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Yoga class?

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If my beginners yoga class only has 6 people in it, all masked, do you think that is reasonably safe and that I can go?  I have taken many weeks off as our cases spiked, but I am really wanting to go.  We are currently at about 250 new cases per day in my county.  I don't want to be unsafe but I think it would give me such a mental (and physical) boost.  Thoughts?

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250/day is a lot. It might not seem like it if you've been up higher, but for comparison our 3/day over the last 2 days is a little higher than we've been at and is a rate that would prevent schools opening here. And there is a lot of good yoga on youtube. I would vote no.

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48 minutes ago, perkybunch said:

If my beginners yoga class only has 6 people in it, all masked, do you think that is reasonably safe and that I can go?  I have taken many weeks off as our cases spiked, but I am really wanting to go.  We are currently at about 250 new cases per day in my county.  I don't want to be unsafe but I think it would give me such a mental (and physical) boost.  Thoughts?


If it is held outdoors and people are masked and at least 6 feet apart (at least 10’ is better) I think it is reasonably safe.  

Not safe indoors. 

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See, I would totally go.  Yes, an outdoor class would be preferable, but I would do a small socially distanced indoor class.

Also 250 cases in your county might be super high for a low population county or super low for a highly dense Urban county.....so to me, numbers are only part of the picture 

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I wouldn't go but mainly because I can't imagine doing yoga with a mask. And I suppose outdoors is the only way mask-free yoga would work right now...

Do you need the dynamics of a group practice? If not, there are tons of online options! My local studio is doing Zoom classes... but there are YouTube options with beautiful scenery that I find just as relaxing as the practice. 🙂

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13 hours ago, perkybunch said:

If my beginners yoga class only has 6 people in it, all masked, do you think that is reasonably safe and that I can go?  I have taken many weeks off as our cases spiked, but I am really wanting to go.  We are currently at about 250 new cases per day in my county.  I don't want to be unsafe but I think it would give me such a mental (and physical) boost.  Thoughts?

That's too much risk for right now.  Could you do yoga online at home and add an outdoor walk to your day? That way you could get the benefits of yoga along with some fresh air, sunshine, and change of scenery from the walk.  I haven't done anything like that for two weeks now and I'm feeling insanely sluggish and foggy.  I need to get back to it.  I was combining Yoga with Adriene on youtube with a 3 mile walk around my neighborhood.  I did it for a couple months but then it got hot and I got stuck.  I've been slacking so long I'm starting to notice a difference in my quality of sleep.

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I wouldn’t.  I also have a private wacky theory that some level of social anxiety for people is we tend to breathe more shallowly when we’re around a bunch of people, maybe instinctively to prevent ourselves inhaling germs etc.  so maybe yoga and deep breathing isn’t a great idea.

however that is not every remotely scientific it’s just a weird thing I’ve been wondering about with all this awareness around this stuff right now.

outdoors in a straight socially distanced line with no touch greetings I would consider possibly.

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