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My birth story


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Some of you might remember I thought I might have cholestasis. They gave me the lab results at my appointment on tuesday and my numbers were quite elevated. They suggested an induction the next morning. I wasn't thrilled, but when a dr. throws the word stillborn around, it changes things. Anyway, after 56 hours of failed induction attempts, we opted for a csection. They were going to give me a chance to wait until monday and try pitocin again, but my body was not responding to pitocin and didn't think it would a few days later. My body was not ready to give birth yet. I was devastated and scared as I have had 3 all natural vaginal deliveries, but I didn't feel right placing my baby's live in danger for the birth I longed for. So that's what has brought my baby girl here early at 37 weeks. I'm pretty bummed about choosing a c section, but glad she is alive and well. C sections are no joke. I'm so sad about how I feel vs. how I felt with the other 3, but it is not as bad as I thought it would be either.

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C-sections can and do take longer recovery, especially when you've been induced first. 

However, you will get through it, I promise.


At this time you need to let people know that you're really not up for visitors. If you have family

and/or close friends that can help you - let them!  And don't even think about homeschooling for 

several weeks. Sesame Street and videos are your and your kids friends right now. And that's okay.


Your mind may be in a fog for a few weeks to a few months. That's normal. You've just been through 

surgery and need to remember that. Make it very clear to your spouse and other folks that you cannot

do any driving yourself right now - you need to HEAL. 


Please, please, please ask for the help you will need. You WILL need help. And accept it from those who 

offer. Be kind to yourself and sleep! Hire a babysitter when you can to occupy the kids so you can nap, if needed.

Basically, this is the time to focus on your recovery and your new baby. 


{{HUGS}} to you, mama!

Edited by scrapbookbuzz
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I hope your recovery goes well.

I'm sorry your birth didn't go as you hoped, sometimes life has its own plans.

There is no shame in doing what you needed to do and no guilt with your sadness at how the birth ended up.

Congratulations and more hugs!

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Glad that baby's here safe and sound; that is the important thing. My first dd is severely disabled. My second one kept flipping in utero. They checked her to make sure she was head down and then induced me, but she flipped again. The doctor came in and explained that she could get wrapped in the cord and suffer brain damage or die if we proceeded with vaginal birth. Easy decision--already have one disabled dd. She was born by C-section a short while later, healthy and beautiful. The C-section babies are the most beautiful because they don't get squashed coming out! Enjoy your healthy babe and tell her birth story with pride.

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Congratulations on the new baby!! I had cholestasis with my first two babies and it is such a nightmare. I’m so sorry. 😢 I remember how traumatic it was when we had to forgo the birth we had hoped for at the birth center for an early induction at the hospital. It was so scary. But I am grateful your baby is safe and healthy. Have you ever looked in the memorial section on the itchymoms.com website? The stillbirth risk is very real. 😢 I am so glad you are both doing well!

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My first was an urgent c-section without an induction (he was breech and I was losing fluid) at 36.5 weeks. I had planned all the natural things and had a pretty traumatic section instead. It was hard emotionally and physically. I wish I had acknowledged how hard it was earlier, but I was caught up in being tough and brace and such. At any rate, ask for help, lots of it. A section can make for a long recovery, and that’s ok. It’s expected. It’s normal.

Hugs to you and congratulations!!!

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Don't be too hard on yourself.  You made the best choice given the parameters you were dealing with.  It doesn't make you any less of a good mom.    Take care of yourself. It's not only harder because of the c-section but also because you've got 3 other littles running around.  Hugs.



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Thank you all! I've got plenty of help and the kids are being quite helpful too. This is day 3 and I'm already feeling amazing compared to day 1. I'm trying to find the balance between getting up and back to normal and taking it easy. Basically I'm just taking care of me and the baby and dh is taking care of himself and the other 3. That's working out well.

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So glad your little girl is here :) Your story felt so much like mine. All my boy pregnancies were a breeze but my DD was a cholestasis pregnancy. I was diagnosed 2nd trimester and had to take ursodiol the whole time to keep my bile levels down. They had to induce but the first induction didn't take with pitocin. Just resulted in contractions that didn't hurt but where so tight and so close together. It was horrible. I went home and waited 5 or 6 days and came back in for a second induction that finally worked. She had jaundice and just got her out in time. So scary. She has had medical issues due to it and I have wished over and over I would have not been stubborn and refused a c section. You made the right choice mama ;) So happy for you!

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After two natural unmedicated births, I had to have an emergency c-section. Cord prolapse (cord was in front of baby's head). They put me under for it so I completely missed her birth. The first time I saw her, she was wrapped in a blanket, with a hat on in my husband's arms. He got to hold her before I did. My kids weren't the first ones to meet her. Everything went wrong. Except, healthy baby. It's ok to grieve that it didn't go the way you wanted. I was more stunned than sad. I was SO sure I knew how it was going to go and it didn't. And recovery definitely sucked worse. Take care of yourself. C-sections ARE a big deal.

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After two natural unmedicated births, I had to have an emergency c-section. Cord prolapse (cord was in front of baby's head). They put me under for it so I completely missed her birth. The first time I saw her, she was wrapped in a blanket, with a hat on in my husband's arms. He got to hold her before I did. My kids weren't the first ones to meet her. Everything went wrong. Except, healthy baby. It's ok to grieve that it didn't go the way you wanted. I was more stunned than sad. I was SO sure I knew how it was going to go and it didn't. And recovery definitely sucked worse. Take care of yourself. C-sections ARE a big deal.


I had a similar situation with my twins.  It was an absolute nightmare but they were healthy and we all made it out alive - that's what was most important.  


Congratulations on your precious baby and I hope your recovery goes well!  

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