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do you love your dh

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I didn't ever think of dh in his way until he got suddenly taken very ill. When I was told there was a good chance of him dying, I rethought every single thing about my life. I realized how barren my life would be without him. I realized how much I'd taken "us" for granted. Four years later, dh is fine. I'm still loopy, but I appreciate him and what he is to me to much more than he'll ever know.

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Yes. Dh truly is my best friend. I love him with all of my being. I joke with him that I have to die first, because I don't know what I'd do without him.


I've told my dh the opposite... that I'll wait for him to go first. I'd gladly take the lonely hurt, if he didn't have to.

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I didn't ever think of dh in his way until he got suddenly taken very ill. When I was told there was a good chance of him dying, I rethought every single thing about my life. I realized how barren my life would be without him. I realized how much I'd taken "us" for granted. Four years later, dh is fine. I'm still loopy, but I appreciate him and what he is to me to much more than he'll ever know.

Amy, I can't even imagine what it's like to go through that. It's neat that you got that new look at your relationship, but what a difficult thing to endure (for both of you) in order to get there.


A few years ago, my husband was driving to work and was clipped on the left rear by a semi truck. That action spun him around in front of the truck only to be hit again and flung into the median. He was TOTALLY fine, miraculously, and called me several hours later--he goes to work early in the A.M. and didn't want to wake me! I appreciated him so much more after that. Just getting that close to what could have (should have?) been the end, and being given another chance.


So, anyway...that doesn't really compare to what you and your husband went through, but I just wanted to tell you that I understand a bit of what you're talking about.



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The first time I met my dh I knew he was the one for me. It was his laugh and smile. They made me feel warm and safe and happy. His laugh just made me smile all over. We've been married for 23 yrs, known each other for 26 yrs, and I still feel the same. Even more so. He's my best friend, definitely my better half. I keep loving him more and more and feel this profound sense of affection for him. I can't imagine not having him by me.



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This is the way I explained our relationship to a friend who was sighing over the "lost romance" in her marriage.


My marriage is sort of like my relationship with my Mom. I have never cared whether my Mom was the most beautiful, smartest, wise, cooking-talented, fashion-conscious person in the world. She belongs to me, and that makes her the best Mom in the world.


With dh it is the same. I don't have "fluttery heartbeat skips" thinking about him (although the heartbeat skips come at certain times of day, for Tea.) He may not be the smartest, most handsome, buff, richest, most charming man in the world (although my prejudiced view would place him right up there for a few of those adjectives), but he's *Mine* and that makes him the best husband in the world.

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Yes, I am absolutely in love with my DH and just the thought of him not being here with me makes me want to cry. We've been married 13 years. The kids say ewwww when they see us kiss, and we hold hands a lot. I tell him I wish I could crawl into his pocket to stay close to him all the time. He is definitely my best friend. :)


:iagree: Except we have been married 14 years now. He completes me. He is my all, and words can not express my love and devotion to him.


She thinks she needs me by Andy Griggs


she thinks i walk on water

she thinks i hung the moon

she tells me every mornin

they just don't make men like you

she thinks i've got it together

she swears i'm as tough as nails

but i dont have the heart to tell her

that she dont know me that well


she dont know how much i need her

she dont know i'd fall apart

without her kiss

without her touch

without her faithful lovin arms

she dont know that its all about her

she dont know i cant live without her

she's my world she's my everything

and she thinks she needs me


sometimes she cries on my shoulder

when she's layin next to me

but she dont know that when i hold her

that she's really holdin me

holdin me


she dont know how much i need her

she dont know i'd fall apart

without her kiss

without her touch

without her faithful lovin arms

she dont know that its all about her

she dont know i cant live without her

she's my world she's my everything

and she thinks she needs me


yea now the funny thing is

she thinks she's the lucky one


she dont know how much i need her

she dont know i'd fall apart

without her kiss

without her touch

without her faithful lovin arms

she dont know that its all about her

she dont know i cant live without her

she's my world she's my everything

and she thinks she needs me


She thinks i walk on water

She thinks i hung the moon

Edited by Free Indeed
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tonight after church I was talking with our Youth Director's wife, they are moving out of state next month and we were talking about the stress of being in ministry and the stress on a Pastor's family. She said that she had the hardest time adjusting to being a minister's wife because of the time it took her husband from her. then she said that she just needed to "breathe his air". It made me want to cry. She said he was her best friend.


I was just wondering how many of you still love your dh like that? Or if you just love him and never want to be without him, maybe not the breathing air thing but can't imagine not being married to him.

I wish I knew how to make a poll but I don't have a clue.


I feel that way about my dh. We have been through a LOT in our 11 years of marriage - some of which many others would have divorced over. I love to see him, I love to talk to him, and I miss him when he is gone (even for a few hours!)


There are times when I want to kill him, too, so it isn't all rosy. When I asked on the board about his driving a semi, that was my biggest thought - how could I go without seeing him for 3-4 weeks at a time?!?!

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My dh and I are an great team and I like being married to him. But, I don't have the feeling that I couldn't go on without him or that I need to breathe his air or anything like that. We are very different from each other. I think he is an amazing father and husband. I feel like I am a better person because I am married to him. His strengths really push me to be stronger in my weak areas and the reverse is also true. He has high expectations of himself and me and so sometimes he is a bit high maintenance, but ultimately, I think God knew what he was doing when he put us together.

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I like the Biblical First Corinthians 13 definition of love. It has been my experience that love is more of a sacrificial act compelled by what is deep in ones heart. The sacrifice of giving love is blessed when given w/ God's help. I never thought I could love my husband the way I do now, considering his personality and disposition (at times). HOwever, I almost cry when I think of one of us passing on and leaving the other behind.

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25 year marriage...but no I don't feel the need to breath his air. I actually think that sounds a little weird. The song that best sums up our marriage is

an old one...'Your Still the One'...not the Shania Twain one...but the old one.


We've been together since way back when

Sometimes I never want to see you again


I smile everytime I hear that song. Ours is a marriage of ebb and flow. Good days bad days and I'm glad I've stuck it out with him. I think envy of other marriages is a dangerous thing....I've seen first hand that what other marriages appear to be can be sickenly different from what they actually are....so I don't wish for my dh to be different...well, not much different. ;) I bought him a card once that when on and on about how SOME women try to change their dhs...but how *I* would never do that and love you just the way you are. Then the p.s. of 'just don't get any worse.' :lol:


When dh goes away, I miss him at bedtime---but enjoy the down time otherwise...until about 3 days and then I just can't wait to see him walk through the door.

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And if I ever did, I would still look for him to walk in as long as I lived.

Being married to my beloved is safe and warm and comfy. It is friendship and laughter and silliness. His eyes, with their gorgeous laugh lines, are huge and deep and dark and he has never once noticed that I have gained weight over the 17 years we have been married. I love to hear him play guitar and sing. I love that he still writes songs for me. We have had ups and downs in our relationship, misunderstandings and hurt feelings but we have always and will forever be wholeheartedly on each others side. We know each other so well and understand what we mean even when we say it wrong. We have quirks to tease each other about, movie lines to quote at each other, a long history to reminisce about and we truly like each other. I thank God for him every day of my life.

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