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2 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

Do you always have sensory cravings for several days before you get sick? You might want to notice the pattern so you'd have more heads-up.

Goat Simulator is entirely stupid and effective when you're sick. It's a really ridiculous app.

Never noticed but can pay attention.  I more or less always have pretty intense sensory cravings. I just can usually fulfill them in socially acceptable ways.  

Could this possibly be flu?  It seems way too early but the sudden onset achiness, fever, exhaustion fits.  Usually get shots in October.  

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6 minutes ago, Tanaqui said:

If you wait and symptoms get worse, you may end up in the ER after urgent care closes. And if you're so sick you don't feel safe driving, you should rely on somebody else's perspective rather than trusting your own judgment. Your judgment is flawed because you're super sick.


I agree. When you feel too sick to drive yourself to the doctor... that usually means you really need to go to the doctor. 

I hope your dh can drive you to urgent care. It really sounds like you have the flu. 

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46 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Sitting at urgent care now.  They said it’s too early for flu so they are just swabbing me for strep. 

They're not going to find out if people in your area are getting the flu yet unless they test people with flu symptoms for flu! *sigh*

I hope you feel better soon.

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Yeah, the whole not testing people with flu symptoms and a temp of 101 for flu seemed kinda weird to me, but I'm not a doctor.  Said it wasn't strep.  Told me to rest and drink.  They said I feel so bad because of the fever (which I was already taking tylenol for).  Can take OTC stuff but he's going with "probably a cold."  Which makes me feel super wussy.  I've had lots of colds.  They're a drag but don't usually feel nearly this bad with them.

The other thing that makes me suspicious of flu is how fast it hit.  I went from a little snuffly to burning up, super achiness, and profound exhaustion in less than an hour.  Going to the kitchen or the bathroom utterly exhausts me.  

Edited by Terabith
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59 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Nonspecific virus.  So feel kinda dumb 

Not dumb! At least you cleared the likely vicious things. I went the first day of what was literally a COLD, and my doc, sweet little thing he is, said nothing weird, just gave me a whole laundry list of things to help. I had pneumonia and bronchitis so many times I'm gun shy, virus shy, wasn't even sure what to do with a my stress is down, you can get through this, honest bug. LOL 

If your symptoms are in your sinuses, this is GREAT stuff                                             Simply Saline Nasal Mist Instant Relief for Everyday Congestion, 4.5 Oz                                       

Can anyone bring you chicken soup and take care of you? Weight might feel good too.

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

Nonspecific virus.  So feel kinda dumb 


And if it was something really really bad, and you didn't go in, wouldn't you feel even MORE stupid?

Also, the "dumb" ones here are the ones who are not testing for flu despite the fact that it's already started spreading around (so said my pharmacist when I got my shot).

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1 minute ago, PeterPan said:

Is there an OTC flu test? Oh dear, it's looking $$$ (not per test, but per box). 

Yeah, between the high price for the OTC flu tests and my mixed feelings about tamiflu, I'm somewhat disinclined.  Feel slightly less entitled to just stay in bed if it's just a cold, even if I feel terrible, though.  That fever just doesn't seem cold typical though.  

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25 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Yeah, between the high price for the OTC flu tests and my mixed feelings about tamiflu, I'm somewhat disinclined.  Feel slightly less entitled to just stay in bed if it's just a cold, even if I feel terrible, though.  That fever just doesn't seem cold typical though.  


That urgent care doc was being a jerk.  You have the flu.  A few years back a study came out that said most severe colds are mild influenza when they identify the virus.  And with muscle aches and a fever?  It's the flu.

Go to bed.  Stay in bed. Refuse to feel guilty about it.  If it lasts longer than 10 days or you get a bad cough, go back to the doctor.

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

my mixed feelings about tamiflu

Oh my lands, I LOVE Tamiflu. Like sign me up, buy stock, great stuff. Ok, it made me feel really psycho, and I don't even remember what the symptoms were, lol. I know I was pretty loopy or had some. But I didn't get pneumonia, kwim? And after so many times, multiple years in a row, getting sick to infections, it was a MIRACLE. 

I could literally feel it working. It was so, so weird. 

45 minutes ago, Katy said:

That urgent care doc was being a jerk.  You have the flu. 

Oh my goodness, now I feel horrible for her!!! Terabith, of a truth, do you have a GP or are you only using UC for care? I didn't have a GP for scads of years and I don't like docs at all. But really, I got this GP, somehow with the MERCY OF GOD who is actually kind of jolly and decent. And they have office hours and take calls and take care of you. They're the ones who gave me Tamiflu after multiple years of repeated antibiotics because I wasn't getting good care. So if you don't have one, maybe make that your next step when you recover, to get a GP? Or do people use their OBs and then the OBs don't do sick care??? Oh dear. I've never been to an OB. Like ever. Told you I don't like doctors, lol. 

