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Social distancing home projects


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Are you doing any home projects now that you have all this time on your hands at home?  What are you up to? 

So far, just a starter clean to the garage that I never got around to in fall.   Next week will be donating a bunch of things out of there.  You have no idea how many bikes we have for 7 people.  

I started the basement, but need to get back to it.  

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Still at the tail end of winter here, so I am starting on the Spring yard work that I would have put off if I was still going to work. I’ve also been doing some deep cleaning that usually waits until summer vacation. It is still too cold to clean out the storage shed yet, but that project will start in a couple more weeks.

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We had carpet replaced right before the shut downs began, so we've been slowly putting all the pieces back together. Plus, I purged/cleaned big time as we boxed and moved things out, so everything is looking so tidy. (Also painted my bedroom right before getting the carpet in, and got a new -- much smaller -- tv stand for the living room so the room feels huge!)

DH has big outdoor plans. (DH works on a university campus so has been home for weeks...and will remain home until it opens.) He wants to get rid of a large swath of pampas grass --that we've been trying to get rid of for a decade. He's convinced that this is the year it'll happen!

Edited by alisoncooks
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We had been considering painting the house, or having it painted, with the extra time on our hands and financial uncertainty we decided to go ahead and do it ourselves. So far we've got the house clean and a chunk of prep work done, we hope to start painting next weekend (dh is still working for now- there are no stay at home orders here and although some employees were sent home at his work he was not).

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We are going from room to room decluttering, reorganizing, and deep cleaning. We have so much stuff to take to Goodwill when all of this is over.

Other projects are getting a huge garden growing, moving a while bunch of landscaping rock that is in our front yard to the side yard. Once it is moved we're planting some fruit trees out front and planting grass. 

If we finish all that and are still stuck at home we'll be fixing the decking around the pool and possibly painting the homeschool room.

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So many projects!

-Big tool sort - since every project starts with a scavenger hunt for tools, I'm reorganizing them and putting up new shelves so everything is easy to find

-reorganizing my laundry area

-winter sowing (90% have sprouted)/garden prep/early planting/last minute seed purchases for my new garden location.

-Community garden plot - My name came up for a garden plot (I only have part sun at home) so I spent yesterday building a gate.  I dug holes, sunk posts, and installed a gate to my plot.  The person who had it before me just tied the gate to t-posts with wires so it was a pain to access.

Today I plan to plant some more onions and lettuces.  If I get rained on I'll move to a mirror mounting project in my bedroom.  

I have a bidet attachment arriving this week that I'm looking forward to installing.


Maybe this should be another thread, and I have always been a grow-where-you're-planted kind of girl, but I am THRIVING in lockdown.  It's ridiculous.  I must have needed a break from EVERYTHING more than I thought.  I am a life-long extrovert.  I'm fine with people and activity, but I have so much to do at home that I'm really enjoying having a chance to do all this stuff I've put off for years.  I haven't bothered to move my dance classes to Zoom.  I'm just not interested in on online platform.  I'm at peace with our last co-op year being over and all of my dance events and shows being postponed indefinitely.  I don't have little kids to entertain.  If not for the specter of death hanging over everything, I could see this time as a blessing. Maybe I'm just trying to enjoy life before it's changed irreversibly and the numbers start doubling every few days? Maybe I'm in denial, but I'm going to embrace this zen feeling as long as it lasts.


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1 hour ago, Margaret in CO said:

It's spring work on the ranch, so really has nothing to do with quarantine. Dh and dd's bf built a new duck coop yesterday. Dh is off fixing some gate--he could do one every day and still not run out. I walked fence yesterday and worked on them. Only 25 more miles to go! Youngest got old feed sacks out of the woodshed--I couldn't do it due to the dust. Dd and her bf are cleaning one shed in preparation for pigs--they've just about filled a 3 horse trailer to go to the dump. My sil is a hoarder of trash. Of course, today would be the day the neighbors would need that 3 horse trailer. They ended up borrowing the straight load 2 horse to get their pigs. It's 4-H season! No one wanted to take the enormous stock trailers for 2 pigs! The manure dragging goes on. With the snow yesterday, everything is nicely damp again. Got a calf to tag. 

