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JAWM Update- he's coming home.


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2 hours ago, matrips said:

I hadn’t seen the post you mentioned about this summer where you gifted the horse, so I did do a search for that.  In one of the posts, you did tell us that you told your niece the horse was hers to do with as she pleased- train, show, sell, whatever.  While I wouldn’t have the gumption to sell such an expensive and generous gift, especially so soon, perhaps she took what you said to heart. Maybe just rethink what you may have really told her. She may have heard or remembered something different than you.

Yes, it's completely my fault.  FWIW, both nieces are terrified of me because I call them on their shit.  Sorry, there's just not another word for it. Sis counts on me to be the hard ass that she isn't.  (no husband to back her up) However I don't want to be an Indian giver.  yeah, I know that's politically incorrect.  Still don't want to be one.  I have made the offer to take the horse back and work on it's training for her while she is in college.  I'll just have to see what happens.  A hard lesson for me to learn.

I will probably point out to her that it is (HIGHLY) unlikely that she will ever own a horse this nice again.  If she does sell him I'm done.  I'm already done with the other girl because of the way she treats her mom.  No problem to be done with them both.  Sis gets that.

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I hope everything works out for you, MaBelle, and that you get the horse back.

I also hope you don’t lose your relationship with both of your nieces. They are still young and immature, so please try not to judge them too harshly. Whenever you post about them, it sounds as though you really dislike them. I’m sure that your sister can tell how you feel about her daughters, and it must make her feel very sad. I can’t imagine that your sister likes having her daughters be “terrified” of you, and I’m not sure what benefit there is to that for you, either, or what they could possibly have done to make you feel that you need to treat them so harshly.

Again, I hope your niece gives the horse back to you so there is no added tension between you and your niece, or any problem between you and your sister. 

Edited by Catwoman
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17 minutes ago, Catwoman said:

I hope everything works out for you, MaBelle, and that you get the horse back.

I also hope you don’t lose your relationship with both of your nieces. They are still young and immature, so please try not to judge them too harshly. Whenever you post about them, it sounds as though you really dislike them. I’m sure that your sister can tell how you feel about her daughters, and it must make her feel very sad. I can’t imagine that your sister likes having her daughters be “terrified” of you, and I’m not sure what benefit there is to that for you, either, or what they could possibly have done to make you feel that you need to treat them so harshly.

Again, I hope your niece gives the horse back to you so there is no added tension between you and your niece, or any problem between you and your sister. 

Thanks, it's a tough road with these girls.  Very frustrating to see the way they treat my sister.  I won't go into details on a public board, you'll just have to take my word for it that they are (well, the oldest anyhow) is pretty horrid.  Sister's life is sometimes hell because of her.  I gave her the benefit of the doubt long enough.

Part of her drama is "being terrified" of me.  The worst thing I've done to her is to challenge her for lying and being disrespectful  to her mother.  She has a mom who does her laundry, cleans her room, pays her bills and works three jobs to support them.   I think she ought to kick her ass out but she can't do the tough love thing.

Edited by MaBelle
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36 minutes ago, MaBelle said:

However I don't want to be an Indian giver.  yeah, I know that's politically incorrect.  <snip>

 I'm already done with the other girl because of the way she treats her mom.  No problem to be done with them both.  Sis gets that.

"I don't want to demand that she return the gift I gave her." This is a perfectly understandable phrase. 

"No problem" to be "done" with your sister's children? I hope you're just upset. 

4 hours ago, Catwoman said:

I will admit to being somewhat shocked that MaBelle’s sister would have even entertained the idea of her dd selling the horse.  

But it's really not the sister's decision. MaBelle gave the horse to her niece, not her sister. 

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2 minutes ago, MaBelle said:

Meh, I don't know.  I am done with her drama.  Years upon years of drama. 

Sometimes not engaging with the drama is absolutely the best choice, and sometimes that means not engaging with that person. I've definitely done my share of refusing drama, which has sometimes meant cutting visits and/or conversations short, and not initiating contact for a period of time. I don't mean to say that you should have an active relationship with them at this time no matter what they do, rather that I hope you don't actually think it's "no problem" and that you won't regard it as a necessarily permanent decision (because they really are quite young). 