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

My pastor friend also suggested that once I get over the flu I might think about going to day treatment to see about being proactive about the depression.  

Or maybe a new GP to see if your meds are even a good fit? I mean, I love it when men blame us and say if we tried harder (with their awesome wisdom) we'd be fine. 

1 hour ago, Terabith said:

she blew me off.

So she's such a crumb bucket you're avoiding her and going somewhere else. That's insane. That's like this RDI chick I took ds to today and the chick is like no I'm going to do academics, and she caused this total royal meltdown. And then, after she caused the meltdown, she blamed ME and said that he had no visible symptoms of the impending doom, which she can certify because she's an expert in nonverbals. 

I mean, it was just the stupidest mess I've seen in a while, the LEAST qualified person I've ever taken him to who claimed to know something about autism. Knew jack. 

So maybe your GP got a C in some stuff? I don't know, I don't like 'em. My guy is Catholic, so maybe that informs his demeanor somehow? LOL No clue. Maybe try a Catholic doctor? Maybe the priests tell them doctors who treat their patients crummy rot, bwhwhahahah. 

(I'm joking here. But really, could be worth a try.)

Ok, so I'll tell you my other most excellent tip on finding docs that isn't really a tip because it couldn't possibly work again. Try somebody who is open whom nobody else likes. I mean, seriously, my doc has kind of a hairbrained reputation, has written prescriptions wrong (yes, lol, but in his defense he's not from here), etc. So I picked a pretty normal practice and he was the black sheep who couldn't keep clients. I think it's that I'm so eccentric that I can overlook eccentricities. Turns out he's wicked smart, has all kinds of bizarre knowledge, and is really easy to collaborate with. Go figure. But you wouldn't know it from the way they whisper about him at the pharmacy, haha. 

I hope you feel better soon! Feeling unwell sucks, and if you should have gotten tamiflu and didn't because you didn't feel confident you'd get good care from your GP then that even more sucks. I remember you've been sick a lot, and getting a fresh GP actually helped me stop getting sick. 

Edited by PeterPan
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Yeah, I have been sick a lot, but way way less often since I’m doing vitamin D. That made a huge difference.  I’ve still had a lot of weird medical things:  kidney stones/ not quite UTIs, massive ovarian tumor that required surgery, etc.  But the straight up sick stuff has been brought into more normal levels.  

There is actually a Catholic doctor I adore at a different practice.  She’s a friend and I would totally switch to her except our insurance makes it super complicated to see her. 

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Ugh.  Yeah, I find it almost impossible to believe this isn’t flu, given how weak and exhausted I feel.  My muscles hurt.  My joints and skin hurt.  My hair and eyeballs hurt.  

I think I may ask my husband or mother in law if they could make a grocery run for some Epsom salts, jello, maybe some soup and honey for tea.  Elderberry syrup and ginger if they could find it.  No way can I make it to the store.  

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

There is actually a Catholic doctor I adore at a different practice.  She’s a friend and I would totally switch to her except our insurance makes it super complicated to see her. 

How complicated??? You have to shed the blood of goats??? 

I don't know, I've gotten so cantankerous since 40. In my mind, get the doctor you want and yell at the insurance. Ok, I've never yelled at insurance. Maybe change companies? We have a private policy and a wicked high deductible ($11k, I kid you not), so we get the bills eventually and it doesn't matter what the insurance thinks at all. 

Is it 24-48 hours to get Tamiflu? But you said you wouldn't take it. Can you just *try* your GP place, like calling and seeing if the doctor would even just run the test? If they'd just agree to run the test, that would be something. And then they could give you the Tamiflu if you wanted. It's divine stuff. Seriously. It's like cheetos with ice cream.

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10 hours ago, Katy said:


That urgent care doc was being a jerk.  You have the flu.  A few years back a study came out that said most severe colds are mild influenza when they identify the virus.  And with muscle aches and a fever?  It's the flu.

Go to bed.  Stay in bed. Refuse to feel guilty about it.  If it lasts longer than 10 days or you get a bad cough, go back to the doctor.


Agreeing with Katy.  It's the flu.  And I just had it, too.  I didn't go to the doctor, but I'm 100% sure it's what I had.  I'm a week out now, and my fever has just now abated, and my sore throat, too.  Everything I had fit the flu description to a T.  BTW, I didn't know that a sore throat is often the last symptom to go with the flu.  My sore throat lasted a week, along with my fever.  

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One of the side effects of Tamiflu is depression and anxiety.  Which is already a huge thing.  I could probably be persuaded but honestly, I feel too crappy to drag myself out of bed and over there.  And it’s already pushing the time limit.  

Can’t really change insurance.  My husband works for the medical center.  

I will live.  Taking NyQuil and going back to bed with cold washcloths on my forehead.  

