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Update on dss18


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That is such a major accomplishment! Just a small, cautionary suggestion, as an overweight person myself...Be sure to emphasize the character qualities he is gaining thru this experience- -patience, persistence, sacrifice to a bigger goal, healthy self-control--more than the weight he lost. 

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  • 2 months later...

He just sent me a screen shot of his latest weight....he is down a total of 57 pounds now.  So proud of him!  He said he  is wanting to be down another 27 pounds by the end of the year.  He was showing off how loose his dress shirt was yesterday and when he took off his jacket I could see he had his dress pants pretty cinched up...might have to get them altered pretty soon. 

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I’m so happy for him, Scarlett!!! I’m sure all of your encouragement, as well as all of the time you took to help him learn about proper nutrition, have been very helpful and motivational to him. It’s so sweet that he wants you to be proud of him — and I know you are, because this is a HUGE achievement!

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That's so impressive and I'm so happy for him- what a feeling!!!  I hope it is the start of a new way of living for him- and that he is learning a lot along the way.  For many of us, weight control is a lifelong enterprise. 🙂

And after allllllllllllllllll of the crap you've taken here on this board in voicing your concern and wanting to help or assist him, I appreciate that you came to share his success!    

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