster kids in the house (for the moment at least), no aging in-laws with dementia either in my house or requiring frequent trips across two states, no weddings or funerals or other big events...I realize that living a college-student schedule of up half the night and catnapping during the day is not good for anyone, and especially not when approaching one's fiftieth birthday in a few months. So I'm not sure how I'll translate the feelings into real change when I have a full roster of scheduled work ahead, but it's the next Big Thing To Figure Out.

I think part of it is having so much adrenaline keeping you going. As moms/daughters/women we have to keep everything going so we go and go. You don't have time to think about if you can/should. Then you come to a more quiet time and it hits you. You have time to realize how depleted you are physically/emotionally. It always catches up to you, in the end. Best wishes in figuring out a solution that will work for you. The first step is recognizing the problem!!!!


@Jenny in Florida and @MEmama thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos. Breathtaking!

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Got in a slightly longer walk yesterday. Did 1 lower body lifting workout and part of another- a little over an hour of just lifting not counting the war-up and cool down. I'm SORE as expected today but not as bad as I feared.

I felt so good yesterday. I haven't had that much energy in.... I don't know how long. Amazing the difference a full night's sleep makes. I didn't sleep as well last night- woke in the night- I think too salty of a dinner (seems to have that affect on me sometimes- stir fry with low sodium soy sauce but even that is higher than I usually eat). 

Moving slow this morning but about to start my upper body lifting- might add on a short ab video if I feel like it.

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It was another very chilly-for-Florida morning here, with frost on the lawns and mist on the water. It made for a very pretty walk.

The dog and I walked our usual just over 4K, after which I did about 25 minutes of floor-based strength and stretching.

Now that I have determined some very basic yoga is a thing I can do, I'm trying to figure out how to fold that into my routine. I met on Friday with the "alumni" group of my breast cancer survivor program, and the leader was talking about her own struggle not to just keep adding fitness things, because it becomes too much. She was advocating for restructuring/rethinking the routine when you want to add or try something new. So I'm trying to be mindful of that advice.

My husband suggested doing two days each of the floor-based exercises, the standing ones and then yoga. That would have me drop one day of the floor--based stuff I'm doing, but also add one day of exercise per week and vary the routine. I'm going to try that for a few weeks and see how it feels. 


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 198.8 of 500K
Daily Walking Streak: 331 Days
South Lake/Lake Apopka Trail: 3 of 25.5 miles

Untitled presentation (30).jpg

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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5 hours ago, Soror said:

As moms/daughters/women we have to keep everything going so we go and go. You don't have time to think about if you can/should. Then you come to a more quiet time and it hits you. You have time to realize how depleted you are physically/emotionally. It always catches up to you, in the end.

I’m feeling this hard lately. Your description is spot on. 

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I went for a lovely walk in the quiet woods. I took no photos because it's super cold (-28 this morning) and I'm not exposing my fingers in order to snap a photo. Besides, I know you really don't want any visuals of how bland the frozen north is right now. It looks nicer with the colour of a sun rise or sun set. 

Please keep posting your amazing photos, ladies! I'm living vicariously through you, and imagining myself out of this cold spell.

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Loving the pics. Maybe we should get out of the house one of these weekends!

30 min on treadmill this morning. No yoga yesterday--I think I'm getting a little burned out on trying to keep up with it every day. So purposely letting it get away from me--I'll eventually get to them all, but probably end in February instead of January.

My weight kept going up like .3 pounds each day the second half of last week. I was hoping a good weekend of careful eating would allow me to weigh in near last week's weight. And then the weight magically left yesterday and didn't come back today, so I'm down another .8 pounds, 2.3 total on the month. Back to my "set weight." I still don't understand the gain or the loss--I'm going to try for better fluid intake during the school day (hard to do with a mask).

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@Ali in OR weight loss patterns are mysterious. Well done!