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Just now, Serenade said:


Agreeing with Katy.  It's the flu.  And I just had it, too.  I didn't go to the doctor, but I'm 100% sure it's what I had.  I'm a week out now, and my fever has just now abated, and my sore throat, too.  Everything I had fit the flu description to a T.  BTW, I didn't know that a sore throat is often the last symptom to go with the flu.  My sore throat lasted a week, along with my fever.  

Yeah, I really think it probably is flu.  The symptoms are so classic and I went from feeling fine to death on a cracker in less than an hour.  

How long did it take you before you felt like you could handle daily life/ getting out of bed/ running errands?  Wondering what I am in for.  

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2 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Yeah, I really think it probably is flu.  The symptoms are so classic and I went from feeling fine to death on a cracker in less than an hour.  

How long did it take you before you felt like you could handle daily life/ getting out of bed/ running errands?  Wondering what I am in for.  

The worst was the first 24 -36 hours, when the fever was up to 101.5.  That's when my skin hurt and all the other symptoms were full-blown.   But after that, I felt functional for the 5 additional days that I had it.  Not great, because I still had a fever, but it was lower, and the headache mostly went away.  I was still tired, and my throat annoyed me for a week.  That was part of the worst at the beginning -- my neck ached a lot, on top of having a sore throat.   When the neck ache went away, I felt better.  It's hard to feel well when you can't move your head without pain.  Yesterday morning I still had a fever (the 7th day), but by nighttime it went away, which I thought was unusual, since mostly fevers get worse as the day goes on. I am still fairly congested, and my big hope is that this thing doesn't move into my ears. 

That said, it sounds like you have it a bit worse than I did.  I'd rest as long as you can, and certainly until your fever goes down a little.  Drinking hot tea helped me to feel better, I guess because it soothed my throat and it seemed to loosen up the congestion, at least for a short while afterwards.   Running errands is tiring.  I wouldn't do that if you didn't have to.   On one of my bad days I had to take a kid to the CC, and I could barely stay awake on the way home, so I asked my DH to pick him up.  It was not a good idea for me to have driven, seriously.   Anyhow, I hope you feel better.  Feel free to vent here as much as you need to.  I think sometimes that makes a person feel better, too.  Sometimes it's hard to get sympathy from the regular folks in the house. 


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Thanks.  There’s a decided lack of sympathy at home.  If I absolutely had to go out and function at a basic level I probably could.  But it wouldn’t be pretty.  Another complication is I feel queasy.  Actually lay on the floor in the bathroom for awhile out of a fear of puking.  

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59 minutes ago, Terabith said:

There’s a decided lack of sympathy at home.  If I absolutely had to go out and function at a basic level I probably could.

Not that I remember every post you've ever made, but you seem to do this every time, lol.

Go to bed, stay in bed, refuse to get out of bed. Let them rot. Ring a bell or call them on your cell phone when you need something. Or order in Visiting Angels or something and charge it to your dh. Maybe they deliver chicken soup. Does Uber Eats deliver Panera? That could so change your life.

21 minutes ago, Terabith said:

What do you folks do to be productive with the flu?

Not me babes. I spend every other day of the week, month, and year taking care of other people. When I'm sick, I do what is good for me and tell them to rot. They will not starve or die if you rest for a week. Your kids are over the age of 6, right? Like they're able open a can of beans or order pizza, right??

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Ok, so I will tell you, iirc, that only the first 4 hours of each Tamiflu dose was bad. And I don't remember a lot (cuz I was really sick), but yeah it was mental symptoms, not cool, playing with your mind. It was worth it to me, because I have gotten pneumonia and bronchitis so many times in the last few years. But it was not like the WHOLE TIME I felt like that. It was only the first few hours iirc.

But you know you're tough. After this, you can get a kitten or three, a new doctor... Have you done all your Christmas shopping yet? You could get that done. It would be a Christmas memory, haha, the year you did it on the bathroom floor.

Do you have probiotics so you could open the capsule? That sometimes helps. Or just give up and puke. 

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OP, I agree with the others. You have the flu. Your symptoms and timeline are *exactly* like what my dd had in January/February. She went from "I don't feel so hot this morning" to barely able to walk in three hours. She managed to get to the campus health center and get tested. She had the B strain of flu.

At the health center, the dootor gave her a 'new flu med' that showed great promise and doesn't have the side effects that Tamiflu has for some people. It is Xofluza. It's two teeny tablets and she took them at the same time. She slept the rest of the day and, I kid you not, she felt almost normal the next day. It was remarkable. By the end of that next day, she she said it was as if she was never sick at all.

I highly suggest Xofluza for those who react to Tamiflu. It works best when given within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms.

I hope you feel better. And you need to fire your UC & find someplace else to go next time. They "did you wrong" by not testing you for the flu.

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