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Distract me? I'm feeling yucky.

Jenny in Florida

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Nothing urgent or critical, just feeling kind of worn down, physically and emotionally. I've been dealing with a variety of relatively minor health issues for a few years (thyroid stuff, insulin resistance, some kind of gluten intolerance, etc.). Most of them are under control with treatment, and I don't go around thinking about them much. I just take my meds, try to eat reasonably well and generally take care of myself and get on with my life. However, about 18 months ago, I became aware of a persistent tingling/numbness/itching in my feet and legs. which, despite a bunch of appointments and testing and increasing doses of medication, is still unexplained and causing me discomfort and sometimes pain. Yesterday, I did have an initial appointment with a new neurologist, who upped my meds and has ordered yet more testing. So, fingers crossed that we make progress on that soon. Meanwhile, though, I often can't find a comfortable position in which to sit or sleep. 

After I got the thyroid under control (by removing it), I lost about 30 of the 50 or so pounds I had gained in the previous couple of years. However, I've gained back about 10 pounds in the last eight months, despite making no changes in my diet or lifestyle. I had full labs done just in time for my annual endocrinologist appointment a few weeks ago, and all of my numbers are good. The doctor speculates that the weight gain is likely being caused by stress (cortisol).

I'm doing my best to stay active and healthy. I walk a decent amount (average between 10,000 and 12,000 steps per day) and keep looking for ways to incorporate more exercise. I hurt my knee doing Zumba a couple of years ago and still have to be careful with anything too high impact. Even swimming is sometimes problematic. Lately, I've been very carefully trying yoga; I like it a lot, but last night's class seems to have taken a worse than usual toll on my joints. My knees, ankles, elbows and wrists are all seriously sore today.

Again, none of it's a big deal compared to what some other folks are dealing with, but all combined, it's . . . demoralizing.

My employment situation is not ideal. A couple of months ago, I left a job I had originally loved but that had become frustrating and constricting, leapt into a very different job I felt unsure about more or less from the moment I accepted the offer and which has, in fact, turned out to be not a good fit. I'm looking for other opportunities and have interviewed for a job I think might be great. Now I just have to wait and see, which is not something I'm good at doing. I'm submitting other applications and trying not to focus on this one thing, but, again, not my most highly developed skill.

I don't even want to get into the whole ongoing estrangement between my kids, but it continues.

My husband and son can't be in the same room for more than 10 minutes without tension. (My husband has been dealing with his own health stuff, including high blood pressure, depression and anxiety.) There are legitimate gripes on both sides, but I am at a loss as to how to mediate, and I am exhausted and stressed out being in the middle.

My son's girlfriend moved in with us a month or so ago. I love her, and we all get along well. However, she is also being treated for anxiety and depression, is dealing with the emotional fallout of some issues with her relationship with her parents and has a long way to go towards being a functional adult. We had to take her to the ER last week because she was having severe pain in her left side and back and couldn't keep down anything, even water. She had never been treated in a hospital before, never had an IV, etc., and needed the full attention of both my son and myself to keep her calm enough to engage with the doctors and generally cope. It turned out she had a kidney stone. So, again, a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, but she has been really out of it and in need of a higher than usual level of TLC for several days.

And yesterday, our A/C quit working. Again. Two or three months ago, when it conked out, our landlord made the decision -- against the advice of the repair guy -- to replace only part of the unit instead of the entire system. Since then, we've had to have the repair guy back three times to check on or adjust things. Today, he determined that replacing only part of the system has likely created a strain, which has caused a leak in the underground line(s). In the end, it's not our problem, in that the landlord will be responsible for the repairs, but that doesn't make it any less hot and uncomfortable or any less inconvenient to have the repair service here over and over. 

I just feel like cannot ever relax and be content and chill. I move through every day tired and physically uncomfortable and waiting for the next emotional punch.

I'm sorry. This turned into more of a whine than anything else. But if anyone has suggestions for how to "put on my own oxygen mask," or fun things to do that might improve my outlook (or distract me long enough to give me space to breathe),  I sure would appreciate them. 



Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I know how it goes sometimes, that feeling of "I just have to get through today and it's started out a little iffy and there are still 12 hours left in the day for difficult and/or draining things to happen."