Meanwhile my Garmin is confused by my extreme lack of aerobic activity over the past weeks and has - I think - just used my resting heart rate as a proxy. That has been 51 recently,  so it's giving my age as less than half the reality.


Edited by Laura Corin
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21 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

It was another very chilly-for-Florida morning here, with frost on the lawns and mist on the water. It made for a very pretty walk.

The dog and I walked our usual just over 4K, after which I did about 25 minutes of floor-based strength and stretching.

Now that I have determined some very basic yoga is a thing I can do, I'm trying to figure out how to fold that into my routine. I met on Friday with the "alumni" group of my breast cancer survivor program, and the leader was talking about her own struggle not to just keep adding fitness things, because it becomes too much. She was advocating for restructuring/rethinking the routine when you want to add or try something new. So I'm trying to be mindful of that advice.

My husband suggested doing two days each of the floor-based exercises, the standing ones and then yoga. That would have me drop one day of the floor--based stuff I'm doing, but also add one day of exercise per week and vary the routine. I'm going to try that for a few weeks and see how it feels. 

Ohhhh, your leader is spot on. I have so struggled with that too. Being in different groups for inspiration is a blessing and curse. There is always someone doing more of this or that. It is one of the (many) reasons I like following a program for strength training on my own I have a hard time judging enough/vs too much. Great idea to change things up- sometimes a little tweak is all we need.

15 hours ago, MEmama said:

I’m feeling this hard lately. Your description is spot on. 


8 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

My weight kept going up like .3 pounds each day the second half of last week. I was hoping a good weekend of careful eating would allow me to weigh in near last week's weight. And then the weight magically left yesterday and didn't come back today, so I'm down another .8 pounds, 2.3 total on the month. Back to my "set weight." I still don't understand the gain or the loss--I'm going to try for better fluid intake during the school day (hard to do with a mask).

Who knows with weight? It is hormones, how much you drink, bloating from food- makes it frustrating when tracking it it. Ya for the decrease though.

2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@Ali in OR weight loss patterns are mysterious. Well done!

Meanwhile my Garmin is confused by my extreme lack of aerobic activity over the past weeks and has - I think - just used my resting heart rate as a proxy. That has been 51 recently,  so it's giving my age as less than half the reality.

That is a great win! Huzzah!

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Another good night's sleep and good day of eating. I'm thinking maybe I needed a week of being lazy? Maybe my meds are finally right? Really hope I continue to feel good ,it has been way too long since I had decent energy (August?). 

Feeling good I've been contemplating my fitness goals- as I always have to be careful that I don't keep adding on, ending up with too much. So, assuming my energy continues to be good and all that I'm aiming to get to---

1 hr most days walking/biking etc (currently only doing around 30 min); 1 day a week longer activity- work around the house/longer hike etc

continue Caroline's programs- 4 days of strength training/1 day moderate to high intensity cardio

active enough to keep up with chores around the house

I'm not counting steps. I stopped wearing a watch.

1)It was just a discouragement when I was feeling bad 

2) too often I'd let the numbers guide me as to what I should do instead of how I felt

3) I'd slack on doing things around the house if I needed steps in because it wouldn't always pick up steps if it was a lot of little back and forth

Likewise- I stopped weighing. I've thought for years that I'd be much happier with my body if I wasn't influenced by thoughts about my weight. Watching one of Caroline's videos finally prompted me to finally stop weighing-  she talked about how she weighs more now than before- although she is smaller and she doesn't even track the scale (b/c muscle).  (not new info but it finally hit me as something to put into practice) Weight can be a guide(and really helpful to track at times) but it doesn't tell the whole story. I know right now I'd not be happy with my weight and I want to get to a place where I care less about one number. I'm trying to move my focus more fully to- how do I feel? what can my body do? how do I look? - all things I've definitely had on my mind before but always under the lens of my weight. This is the longest I've went without weighing! 

