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bug bites - natural relief?


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My dd and I keep getting bitten by some small bug.  It's not a mosquito since we don't have those here, but itches horribly. Somewhere between a mosquito and a fire ant itch.  My dd picks her skin until she's bloody and keeps doing it until the skin gives up and creates a massive scar.  She has scars all over her arms and legs from previous summers.  I can handle the itch - it's constantly there so I get how she keeps scratching, but this has got to stop.  Is there anything I can give her to help her with this?

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

Thank you.  I'll have to try this on Thursday after my girls and I get eaten alive on the 4th.


The sooner you apply the vinegar after you get bitten, the better and faster it works. I keep a travel size bottle of it in my handbag (I wash and reuse old Purell bottles, either the spray bottles or the squeeze bottles work fine.)  The vinegar smell isn’t wonderful, but once it dries, it’s not bad at all — and I feel enter knowing I’m not using a lot of chemicals.

The only warning I have about it is that I haven’t used it on my face when I was out in direct sunlight, because I’m not sure if it might cause any kind of discoloration or burning. I did, however, dump a lot of it on my hand and forearm once when I was stung by a bunch of yellowjackets (took the sting away immediately— I was amazed!) and the sun didn’t affect me at all, but I know facial and neck skin are more delicate, so I figure it’s not worth taking a chance.  ?

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I have heard good things about plantain (the "weed"). I have not tried it yet. Some people make a salve, but I guess you can crush the leaves and apply it. There are many varieties, but they all have a similar look. I really think ice helps quite a bit. I find that most of the things that make me itch will be silent if I can keep cool. The minute I am not, then I itch.



The bites themselves sound like fleas. Some people seem to not get bit or be bothered, and other people have major issues. I am the person in my family that tends to be chewed to death by them, lol! 

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How about natural-ish? Dogs and humans alike in this family use Burt’s Bees soothing hot spot spray for dogs. (Stop that! I can hear you all giggling!) I used it one afternoon on a whopper of a mosquito bite when I couldn’t find my Bactine. It worked like a charm. The next day, I couldn’t even tell I had a bite. Ever since, whenever any of us gets a bite, we use the dogs' anti-itch spray. 

If that’s a wee bit too weird for you, how about using an ice cube to relieve inflammation and numb the bite/sting?

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If the bite is on a part of your body that can easily be put under a tap, hot running water works--not scalding hot, but as hot as you can stand it for a few seconds.

Otherwise a hot damp cloth--my tap water isn't hot enough for this, I stick the damp cloth in the microwave for a few seconds.

Itches like crazy while the heat is applied, but remove the heat after a few seconds and all itching is miraculously gone.

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By the way I originally learned the heat trick when treating a sting ray sting. It is thought to help break down the venom but the instantaneous relief I think comes from the reaction of the nerves to heat.

Itching from bites or stings returns eventually but heat can be applied as often as needed.

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Give the poor kid some Benadryl, lol. 

Seriously, is there a specific reason she can't use oral or topical Benadryl? Or similar products? If she is scratching to the point of creating scars summer after summer, she's probably having an allergic reaction, which is pure misery. Other antihistamines can help as well, without the drowsy effect, you just have to figure out what works for her. If you have particular concerns or worry about her taking it too often, I'd discuss it with her doctor, who can give you more information on the meds and possibly offer a scrip if that would be better. My oldest used to go completely loony on Benadryl, she'd be up all night instead of drowsy, and the doctor wrote a scrip for something else. 

I would absolutely try the apple cider vinegar and other natural remedies, and definitely hurray if they work! But most of them are rather short-lived even when they do work, and she's likely to need something at least at night when the itching is this bad, or she will simply scratch in her sleep. 

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Also, my mind is boggling at the thought of no mosquitoes, I'm pretty jealous! 

Are you sure it's a bug and not a different allergic reaction? If you know for sure it's a bug, try to catch one or take a picture of one and figure out what it is. That might help with getting rid of them, or at least reducing them, and with treating the bite, because she surely sounds allergic. 

But some allergic reactions to other things can result in hives that can look like bug bites, so I'd consider that if you haven't actually seen bugs biting you.Is there outdoor furniture you only sit on in summer, something like that? 

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I’m allergic to mosquito bites, and I’ve tried lots of topical stuff that doesn’t work or only helps for a little bit. If I get new bites, the old ones flare up again and I’m doubly miserable. The only thing that works for me is an antihistamine (I like Claritin). I take it once a day until the bites have healed. Luckily we have window screens and the skeeters aren’t too bad where we live, but sometimes we travel and stay in places with no screens or AC, so the claritin is a lifesaver!!

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On 7/3/2018 at 5:04 PM, Junie said:

Thank you.  I'll have to try this on Thursday after my girls and I get eaten alive on the 4th.

Off-topic, but I wanted to post an update.  I got two mosquito bites, one on each knee.  I tried the ACV and it seems to have worked.

My girls and I used Babyganics Natural Insect Repellent and it was amazing.  We were outside for 4 hours.  As I said, I got two bites.  My girls had a total of ZERO bites.  Absolutely amazing results.  (I usually end up with at least 20, as do several of my girls.)

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