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So, what do you do to take care of yourself on a daily basis?

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Just wondering.


For me, with five noisy kids at home and a cute (but socially demanding baby) I need quiet time at early evening. We finish dinner by 5.30-ish and as soon as I see the baby being just slightly sleepy (some time after 6.15 or later), then I gladly run to my bedroom and shut my door, usually for the night....I might come out to check on my twin girls, but mostly I just read and think and cherish the almost quiet in my room...



During the daytime while schooling a hot cup of Ghiradelli cocoa seems to do the trick!!

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Get up first in the morning and walk, do chi kung, and/or meditate. Or sometimes, just check my email :) I really like some time alone before having to talk to anyone in the mornings, even though I am a morning person.


Have a cup of tea first thing. LOVE that first cup of tea.


Have a spa (outdoors) with dh twice a day.


Have an afternoon nap or at least rest time, most afternoons.


Evenings I again get space because dh works evenings and the kids- no, now they are both teens, boohoo (ds is 13 today) do their own thing. Sometimes we watch a movie but mostly we read and do email and by 8 or 9 o clock I am alone. I like alone :)

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I run/walk for hour first thing in the morning and sometimes in the late afternoon. Tuesdays I have 4 hrs to myself and I usually grab a starbucks and browse the mall, rent a movie, pick up some lunch and just go home and enjoy the movie or read, or I treat myself to breakfast or lunch and bring along a book. The next few tuesdays I will be Christmas shopping. Sunday afternoon dh watches the kids and I go do whatever it is I want.

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Early bedtimes for the dc ;-)


By the time they outgrew the early bedtimes, they were old enough for me to go grocery shopping or do other errands alone during the day (when they were younger, I did grocery shopping alone while dh was home--still alone time for me).


I also took fun classes in the evening once in awhile--clogging, or sign language--while dh was home to have parent duty.

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I am out the door at 7 AM to walk (and solve the world's problems) with a friend. This is the impetus that I need to get moving early and have my day organized.


Granted, life is easier for me with just one child, an 11th grader who spends two days a week at the CC. My sanity was maintained in earlier years by a post lunch Internet break, accompanied by a cup of tea and a piece of chocolate.


Amazing what I can do when chocolate enters the equation. ;)



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I do Bikram yoga at least twice a week.


A friend and I sneak out and let the Daddies do the bedtime ritual about once a week so we can go to our favorite tea bar.


And I have a collection of teeny booklights so I can snuggle in bed with everyone but keep reading long past their sleep times.


DH and I try to go out alone 2-3 times a month for dates and NOT discuss the children.



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Quiet time in the morning spiritual reading and prayers with a cup of coffee - this is usually about 5:30 am after dh leaves for work. I check the message board here while I eat breakfast about 8:00. Again at noon. Dh and I take a walk in the evening. I try to get on the exercise bike while the kids are outside playing. I usually stay up a little later to read.


It's much, much easier now that my youngest are 8. I did the same when they were little but there was usually a baby in my lap or a toddler on the floor.


Oh, and I try to take vitamins every morning when I remember!



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Not enough. :001_huh:


I've been struggling with this - a lot - lately. I used to be in a good groove, with exercise and quiet time in the morning, but since our life blew up about 15 months ago (unemployment, then dh living out of state to work) I have done. nothing. And it's evident.


I know that exercise will help me feel better. I do know that. But most mornings I just can't drag myself out of bed.


Sorry! Whine over ;)

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