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Do you take calcium supplements? I take two -- I cut them into four -- throughout the day. The next morning, it's really difficult to use the little girls' room.

If you know what I mean.

And yes, the problem just started when I started the supplements. Yesterday I even took a stool softener and I don't think it helped at all.

Sorry for TMI. I'm just hoping someone has figured this one out. (I haven't had a bone density check, but I'm assuming if I have one they'll just tell me to increase my calcium. I'm 57). But if I'm wrong, I'd love to know that too. 🥰


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Yes, magnesium. I take 400 mg of mag citrate (tablets) daily, sometimes more. I don't recommend starting there; it can cause great gastrointestinal distress. Not sure if its still the case, but the bottles of liquid used to be ordered for colonoscopy prep. 

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Just now, FuzzyCatz said:

I take the "Natural Calm with Calcium" (raspberry lemon flavor) most nights before bed.  It helps with my restless legs...Regular Natural Calm only has magnesium.

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I'm trying to fight bone density issues. I've discovered a couple of things which may be too much information, but I'll share in case it's helpful.

First, magnesium shouldn't be taken with the calcium. You do need it (and vitamin K2 and D3), but magnesium blocks calcium absorption. All minerals block the absorption of other minerals--it's not specific to those two. 

Second, you can absorb only about 500 mg of calcium at a time.

 I  have decided to take one 500 mg dose away from food (to increase absorption) and get another 500 mg at another time of day through diet (dairy--I found that most other foods that contain calcium also contain calcium absorption inhibiters). I truly think that, if you're careful with absorption and take other things to help increase bone, 1000 mg split in two 500 mg doses is good. I do do a (diet source) smaller (about 250) dose later. I imagine your calicum intake is high and, maybe not well absorbed--increasing your bind up issues. 

I take my magnesium (in two 400 mg doses--one morning, one before bed) away from the calcium. (I take my K2 and D3 with my dairy foods). Some magnesium forms (citrate for example) are better in terms of stool loosening. 


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5 hours ago, sbgrace said:

All minerals block the absorption of other minerals--it's not specific to those two. 

Do you know the optimal way to take potassium and magnesium? I have been taking them the same time of day, but maybe that's not a great idea. Oops! 

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36 minutes ago, kbutton said:

Do you know the optimal way to take potassium and magnesium? I have been taking them the same time of day, but maybe that's not a great idea. Oops! 

I hadn't even thought of potassium. But, in looking, yes it interferes with magnesium absorption in a linear/increasing dose fashion. It's probably not good to take them together. 

I put my minerals a minimum 2 hours apart. So I'd suggest making sure there is at least two hours between those two minerals. 

To some extent, you just have to do the best you can.  (I have been eating potassium containing, safe for calcium I thought, fruits with my dietary calcium and also with my magnesium, though...without even thinking about potassium and mineral absorption). 

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Ok this is such new news for me. I had always learned that cal/mag/pot need to be in certain proportions and getting a supplement with all 3 in this proportions was the ideal.  I can remember what they are but I know I did it when I was pregnant.  This sounds infinitely more complicated 😲

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22 hours ago, sbgrace said:

I'm trying to fight bone density issues. I've discovered a couple of things which may be too much information, but I'll share in case it's helpful.

First, magnesium shouldn't be taken with the calcium. You do need it (and vitamin K2 and D3), but magnesium blocks calcium absorption. All minerals block the absorption of other minerals--it's not specific to those two. 

Second, you can absorb only about 500 mg of calcium at a time.

 I  have decided to take one 500 mg dose away from food (to increase absorption) and get another 500 mg at another time of day through diet (dairy--I found that most other foods that contain calcium also contain calcium absorption inhibiters). I truly think that, if you're careful with absorption and take other things to help increase bone, 1000 mg split in two 500 mg doses is good. I do do a (diet source) smaller (about 250) dose later. I imagine your calicum intake is high and, maybe not well absorbed--increasing your bind up issues. 

I take my magnesium (in two 400 mg doses--one morning, one before bed) away from the calcium. (I take my K2 and D3 with my dairy foods). Some magnesium forms (citrate for example) are better in terms of stool loosening. 


You've been so helpful. Do you set alarms to remind yourself?

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50 minutes ago, Alicia64 said:

You've been so helpful. Do you set alarms to remind yourself?

I do! Although, I could probably tie it to daily events if I wanted.

I wake up in the morning and take either magnesium or calcium (my 500 mg pill dose). I set a timer for 2 hours later, and take the other of those two. Two hours after that, I eat my calcium (and take K/D) at lunch.

(I don't generally need other alarms because if I'm taking another mineral on a particular day, I just tie it to dinner or later in the day. But I haven't found it bothersome personally to do alarms. I hesitated to post all this originally because I know it sounds complicated, but it's not actually felt complicated to me once I decided to do it this way and started.)

I take my other magesium dose at bedtime. 


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1 hour ago, sbgrace said:

I do! Although, I could probably tie it to daily events if I wanted.

I wake up in the morning and take either magnesium or calcium (my 500 mg pill dose). I set a timer for 2 hours later, and take the other of those two. Two hours after that, I eat my calcium (and take K/D) at lunch.

(I don't generally need other alarms because if I'm taking another mineral on a particular day, I just tie it to dinner or later in the day. But I haven't found it bothersome personally to do alarms. I hesitated to post all this originally because I know it sounds complicated, but it's not actually felt complicated to me once I decided to do it this way and started.)

I take my other magesium dose at bedtime. 


I don't think it sounds complicated, I think it sounds smart!!

I'm sorry to be dumb, what are K and D?

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