It was a warmer than usual day and I got in a nice walk in the afternoon. Hoping to keep that streak going. Today and tomorrow will be cooler days (freezing temps) but then it will start to warm back up again.

Today strength training-

lower body+ last 15 min of workout from last week I missed- 1 hr'ish' total


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24 minutes ago, Soror said:

Another good night's sleep and good day of eating. I'm thinking maybe I needed a week of being lazy? Maybe my meds are finally right? Really hope I continue to feel good ,it has been way too long since I had decent energy (August?). 

Feeling good I've been contemplating my fitness goals- as I always have to be careful that I don't keep adding on, ending up with too much. So, assuming my energy continues to be good and all that I'm aiming to get to---

1 hr most days walking/biking etc (currently only doing around 30 min); 1 day a week longer activity- work around the house/longer hike etc

continue Caroline's programs- 4 days of strength training/1 day moderate to high intensity cardio

active enough to keep up with chores around the house

I'm not counting steps. I stopped wearing a watch.

1)It was just a discouragement when I was feeling bad 

2) too often I'd let the numbers guide me as to what I should do instead of how I felt

3) I'd slack on doing things around the house if I needed steps in because it wouldn't always pick up steps if it was a lot of little back and forth

Likewise- I stopped weighing. I've thought for years that I'd be much happier with my body if I wasn't influenced by thoughts about my weight. Watching one of Caroline's videos finally prompted me to finally stop weighing-  she talked about how she weighs more now than before- although she is smaller and she doesn't even track the scale (b/c muscle).  (not new info but it finally hit me as something to put into practice) Weight can be a guide(and really helpful to track at times) but it doesn't tell the whole story. I know right now I'd not be happy with my weight and I want to get to a place where I care less about one number. I'm trying to move my focus more fully to- how do I feel? what can my body do? how do I look? - all things I've definitely had on my mind before but always under the lens of my weight. This is the longest I've went without weighing! 

It was a warmer than usual day and I got in a nice walk in the afternoon. Hoping to keep that streak going. Today and tomorrow will be cooler days (freezing temps) but then it will start to warm back up again.

Today strength training-

lower body+ last 15 min of workout from last week I missed- 1 hr'ish' total


Sounds like you have a really healthy, balanced mindset! Sometimes that’s the hardest part, the knowing *and practicing* what works best for ourselves as individuals. Well done! 

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Backslid yesterday and left more steps than I really want to do for the evening walk. The dog opted not to join me, which meant I could set my own pace and also that I could stop and watch the theme park fireworks for a few minutes, so that was nice.

This morning was one of those days when I simultaneously woke up late and got too little sleep. Apparently, I forgot to turn on my alarm. Then I discovered it was almost-kind-of raining. I coaxed the dog outside, decided it was too drippy to risk venturing out, then went back and forth about whether to commit to walking with a video or going out for a walk solo (since at least that way I wouldn't come home with a wet dog). The weather looked like it was going to improve, so doggo and I headed out . . . and logged less than 2K before it started to rain for real. 

Headed back home and did a Leslie Sansome walk with weights video (which I figured could do double duty as my strength exercise for the day), followed by another short 1-mile "happy walk." 

All told, it more or less adds up to my 4K morning walk goal and got me some arm work. 

It'll have to do for today.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 206.9 of 500K
Daily Walking Streak: 332 Days
South Lake/Lake Apopka Trail: 3 of 25.5 miles

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32 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

There seems to be a theme developing here . . .

It is a perpetual battle! After developing thyroid disease I had this idea in my head of this level of fitness I needed to do to prove that it wasn't holding me back ( I averaged 1.5 hrs a day of fairly intense exercise). And I perpetually pushed myself too hard and felt good doing it b/c exercising gives you that nice kick of adrenaline. So- I pushed myself to crashing umpteen times. I injured and reinjured myself. I have to be very focused and intentional now that I'm finally feeling better- know what my goals are so as I'm adding back more activity I don't overshoot!