She's your sister's kid, and you were willing to give her a gift that was substantial in terms of both money and time, I think you're invested past the point of "no problem" 😎

I hope you come to a satisfactory agreement with her. 

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18 minutes ago, MaBelle said:

Talked to sis this morning.  Going to get horse ASAP.  Everything good.


I’m so happy to hear that your horse is coming home where he belongs!

 I’m even happier to hear that your niece decided to do the right thing — she probably could have sold the horse for quite a bit of money, but she resisted that temptation and put family first. YAY!!!

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7 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Sorry this didn't work out as you'd hoped, but happy your horse is coming home again.  

Hopefully it might still work out, in four years after college.  She is going to retain ownership but at least he'll be home on the ranch.

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12 minutes ago, Catwoman said:


I’m so happy to hear that your horse is coming home where he belongs!

 I’m even happier to hear that your niece decided to do the right thing — she probably could have sold the horse for quite a bit of money, but she resisted that temptation and put family first. YAY!!!

I don't think she could have gotten what he's worth.  And he'll be worth a lot more in four years.

Here he is as a lanky two yr old.


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11 hours ago, MaBelle said:

Yes, it's completely my fault.  FWIW, both nieces are terrified of me because I call them on their shit.  Sorry, there's just not another word for it. Sis counts on me to be the hard ass that she isn't.  (no husband to back her up) However I don't want to be an Indian giver.  yeah, I know that's politically incorrect.  Still don't want to be one.  I have made the offer to take the horse back and work on it's training for her while she is in college.  I'll just have to see what happens.  A hard lesson for me to learn.

I will probably point out to her that it is (HIGHLY) unlikely that she will ever own a horse this nice again.  If she does sell him I'm done.  I'm already done with the other girl because of the way she treats her mom.  No problem to be done with them both.  Sis gets that.



26 minutes ago, MaBelle said:

Hopefully it might still work out, in four years after college.  She is going to retain ownership but at least he'll be home on the ranch.


The horse is beautiful. I hope your niece grows to appreciate the initial gift and the value of years of free boarding. 

Also, so so gently, you’ll want to work the word “renege” into your vocabulary. 

Edited by KungFuPanda
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4 hours ago, klmama said:

MaBelle, I just was wondering.  Whatever happened with the horse you gave the neighbor girl?  Did she end up loving it as you'd hoped?

She loves her but now she is in college and Cat is back with us.  Her little sister comes by and is learning to ride her.  Cat needs special medical attention so it's easier for me to care for her.

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4 hours ago, Margaret in CO said:

Not sure most readers are aware just how amazing that gift was. At Scottsdale one year (largest Arabian show) the announcer asked that everyone stand who owned a daughter or son of Khemosabi, then grandkid, etc. By the end, almost EVERY person in the stands was standing. Khemosabi truly was the foundation of the Arabian breed across the world! We have one!

Yes!  Khemosabi is Khlassic's grandsire, and his sire is Khartoon Khlassic.  It's a great line.

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20 minutes ago, MaBelle said:

She loves her but now she is in college and Cat is back with us.  Her little sister comes by and is learning to ride her.  Cat needs special medical attention so it's easier for me to care for her.   ETA- and PLUS as an added bonus my grand daughters LOVE Cat and she's their favorite ride.


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11 hours ago, Pen said:

I’m so glad the horse is back with you!!!


Who is the young man with the horse? 

That is one of my boys.  He and the horse have a very special bond, but he was willing for his cousin to take him since she didn't have her own horse.  He is a fantastic guy.

11 hours ago, Pen said:





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On 10/16/2019 at 12:20 AM, MaBelle said:

Hopefully it might still work out, in four years after college.  She is going to retain ownership but at least he'll be home on the ranch.

I’m really glad horse is home.  I feel like if it’s possible to have ownership fully returned to you it would be better though.  Otherwise there’s the potential that after you’ve put four years of work in she turns around and sells the horse again.  Seems like she’s shown she’s willing to do the right thing but after that scare I’d be nervous not to have things a bit more definite between you.

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