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What method or methods are you using this year for Christmas shopping?

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I have found myself shopping more and more online this year. I am getting addicted to the push a button and wow it is delivered to my door, while I am still in my pj's.:D Now my butt is showing this for sure!:lol: Gosh, I really need to go do some traditional holiday shopping to work off Thanksgiving.


So, what is everyone else leaning toward this year?

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I am going to try and do it all online. I simply hate going to the stores during christmas time with all the crowds and what not. Amazon is my favorite and with prime I get everything rather quickly. Most of our relatives are out of town so comes in handy.


Since hubby broke his ankle, he is also going to learn the fine art of shopping on line.

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While on line shopping sure is convenient, I really like going to the store and actually touching the items. I try to go out only once and get it all done at once - during the week when the crowds are down.


This year I only ordered one gift on line! That's rare though. I think I was enjoying my time out of the house a LOT!!! LOL

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More online than i would have liked - but the major gift was only available online.


But i try to buy as much local to support the merchants that have come into our area the last 2 years, and give my town the sales tax revenue (so maybe they won't raise my property taxes again).


I have a few things left to get that will be local things too...

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I have a few hours on Tuesdays without children and I've been getting my shopping done then. I did however, do some online shopping as some of the toys I wante dfor my children were really cheap. I just saw one of them I got for $18.99 free shipping for $45 in the store.

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I have bought two gifts because I happened to be grocery shopping at the same place. I ventured out today with the family, hated it, and couldn't wait to get home. I told dh he would have to do any brick-and-mortar shopping this year because I am just not up to it. I plan to shop by mouse-click if at all....

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So far the only thing that hasn't been bought online is a gift that dh found and picked up. It was a used squat rack from Play It Again Sports for 14yods. I wouldn't have known what to look for. He got a fantastic deal on it, too:hurray: I'm almost done. All I need are a book for each kid (amazon.com), and maybe one other thing each and stocking stuffers. Oh, and I need to pick up supplies for a gift exchange gift the girls are going to make and dh is going to buy some kind of guy gift for the same gift exchange. Other than that, I'm done.


Ahhh, it feels so good! And, though I know this is nothing to some of you, I haven't put anything on the credit cards yet, nor do I think I will need to. The garland is up. The ornaments are on the little alpine trees that stay in our living room year round. We waited until today--the day after dh's birthday, and he seems happy with that. He even finished building and hanging the doors for the basement and installing all the hardware and stops. (That sounds strange, but we built this house and have lived for 3 1/2 years without doors in the basement so dh could build them all rustic like I wanted.) I have a few more things to put out, possibly a few more things to make and order. It is all coming together so easily. Wednesday we leave for oldest ds' boot camp graduation and then he comes home for 38 days instead of the usual 10.


This is the relaxed holiday I've been praying for with focus on family and time together rather than money or lack of it (though there is still taxes and tuition to pay) and stress and crowded stores. I haven't enjoyed a holiday season or even the month of November so much in, well, ever. I know the budgeting and not racking up more debt has something to do with it, but the prayer is the bigger part. We certainly don't have any more money than usual. It really helps me let go of that stress that creeps up on me so easily and remember that God is my sufficiency in all things.


I know you didn't ask for all that buy I am just so incredibly blessed with how things are going. Excuse me now while I do a little happy dance.:party:

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Well...last year I did all shopping online. I do most shopping that way anyway, but I found it took up all my evenings and dragged on and on. So this year, dh and I took a day off, dropped the kids at an aunt's house, and from morning until evening got about 95% of our shopping done. And we got a day together away from the kids (that was worth it all). We almost felt like we'd had a mini-vacation. And at the end of the day, almost all of the gifts had been bought--such a relief.


I'm going to do it that way again next year! I highly recommend it! (And we did it before Thanksgiving, so no crowds.)

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I've spent about four hours' total browsing stores, and bought half the gifts I need. I've done some online shopping, and will probably do all the rest online, except for some stocking stuffers. I shop for a lot of family members across the country, and online is often the best deal (especially Amazon, with free shipping).



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I hate shopping IRL, and I do my online shopping mostly on Amazon and Etsy. I never used to shop online because I felt like the shipping costs were a waste of money. But now I feel my time and sanity is more important, plus I am much more satisfied with what I can find online. And with Amazon's free shipping for a $25 purchase, I haven't paid shipping there in years, except for a few times when I needed something more quickly. So, I'm a big fan of online shopping!:)

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We figured out years ago that hubby was much happier on Christmas morning when he was involved in the shoopping. I am much happier when it gets done early. Mine isn't so much as where I shop, but how we tackle it. I start a christmas fund late summer or when I remember to get started on it! We have not always set a budget, but we did this year.Middle to the end of October we ask kids for their wish lists..yes, even the married ones. My house is full and I dont' want to contribute to their houses getting full either..so I greatly encourage the what do you need lists..


I have a folder that is fake plastic something...open it up and one side is a pocket with a calculator and places for receipts, flyers, coupons..etc.

Other side is a 5x7 notepad. I copy all the lists ionto the notepad and away we go! I have used this for many years now and it is a fabulous way to keep organized. I can calculate how much we've spent, how many gifts each one has and who I need to shop for next.


Since we are avid Costco shoppers, we usually start there. I do some online shopping too after I have exhausted Costco. I do like Amazon and their free shipping. I have successfully avoided the mall for several years now!

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I bought everything online, with free shipping, mostly on sale (I compared prices), with no sales tax to pay except at CBD (they are in Mass.).


The only things I buy at regular stores are stocking stuffers, except for the snake in the can trick gift that DS3 always wants to get in his stocking.

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Most of my shopping is done on-line and Jeff Bezos sends it to me for free.;) Next year I will pay him to wrap stuff and then ship it for free to my family in California, too so I can avoid the post office (do not get me started on UPS unless Brown is bringing stuff TO ME!!!)


I even found stocking stuffers on-line yesterday - am just about over fighting crowds to shop in stores.

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I really, really, really hate to shop at the mall.


My family members like specialty items that are not available in most stores (magician, diesel-enthusiast), so I have to order their stuff online.


I have found some great deals online this year and I'm just as excited to see the latest Amazon Lightning Deal pop up on my screen as some people are finding a bargain at the stores. I just get to keep my fuzzy robe on and drink my own coffee.

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Guest janainaz

Last year, I had a list for each of my sons and half was from Rainbow Resource and half was from Toys R Us. It was all planned out - neat and tidy. This year: I went yesterday and bought almost everything at Target, I was not sure what I wanted to get them. I then went to Toys R Us and actually ended up returning about 5 major things to Target because each of them was about $10 cheaper at Toys R Us. They had great deals yesterday. I have not bought anything online this year because we are going to CA with my dh for a business trip and it keeps getting postponed. I don't want stuff delivered here and left at the doorstep. I saved a ton of money shopping at Rainbow Resource last year - I loved having stuff delivered.

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