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Book a Week 2018 - BW5: Brit Tripping

Robin M

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I'm having a rough week bookwise.   I can't seem to settle into anything.  I finished listening to Dune Road by Jane Green.   I also finished A Partial History of Lost Causes which was an interesting story.   A chess champion living in Russia in the 80's plus a woman with Huntington's disease who meet up in Russia in the present.


I gave up on Birdsong and Operation Mincemeat for different reasons.  Both of them were in my dusty pile.  Sometimes there is a reason something stays in the dusty pile for so long!  One way to get rid of your dusty book pile is to give up and donate them  :lol: !


This week I am reading The Widower's Tale and listening to an Elin Hilderbrand novel.   I tend to be a little less picky about audiobooks because I just need something to listen to when I am walking or waiting to pick dd up from something.   I also got Evicted out but haven't started it yet.

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I read Robyn Cadwallader’s The Anchoress. I was intrigued by the story as I'd never heard of the anchorite life before. I knew about cloistered nuns as I had visited a cloistered convent when I was a teenager. We were allowed to talk to them through a screen in which they could only see us from the waist up, a privacy screen raised in case any outside visitor was inappropriately dressed. They were a giggly group of ladies who enjoyed their simple life of prayer and work inside the convent walls. It was an interesting experience to say the least.


Set in medieval times, Sarah is a 17 year old young woman who chooses to become an Anchoress, shutting herself away from the world. She thinks by leaving the outside world, it will help her forget her grief about her sister who died in childbirth and protect her from marrying the local lord's son. She will spend her day in prayer and deny herself all those things that will come between her and God. Except that even though she is shut away from the world, the world still revolves around her. She can still hear all the the activities of the village, the people who work in and around the church. There is a parlor in which those who wish counsel may sit and talk with her through a covered window. She goes through a myriad of emotions and in the process, figures out her place in the world and what it truly means to be the Anchoress for the community. It's quite an intriguing story, delving into the culture of a 13th century village and spiritual life.

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I also picked up Born a Crime at the library yesterday.  I may have abandoned the other books I was reading in order to start this.  So far, definitely worth the abandoning.  I haven`t gotten too far (5 chapters in) but I will add to the good reviews.

Yes, I ended up finishing it today. I thoroughly enjoyed it, I hope he writes another book I'd love to find out the rest of his story from his point of view. Now back to Nature Fix and Happier at Home.


9.Born a Crime

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I've had a great start to my reading year and still working on January's Blossomology challenge spelling out Chrysanthemum and have H A E U and M to complete.  I decided to spell out using author names and have been successful so far.  Thank goodness February's challenge is to spell out Rose.  My reading goals this year are to read more physical books from my shelves, not spend any money on books for the first four months of the year and to read more non fiction. 


I finished twelve books this month including five nonfiction books, three of which were started last year.  James and I read Netanyahu's Fighting Terrorism and Leon Leyson's Boy in the Wooden Box together which took a bit of time. Reviews will be forth coming.   One of my goals is to read at least two non fiction books a month.  I completed Writing Down the Bones and Thoughts in Solitude, plus sailed from Peru to Polynesia with Thor Heyerdahl in Kon-Tiki.  


Started out my 52 books Open Roads adventure in Japan with Haruki Murakami and the first two books in his Rat Trilogy - Hear the Wind Sing and Pinball. I visited 12th century England through The Anchoress and 15th Century England through The Sunne in Splendour.   Explored the fantasy world of Venice with Cogman's The Masked City and the United States during an apocalyptic alien invasion in The Infinite Sea.   I traveled through history with Doucette's The Immortal from the beginning of man to the Roman Empire to the United States.  Then finished off my month with His Road Home, a romantic novella about a soldier disabled in war discovering how to walk, talk and love.  Quite an eclectic mix of stories.  


C: Genevieve Cogman - The Masked City (#2 Invisible Library)

H: Thor Heyerdahl - Kon Tiki  

R: Robyn Cadwallader - The Anchoress (e)

Y: Rick Yancey -  The Infinite Sea 

S: Sharon Kay Penman - The Sunne in Splendor


N: Natalie Goldberg - Writing Down the Bones

T: Thomas Merton - Thoughts in Solitude  (e)



M: Haruki Murakami - Hear the Wind Sing/Pinball 


M - 


The Boy in the Wooden Box -Leon Leyson 

Fighting Terrorism - Benjamin Netanyahu 

Immortal - Gene Doucette (#1 Immortal)(e)

Anna Richland - His Road Home (e)



Another goal is to read more slowly and do a review for each book completed.  I'm slightly behind with reviews on the four books that didn't match up with the flower spelling challenge.  


I'm currently reading Mark Helprin's A Soldier of the Great War (chunky and dusty book) as well as Murakami's A Wild Sheep Chase (ebook) which is the 3rd book in the Rat Trilogy.    I'm trying to decide whether to read Leon Uris or Umberto Eco for my U book.  I'm thinking Achebe for the A book. 