Morning workout done! Felt good and hard. Finisher was 50 bw bulgarian lunges per leg. I know I'm stronger b/c I did it without dying. Bulgarian lunges are so hard.

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I'm trying to get back to my regular exercise routine which got messed up when we didn't have a caregiver, by me trying to fit in a lot of yoga, and by me skipping stuff to nurse my shoulder. So today I did my bodyweight circuit x2 and then Day 21 yoga. I think I'll be feeling the lunges for a few days--I can't skip more than a week without it hitting me hard. I skipped the last plank for the shoulder, and thinking there would be planks in the yoga but there weren't. It was a short yoga but rather difficult for those of us with no abs. Lots of leg lift type stuff. The windshield of my car is probably iced over, so I better go get that warmed up...have a good day all!

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I don't want to be a whiner, but just when I think I've recovered for all the Covid symptoms I come down with a head cold and sinus pressure. Nose is running like a tap. Urrrrg!

I will definitely get outdoors to "enjoy" the sunshine and freezing temps today. It's well above -20, so shouldn't be a problem. 😨

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33 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I don't want to be a whiner, but just when I think I've recovered for all the Covid symptoms I come down with a head cold and sinus pressure. Nose is running like a tap. Urrrrg!

I will definitely get outdoors to "enjoy" the sunshine and freezing temps today. It's well above -20, so shouldn't be a problem. 😨

Not a whiner. You need some relief. Enjoy tge warm temperatures! 

The usual here but took my walk fast. I'm not sure that was wise. Oh well.

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Weights and core this morning and really good news, too.

Remember how upset I was that my trainer was set to leave my little gym? She has worked it out!! The gym has lost a number of good trainers who were all understandably miffed at the idea that the gym owns their talents. My awesome trainer kept negotiating and now has an agreement to be an independent contractor who can be a trainer at the gym and who also teaches gyrotonics at the gyrotonics place. Win-win. They are going to transfer to this model for everyone. Since people need to work full time but the gym is totally unable to give full-time hours, people need to be able to cobble together whatever job combo they can.

Her hours are changing, which means I've had to shift my regular appointment, but I really don't care. I appreciate her so much.

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20 hours ago, wintermom said:

I don't want to be a whiner, but just when I think I've recovered for all the Covid symptoms I come down with a head cold and sinus pressure. Nose is running like a tap. Urrrrg!

I will definitely get outdoors to "enjoy" the sunshine and freezing temps today. It's well above -20, so shouldn't be a problem. 😨

I'm sorry 😞  For someone as active as you this has to be torture.

16 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Weights and core this morning and really good news, too.

Remember how upset I was that my trainer was set to leave my little gym? She has worked it out!! The gym has lost a number of good trainers who were all understandably miffed at the idea that the gym owns their talents. My awesome trainer kept negotiating and now has an agreement to be an independent contractor who can be a trainer at the gym and who also teaches gyrotonics at the gyrotonics place. Win-win. They are going to transfer to this model for everyone. Since people need to work full time but the gym is totally unable to give full-time hours, people need to be able to cobble together whatever job combo they can.

Her hours are changing, which means I've had to shift my regular appointment, but I really don't care. I appreciate her so much.

Ya, that is wonderful! About time the gym came around. Trainers have a hard enough time making a living.

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Happily the head cold I was experiencing yesterday is gone today. So I gather it was just more Covid, since head colds usually last more than part of a day. This is getting weird. I never know what to expect health-wise anymore. 

It's -31C with the wind chill this morning, so I'll be waiting for it to warm up - maybe sometime next month. 😅

I'll head out for a walk in the neighbourhood later on. Our van broke down last night so I won't be driving to the woods. 

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I made the effort to break up the steps into three chunks yesterday, although it was a little awkward. Took a long-ish walk before dinner, then paced the living room/entry hallway path to finish off when it started raining later in the evening.