Living with your son's girlfriend's anxiety  and your DH's anxiety at the same time must be hard.  That's a lot of high-stress emotion coming at you all the time, and having two adults to care for/tend to emotionally in addition to your job and your house and all of the rest of it sounds like a lot of mental work.

If I were you, and this might not work for you at all because I'm not you, I would want someone to tell me to go take one afternoon or morning for myself, to not deal with anyone's anything, and have a healthy but tasty lunch and read a book in someplace that is air conditioned.  I would want someone to say, don't worry about the money (assuming you have it), even if it is a bit of a stretch of the budget, because as you are the quasi-caretaker of many people right now who normally would be able to take care of themselves, you need to take care of yourself a bit just in order to stay functional in your service to others.

Probably I'd want someone to say that to me because right now in my life I have what feels like a dozen toddlers running around and screeching and making messes and eating constantly and I could really use an afternoon off.  Really they are 1, 2, 4 6, 7, 11, and 14, and there are only 7 of them, and they don't all screech at once, but it sure feels like a dozen toddlers today.

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When I’m down, I go to this website and start scrolling through the pictures. It usually takes me to about page 3 or 4 before I start getting the giggles.  I figure that since the people have entered the pictures, and usually of themselves, that they know they’re funny and are cool with people laughing at them, so I can laugh guilt-free.



This website makes me laugh, too.  Just keep scrolling to the bottom until you see the “next” with an arrow:  https://www.cakewrecks.com/

Edited by Garga
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A B12 deficiency will cause tingling and numbness of the feet and/or hands.
Thyroid Disorders, have been shown to effect the intestinal absorption of B12.
Where intra-muscular injections are recommended.

It is important to address a B12 deficiency, as the tingling can progress to permanent nerve damage.

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49 minutes ago, geodob said:

A B12 deficiency will cause tingling and numbness of the feet and/or hands.
Thyroid Disorders, have been shown to effect the intestinal absorption of B12.
Where intra-muscular injections are recommended.

It is important to address a B12 deficiency, as the tingling can progress to permanent nerve damage.


B12 is something they check regularly with my blood work, and it is always in the  low but normal range. I did start supplementing a few months ago, on the advice of my endocrinologist, just to make sure that is not playing a role.

No improvement.

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9 hours ago, moonflower said:

If I were you, and this might not work for you at all because I'm not you, I would want someone to tell me to go take one afternoon or morning for myself, to not deal with anyone's anything, and have a healthy but tasty lunch and read a book in someplace that is air conditioned.  I would want someone to say, don't worry about the money (assuming you have it), even if it is a bit of a stretch of the budget, because as you are the quasi-caretaker of many people right now who normally would be able to take care of themselves, you need to take care of yourself a bit just in order to stay functional in your service to others.

Probably I'd want someone to say that to me because right now in my life I have what feels like a dozen toddlers running around and screeching and making messes and eating constantly and I could really use an afternoon off.  Really they are 1, 2, 4 6, 7, 11, and 14, and there are only 7 of them, and they don't all screech at once, but it sure feels like a dozen toddlers today.


Thanks for the thoughts. As someone who sometimes found managing the needs and education of my two kiddos challenging, seeing you type the words "only 7" makes my head spin.

I'm in a very different place in life. My kids are, more or less, adults. Although we aren't rolling in the dough, money is not really a daily problem any longer, especially now that I have been working full time for a few years and scrabbled my way into making something like a living wage. I'm not tied down to household stuff or daily mommy-ing and could freely take a morning to myself (outside of work hours) and spend some money without needing anyone to nudge me to do so. And I sometimes do. It just doesn't make a dent. 

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37 minutes ago, Margaret in CO said:


I dealt with the stress by leaving for a week! My fingernails grew out, I lost two lbs, and I hated to come home. I'm distracting myself by planning a trip to see dd next fall in IN. I just might have to go to southern CA, too!

I was going to say something along these lines.  Any chance you can get away to a hotel?  Just you?  Even just for a night?

I am sorry that everything is just piling on you at the moment.  I know how it can really do a number on one's psyche and stress levels.  

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