For February's ROSE, I won't be constraining myself to just author names and mixing it up with Author Name or Title of the book.  I received J.D. Robb's newest in her In Death series - Dark in Death which I pre-ordered in December so doesn't go against my buying ban.  So I may be mixing up things a bit because her book is calling my name loudly.  *grin* 



Meanwhile I'm pulling a very dusty Sherlockian by Graham Moore off the shelves to read for our London read.  

Edited by Robin M
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For February's ROSE, I won't be constraining myself to just author names and mixing it up with Author Name or Title of the book.  I received J.D. Robb's newest in her In Death series - Dark in Death which I pre-ordered in December so doesn't go against my buying ban.  So I may be mixing up things a bit because her book is calling my name loudly.  *grin* 





I pre-ordered an America's Test Kitchen cookbook that won't be released until April today. Since I won't get it until after the buying ban is over I figure it's still legal. Hopefully! This no buying books thing is harder than it looks!

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I have been busy trying to finish the books in my stack that are not set in the UK....after that comes just England! ;)


I finished Flame in the Dark the third Soulwood by Faith Hunter. It totally lived up to my expectations and will be used for my Fantasy Bingo Square.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33258414-flame-in-the-dark


I have moved on to listening to Dance, Dance, Dance by Murakami after finishing another Charles Finch. I am hoping to finish binding a rather experimental baby quilt today as my outside plans were cancelled because our friend's illness. Hopefully I will finish the Murakami also. I have never listened to a Murakami on audio and have to say I am loving listening. Robin, it isn't technically part of the Rat trilogy but it continues the story right down to the sheep man. Glad I kept going. I hard a hard time stopping yesterday and almost switched to the book so I could bring it with me when I went out because I checked the book out before seeing the audio was available. I stream so they are easy to return to the library so not portable.


I also finished my Silk Road challenge and Bingo Square with Song of the Silk Road, also a Y author. The polite way to put this is I continued because of the challenges and sincerely hope this is my worst read of 2018. It was a quick read fortunately! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8567279-song-of-the-silk-road



Now for my favorite book this week, Sourdough by Robin Sloan who wrote Mr. Penumbra (loved). It was a joy to read. The world of food meets high tech. I learned a ton about sourdough bread but still have absolutely no desire to make my own. Feeding that culture is something I have failed at numerous times. For now at least I think it works for the Foodie Bingo Square but if something better comes along I will switch it out. ;) I read cookbooks all the time but rarely the whole book so..... This book was about Sourdough, a very special starter perhaps but essentially bread. Plus it made me hungry to read it, all that bread and butter...so foodie. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33916024-sourdough

Edited by mumto2
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If I knew he had another series I probably didn't bother because of the one I didn't like. I'll give Bess Crawford mysteries a chance.

I jumped in part way through the series and am now backing up to read the first few books. So far Bk6 , An Unwilling Accomplice, has been the only ho-hum read/audiobook I've encountered. Dh said he quite liked it.

You all have me worried about Charles Todd. So far they are good. I read a prequel back in December.


I had a hard time finding Charles Finch also. I managed a couple of books, tried being out of order (which never works for me and gave up) then during our planning phase I discovered that one of my libraries has them all!


When I was writing the note about your in-laws I was thinking half that long also! :lol: 30 years this June.

Don't be put off by us - one reader's fail becomes someone else's friend. (Small cough .... I've yet to appreciate Murakami :leaving: )


I went ahead and purchased a printed copy of the first Charles Finch book - looking forward to reading it.

Just after I'd purchased the book, someone on this thread kindly offered us a way to read Charles Finch electronically :seeya: - thank you! Book-loving people are some of the best people I know.


Happy 30th in advance! ( isn't June hot weather to have a wedding?)

Our 30th is next month.

Edited by Tuesdays Child
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I pre-ordered an America's Test Kitchen cookbook that won't be released until April today. Since I won't get it until after the buying ban is over I figure it's still legal. Hopefully!


This no buying books thing is harder than it looks!

Yep, it's still legal.  I agree with you on the no buying thing.  I'm not saving any money though, because I've been buying clothes instead.   :leaving:


I have been busy trying to finish the books in my stack that are not set in the UK....after that comes just England! ;)


I finished Flame in the Dark the third Soulwood by Faith Hunter. It totally lived up to my expectations and will be used for my Fantasy Bingo Square.https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33258414-flame-in-the-dark


I have moved on to listening to Dance, Dance, Dance by Murakami after finishing another Charles Finch. I am hoping to finish binding a rather experimental baby quilt today as my outside plans were cancelled because our friend's illness. Hopefully I will finish the Murakami also. I have never listened to a Murakami on audio and have to say I am loving listening. Robin, it isn't technically part of the Rat trilogy but it continues the story right down to the sheep man. Glad I kept going. I hard a hard time stopping yesterday and almost switched to the book so I could bring it with me when I went out because I checked the book out before seeing the audio was available. I stream so they are easy to return to the library so not portable.