It was another very drippy/maybe it's about to rain for real morning, so I opted for another walk with Leslie, followed by one of Adriene's yoga for beginners videos.

I love the idea of yoga, but so far I mostly feel ungainly and lumpy trying to follow along, even with her nearly constant reassurances. I'll stick with it for a while and see if it starts to feel better. I can definitely feel myself working muscles I don't with my normal routine, which is good.   


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 216.5 of 500K
Daily Walking Streak: 333 Days
South Lake/Lake Apopka Trail: 3 of 25.5 miles

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My usual: PJ sun salutations, walk and then yoga.  The walk was brisk and included hills, so that's good.  I might try some leg balances and planks in yoga - I've been avoiding them to protect my kneed.

Grey weather - not good for photography.  And the builders next door have parked a van right outside my ground-floor office window, so I get to stare at it all afternoon.  We normally have our car parked carefully slightly to the side to preserve the view and avoid builders' vehicles moving in (these houses have no driveways).  However we moved the car at their request, so that they could get a lorry in temporarily, and after it left, the plumber's van moved in.

Edited by Laura Corin
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So far I'm successful getting back to my regular exercise routine. Wednesdays are Jessica Smith workout videos--today was an indoor walk one that I like but goes slightly over 30 min so I have to be up a little early. It fit for today. The weight is shooting up again and I think yesterday's eating was pretty good--salad and apple for lunch, 1 portion-controlled snack, good dinner, no after dinner snacking. But I was very dehydrated all day. I'm starting to believe that theory about water retention. Either that or all the muscle I'm building from 3 days back to regular moderate exercise.

@Jenny in Florida One of the benefits of yoga I see is that the stretching is good for injury prevention. I think cat-cows are great for my back. Downward dogs help stretch my poor calves and that helps me avoid a few foot problems I think. And there are whole categories of moves I just don't do. Crow? Yeah, no. "If an inversion is in your practice..." (quoting Adriene--she means headstands) yeah, no. I have no interest in headstands at my age.

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@Ali in OR Thanks for the thoughts on yoga. More stretching would definitely be a valuable addition to my routine. I've only tried this a few times (some free classes at the library, a few videos several months ago and now the Adriene video a couple of times), so I'm trying to be patient with myself. This morning, though, I felt very frustrated with how much trouble I had doing even some of the "beginner" moves. Part of that comes from the underlying frustration with the physical limitations I've been feeling more lately. 

I also just hate that my stomach literally gets in the way of my being able to get into or breathe while attempting some positions. It just makes me feel gross and lumpy.

But I have long had a feeling that this would be good for me. I'll keep at it for at least a few weeks and see how it feels.

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6 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

@Ali in OR Thanks for the thoughts on yoga. More stretching would definitely be a valuable addition to my routine. I've only tried this a few times (some free classes at the library, a few videos several months ago and now the Adriene video a couple of times), so I'm trying to be patient with myself. This morning, though, I felt very frustrated with how much trouble I had doing even some of the "beginner" moves. Part of that comes from the underlying frustration with the physical limitations I've been feeling more lately. 

I also just hate that my stomach literally gets in the way of my being able to get into or breathe while attempting some positions. It just makes me feel gross and lumpy.

But I have long had a feeling that this would be good for me. I'll keep at it for at least a few weeks and see how it feels.

Adapting yoga is fine - we all have different bodies.  I have always had a rounded tummy and I find the classic Childs Pose with knees together difficult because I can't breathe well. So I do it with my knees apart to make more belly space.

When I started yoga, I probably sat out for half the class,  but slowly it became easier.

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6 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:


I also just hate that my stomach literally gets in the way of my being able to get into or breathe while attempting some positions. It just makes me feel gross and lumpy.


Yup, I feel you. My gyno said my uterus is as big as a 4-5 month old fetus; I look and feel it. Yoga is *not* something I can do right now, sadly. It’s not just ungainly, it truly makes it hard to breathe like you said, and of course is stupid painful. Bah! 