Pigs?!! I hope that shed is a few miles downwind. I just don't love bacon enough to ever want to keep pigs.  I can shovel cow dirt and horse dirt all day long, but pig dirt is the WORST!

We're still working on this house we bought two years ago.  This afternoon I'm patching nail holes from putting in trim in the laundry room.  I'll paint it tomorrow.  We're only doing stuff we have supplies for already, but I have five gallons of trim paint ready to go!  

We've had steady rain for about ten days now, so not doing much outside because I need to work the soil before I do much more.  No sense in fighting the tiller when I don't need to.  I can't plant out for a while anyway. Our overnight temps are still too cold. The mountain I see out my window is getting 12" of snow right now, so winter is hanging on a bit.

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I've been gardening and working in the yard on nice days and on rainy days, I pick something in the house to deep clean. I've been traveling with dd most of the time since we moved to this home almost two years ago so doing the things I'd like to do but rarely have time to do.

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DH and I have been busy here. Lots of outdoor planting and DH made a new privacy fence for our yard. We are now working on building an entry table, that we will try to sell after all this. I’m also sanding and refinishing our dining room table. It’s from my Grandma, about 100 years old. I was going to just get rid of it but both daughters asked me not to. So, I’ll sand and get rid of the golden oak and stain it a little darker. Also, DH repaired the closet shelves and put in stronger braces. I’ve organized closets and found some things to sell on our neighborhood Facebook page when this is all over. 

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When dh retired last year he bought a bunch of supplies for projects and many didn’t get done before winter set in. So now there’s no excuse. We’re replacing faucets, have cleaned the garage and loft,  tearing up deck boards, replacing the stairs off the kitchen porch, and have cleaned All The Things. Now we’re moving on to sorting fil’s slide collection so we can pick the good ones to digitize. I’m telling you, watching my inlaws’ vacation slides from 1962 is not my idea of fun.  Tomorrow I’m digging out the materials for a few more projects. 

All your projects up thread are so inspiring!!

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On 3/30/2020 at 1:59 PM, mommyoffive said:

Are you doing any home projects now that you have all this time on your hands at home?  What are you up to? 

So far, just a starter clean to the garage that I never got around to in fall.   Next week will be donating a bunch of things out of there.  You have no idea how many bikes we have for 7 people.  

I started the basement, but need to get back to it.  

Where can you donae TO? All our thrift shops and Goodwill are closed. Are yours not?

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16 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Where can you donae TO? All our thrift shops and Goodwill are closed. Are yours not?


I am assuming ours are closed too.  Normally when we put things on the curb they are taken either by people who sell scrap stuff or just people using it.  So I am putting out a bunch of bikes hoping they get taken because we have way to many.    It is frustrating for me to be home now and I would love to really really go through the whole house and get rid of things, but there really isn't anywhere to take things.  Although I have seen those drop off boxes around town that are still there.  Not sure if they are still picking things up or not.  But they are not full.  

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I have weeded, and planterd two garden beds with flowers and herbs.

Still to go:
2 more garden beds, trim some hedges, plant flowers later
Keep up with weeding!
Clean out and reorganize our only large closet
Deep clean my kitchen
Wash walls
Cull the attic before it gets hot (but we need to be able to get rid of stuff first. Need thrift shops open or Goodwill.) 


On dh's list:
Drain the dead dishwasher bc it's getting moldy and I can't clean it if it's full of water. 
Repair the fence and the gate
Replace back yard flood lights
Repair or replace motion detector lights
Paint the shed, shutters and storm door (Kids might do the shed.)
Repair a broken bookcase
Hang a new bluebird house

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