I also finished my Silk Road challenge and Bingo Square with Song of the Silk Road, also a Y author. The polite way to put this is I continued because of the challenges and sincerely hope this is my worst read of 2018. It was a quick read fortunately! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8567279-song-of-the-silk-road



Now for my favorite book this week, Sourdough by Robin Sloan who wrote Mr. Penumbra (loved). It was a joy to read. The world of food meets high tech. I learned a ton about sourdough bread but still have absolutely no desire to make my own. Feeding that culture is something I have failed at numerous times. For now at least I think it works for the Foodie Bingo Square but if something better comes along I will switch it out. ;) I read cookbooks all the time but rarely the whole book so..... This book was about Sourdough, a very special starter perhaps but essentially bread. Plus it made me hungry to read it, all that bread and butter...so foodie. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33916024-sourdough

I'm looking forward to reading Flame in the Dark. Glad you enjoyed it. I'll add Dance, Dance, Dance to my wishlist.     I'm sorry you had to force yourself to continue Song of the Silk Road. I was tempted because of the cover, but once I read the synopsis and goodreads reviews, I quickly changed my mind.  

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My reading pace has slowed to snail pace this week which I knew would happen.


I'm looking forward to trawling through mumto2's Goodreads list, and the titles you are all suggesting here. So many good books to browse through!


I'm finding ascribing some reads to a county quite confusing  - this will be a good UK geography upgrade for me.


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I've sent a few friend requests via good reads! My friends your good reads shelves are amazing. And completely overwhelming. I think I just need to sit down and fiddle with it a bit more. I'm also learning that I can't do as much on good reads from my kindle paper white as I can on my desktop.

I'm still working on 3 books. 1) women's murder club I think number 12, the book thief and handmaids tale.



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Last night my husband wanted to turn out the light, and I had to leave Mrs. Pollifax kidnapped, tied to a chair in Yozgat, Turkey!! I could hardly sleep for the stress! Fortunately I knew there were many more books in the series, and could reason that of course she must escape, or there would be no more adventures...


This morning, indeed, all has turned out well.  Thanks to whomever recommended this fun "spy" series.  I am planning to read more.


Finished in the last week:

The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax - Gilman 4 stars

Chains- youth lit re slave girl in NYC during Revolution 4 starts

The Hundred Year Old Man/Window- 3.5 stars--enjoyed, but just didn't love it.


I think I'm at 7/52 for my goal.


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I don't think I put this book on the list last week but I finished A Fatal Grace; An Inspector Gamache Novel (the second one in the series since I started mid series with a book club about five years ago and and decided recently to start at the beginning and read all the novels I haven't read yet before reading her new one). ****


Then this week I read My Antonia by Willa Cather (for a book club I am in) *** During the book club meeting, we discussed whether we would recommend the book and I said to some people. It is written basically as a memoir (though it is fictional) so no plot line as you may expect in a work of fiction. Very good descriptions of life in the prairies in the 1870's, 80s, (before cars anyway). I would not have read the book without it being a book club selection but it was a fairly quick read and I enjoyed it.


I also read the latest LeCarre book- A Legacy of Spies*** I didn;t give it higher marks simply because the story seemed to just end in a peculiar place without really resolving which I don't always expect but in this case was kind of bothersome.

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Here you go, ladies.  The pdf of the Brit Trip Schedule and reading log to fill out as you go!.  If you want in a Word Doc, pm me and I'll email it.  I also added it to the bottom of the England Road Trip post which can be found on 52 books Blog. 


Brit Tripping sched and read.pdf

Edited by Robin M
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Last night my husband wanted to turn out the light, and I had to leave Mrs. Pollifax kidnapped, tied to a chair in Yozgat, Turkey!! I could hardly sleep for the stress! Fortunately I knew there were many more books in the series, and could reason that of course she must escape, or there would be no more adventures...


This morning, indeed, all has turned out well.  Thanks to whomever recommended this fun "spy" series.  I am planning to read more.


Finished in the last week:

The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax - Gilman 4 stars

Chains- youth lit re slave girl in NYC during Revolution 4 starts

The Hundred Year Old Man/Window- 3.5 stars--enjoyed, but just didn't love it.


I think I'm at 7/52 for my goal.

I try to read a lighter series book before bed and\or during the night (insomnia frequently) for just this reason. I can't get too caught up in the story because I need whatever sleep I can get!


I actually went into overdrive and checked a Carola Dunn cozy that is set in London for Brit tripping last night. Now I have my middle of the night book too! :lol:


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I haven't checked in this week, I've been so busy with manuscript stuff, school and painting. Other than reading my own manuscript for the hundredth or so time, I haven't been able to do much reading. I plan to spend most of the evening with a friend's book.

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