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20 minute row, one walk. Not really feeling it today but at least I got some movement in (plus lots of housework).

In good news, my BP has gone waaaaay down and my doctor said I don’t need to change anything or get on meds (thank goodness!). I spoke with both my GP'S office and the women’s clinic to verify that all information and paperwork is being communicated, and now I’m just waiting to hear from scheduling for a surgery date. I am so, so very excited. 

Edited by MEmama
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14 hours ago, MEmama said:

20 minute row, one walk. Not really feeling it today but at least I got some movement in (plus lots of housework).

In good news, my BP has gone waaaaay down and my doctor said I don’t need to change anything or get on meds (thank goodness!). I spoke with both my GP'S office and the women’s clinic to verify that all information and paperwork is being communicated, and now I’m just waiting to hear from scheduling for a surgery date. I am so, so very excited. 

Ya, so happy to hear your bp is down, that is awesome!!

@Jenny in Florida - keep an eye out for gentle/relaxing yoga and look for those with cues to adapt. Yoga is a very, very wide range- from Yin (exteded holding of poses) to Power and Hot Yoga (very fast paced and demanding). I've done it more for cardio/strength in the past (and even did yoga teacher training and ytt for kids) but these days I just focus on flexibility and relaxation. Some traditional poses look very easy but are deceptively hard b/c they are just not positions we regularly use (so don't feel bad if something feels hard and you think it shouldn't). I hope you find some to be of use for you but not everyone enjoys it. Never feel bad about modifying poses. Any decent teacher is going to tell you that if a pose is uncomfortable for you then tweak it. It should not hurt or cause pain. Some strain from your muscles being used but that's it. I don't stand in mountain pose with feet together. I don't do child's pose with my knees together. I tweak triangle (which can really be problematic with alignment). I nearly always drop to me knees for chaturanga - as my shoulder injury was caused from too many of them and I'm leery of it.

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I *did* get in my 1 hr walk yesterday. I didn't want to go at all and had thought I'd just do a little walk but I just kept pushing a little further. Once I got 30 minutes away I was guaranteed an hour because I had to walk home 🙂

Today- hoping for another walk- not sure if I'll make it an hour or not. It is a bit warmer today but cloudy with flurries. It just looks depressing outside.

- 30 min of moderate cardio workout (and then I'll be caught up from the 4 workouts I missed last week)

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I did it again yesterday, left way more steps than I really want to do for the evening walk. The dog was not super excited about heading out in the damp weather, though, so that gave me the excuse to just take her around the block before dropping her home and striking out by myself. Walking sans dog is always easier, because I can maintain my own pace. So, between going solo and having an interesting podcast to listen to, I made it.

This (not raining) morning was the usual 4K+ walk followed by about 30 minutes of floor-based strength and stretching. I forced myself not to bring the lightest weights onto the mat with me and did set out the 8 pounders where I could reach them. I wound up using them for only a few reps of one movement and falling back to the 5s for most things, but it's a start.

I have a hair appointment this evening and -- weather permitting -- plan to park at the far end of the street and try to get in some walking before and/or after. Then I'll take the dog out once I get home to finish off whatever steps are left.

In other news: My director at work, who is a fairly serious runner, asked around among her contacts to see if anyone could recommend a coach who could work with me on increasing speed and endurance without blowing out my knees or causing other injuries. She found me a couple of leads, so I'll be reaching out to them. We'll see what happens.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 226.6 of 500K
Daily Walking Streak: 334 Days
South Lake/Lake Apopka Trail: 3 of 25.5 miles

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13 hours ago, wintermom said:

I had a really nice 1.5 hr walk with my friend. Skating was cancelled, but I'm relieved because I'm tired from the long walk. 😊

Wonderful! Sounds like a great time.


I was laggy yesterday- I guess from waking up at 4 something. I did make it out for a 35 minute walk and did my workout.

Today I slept in but am struggling to wake up. It is full body workout today. And again I plan for at least a 30 min walk.

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As a result of scheduling changes to that hair appointment, my planned downtown walking got curtailed. I still managed some steps during a Target run and then finished off the day with a walk around the damp neighborhood.

This morning has been frustrating in 100 tiny ways -- a dog who wasn't motivated to walk in the light drizzle but also barked whenever I tried to leave her home and go out by myself, a husband who forgot to put out the garbage for pick-up, me getting flustered by the dog's waffling and forgetting to tuck clean-up bags into my pocket when she did eventually determine she wanted to go for a walk, her insisting after only a couple of kilometers that she was done and starting to drag me home -- so I managed 4.4K and about 20 minutes of standing exercise plus a couple of minutes on the mini-trampoline, but I'm definitely cranky about the whole thing.

I'm not sure what this weekend will hold. I'm supposed to do another 3.5-mile/5.6-kilometer "training" walk tomorrow. I was considering driving to the beach first thing and walking there as a treat for myself, but the news is saying we are going to get unusually cold weather. I know those of you from colder climes think we Floridians are wimps -- and that's probably true -- but we also just don't have the clothing and outerwear necessary to make being out in 30-degree weather pleasant. I might wait until afternoon, when the high is supposed to be in the low 50s, to do the day's longer walk, maybe asking my husband to shuttle me to the trail I've been neglecting.


Winter Warmup 2022 Challenge: 235.8 of 500K
Daily Walking Streak: 335 Days
South Lake/Lake Apopka Trail: 3 of 25.5 miles

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Did my dumbbell workout yesterday for the first time in weeks. I modified it a bit--used only 3 and 5 lb weights. I was curious to see which moves hurt my shoulder. The initial shoulder exercises are always a bit hard--I always use 3 lb weights for those. I limited my right arm to 8 reps. And many moves don't hurt, like I can press up over my head ok. What hurts is extending my arm away from my body to the side, like a chest fly.

Today was 30 min on the treadmill. Scale is still doing wonky things--up all week then down a pound today. Bought ice cream yesterday for the first time all month--tough week at work!

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It's sunny and -28C this morning. Blah. I'll need to get outside for a walk at some point today, but I have a report due that's been hanging over me for a few weeks. Writing it has been like walking in a muddy bog. I must summon the energy to get back to work. "Energy, you are being summoned! Please respond!" 😨

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10 hours ago, wintermom said:

Yay! I finished my draft of the report! I also went for a walk outside while there was still daylight. It was actually right at sun set, which always adds a little colour to the scenery. ☺️

Well done! I'm glad you caught the sunset.

High winds this morning - gusting to over 60mph - so I'll try for a walk late afternoon.  


Edited by Laura Corin
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I haven’t checked in here for a couple of days. I’ve been rowing 30 minutes most days but not walking enough. I don’t know when I started slacking off so much, covid isolation has not been kind and I’m not treating myself as well as I ought.

My walking friend is no longer taking any covid precautions other than masking (with a homemade cloth mask still), so I’m not getting together with her until this wave has subsided. I can’t take any chances with getting sick before my surgery. At this point it will be well into spring before I see her again. 😢

The positive news is that my surgery has been scheduled for the end of February! I am beyond excited to start down a better feeling path and feel more like myself again.

I'm planning to row this morning, but it’s unlikely I’ll venture out into the blizzard for a walk. Hopefully I can get one in before the weather turns fierce. 


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@MEmama hugs- you are working on it- change takes time- seems always much easier to get out of habit than back into it- throw on a stressful last 2 yrs and it really doesn't help.


Only managed a 20 min walk yesterday. Had errands and almost ran out of daylight.

Rest day today. Gong to do some light yog and hope for a longer walk once it warms up some (currently 15f/-9c- how's that possible when the low is only supposed to be 27f/-3c today)

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