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The Friday Before Christmas Teachers Lounge 12-22-2017


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Hello, all! Welcome to the Lounge.


Today's theme should be self explanatory.


Who's ready for Monday? Here: I feel like I'm short one or two things but can't think what they are.


If you are doing a special meal for Christmas,what will it be? Here: for breakfast we traditionally do corned beef or pastrami paninis. Good reminder to me to make, or pick up, some gluten-free bread for myself. Then, at my sisters, we'll be doing a taco and chili bar. We both wanted to do something different so this works.


Plans for the weekend? Here: tonight I had planned on going to a writing workshop called Friday Night Writes. But I'm wondering if maybe we shouldn't do a family event to a neighboring town. Sunday I work the football game and when I come home, the four of us will do our annual outing to look at Christmas lights around town. 


Talk to me! :bigear: 

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I'm almost completely ready.  Everything is wrapped and ready to go.  I do have to do some cleaning because my mother and oldest dd will be here for breakfast and gifts Monday morning.  I should at least vacuum and clean the bathroom.  I finally put away three loads of laundry that had been sitting around, so that's progress.  :thumbup1:


Dh is making Southern style biscuits and chipped beef gravy for breakfast (in other words, shit on a shingle).  Yummy.  It's a lot of work so he doesn't make it often.  The rest of the day we'll just be hanging around at home so nothing special.


Only weekend plans are cleaning.  How exciting.  :001_rolleyes:


We'll head down to the in-laws Tuesday morning for a few days, and that wraps up the holidays for us.

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We're mostly ready!  Dh found that we were down to the dregs in the orange juice bottle, but neither of us really wants to go out.  We're expecting freezing rain in a bit and not much better than that through Monday.  Looks like we'll just do without if we keep trying to get the other to take the trip. :)


We are doing noshy bits on Christmas day, but a ham on Sunday.  Somehow it just seems wrong to celebrate the birth of a Jewish child with a large piece of pork, but there you have it.  Family voted and that's what we're doing this year.


As far as plans this weekend, ds has skating lessons, but that is it.  Hey, maybe I'll pick up the juice on the way home! :D

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Good morning!


Who's ready for Monday? Mostly. Some grocery shopping to do and I'd like to sort the stocking stuffers and move them to another part of the house before Christmas Eve. We don't really do santa, but there is some magic in having most of the gifts appear overnight. That is hard to do in our small house without kids hearing, if the gifts are in my closet. 


If you are doing a special meal for Christmas,what will it be? Roast beast! Beef tenderloin, mushroom casserole, Brussels sprouts, roasted potatoes, and a green salad. No special dessert since we will have loads of chocolate, several kinds of cookies, ice cream, fudge sauce, and egg nog in the house.


Plans for the weekend?  Just chillin' at home today. Baking cookies, reading etc. Tomorrow is last minute grocery shopping, checking in on my mom and a bit of housecleaning, then a glorious concert in the evening. Keith and Kristyn Getty at our lovely symphony center. Sunday is church in the am (no Sunday school, so a relaxed morning.), hanging out with dh's family for a few hours in the afternoon, candlelight worship in the evening and out to dinner.

Woohoo for P.F. Chang's on Christmas Eve! Monday is a leisurely morning opening and enjoying gifts at home, then my mom will come over for a mid  afternoon feast. 

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Aside from wrapping and stringing lights in the living room after kids are asleep on Christmas Eve we are ready!


This is a crazy weekend to say the least. Tonight the kids are having an overnight at my parents so dh and I can have a boardgame night with friends and exchange some gifts. Then in the morning we are picking up a tree for my parents(it keeps getting put off.) At my parents kids and some adults will decorate while my dad and I construction the raviolis we'll eat for Christmas dinner. Then we'll go to Mass at 5.


One christmas Eve we go to sil's at 3 to exchange gifts with them and fil. From there we all go to dh's grandmother's for dinner and more gift exchanging. We'll leave her house by 11:30 to get to midnight Mass. After Mass, kids go to be and dh and I exchange gifts.


Then christmas we do presents for the kids in the morning and around 10 head to mil's. We exchange gifts with her and have brunch with her side of the family. At 2, we go to my parents for dinner and more gifts. I love Christmas!

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Good afternoon!


I'm ready for Monday other than wrapping the presents we brought with us. It's much easier to pack them in the car not already wrapped.


My MIL doesn't cook, so she orders Bob Evans for our holiday meal. It's actually very good food.


We plan to spend time Saturday with our niece and her family. She has two kids, 3 & 5, so they are a lot of fun. We'll go to church Sunday with dh's family. We might have lunch with a college friend.

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Hello, all! Welcome to the Lounge.


Today's theme should be self explanatory.


Who's ready for Monday? Here: I feel like I'm short one or two things but can't think what they are.


If you are doing a special meal for Christmas,what will it be? Here: for breakfast we traditionally do corned beef or pastrami paninis. Good reminder to me to make, or pick up, some gluten-free bread for myself. Then, at my sisters, we'll be doing a taco and chili bar. We both wanted to do something different so this works.


Plans for the weekend? Here: tonight I had planned on going to a writing workshop called Friday Night Writes. But I'm wondering if maybe we shouldn't do a family event to a neighboring town. Sunday I work the football game and when I come home, the four of us will do our annual outing to look at Christmas lights around town. 


Talk to me! :bigear:

I'll be ready for Monday on Tuesday.

I have no clue. I've got a pork shoulder with a dry rub that I'll turn into something tasty tomorrow, and I baked some GF bread in an attempt to resurrect a moribund holiday spirit.

Work, writing, sleeping.

That's all I got. It's a gray, dark, rainy day and I'm thinking about a pot of decaf tea before I get after today's proofreading and editing.

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Who's ready for Monday? More or less!  I'll probably be ready by the time it rolls around.


If you are doing a special meal for Christmas,what will it be? We go to ILs, and then scrounge.  But we got tasty meat gifts from DH's grandmother this year, so likely those will factor in somewhere.


Plans for the weekend? Church this morning, lunch & nap, baking dozens and dozens of cookies this afternoon.  Celebrate with my parents tomorrow, Christmas lights drive probably tomorrow night, chilling out Sunday until the evening service.  Then Christmas!  I have a gift to wrap in there somewhere, and DH hasn't wrapped anything yet, so I may end up doing those (which is fine; I like wrapping).

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We are doing noshy bits on Christmas day, but a ham on Sunday.  Somehow it just seems wrong to celebrate the birth of a Jewish child with a large piece of pork, but there you have it.  Family voted and that's what we're doing this year.


As far as plans this weekend, ds has skating lessons, but that is it.  Hey, maybe I'll pick up the juice on the way home! :D

To the bolded, your comment made me chuckle! I get it. However, just so everyone's clear, in Genesis 9:3, God says, "Everytying that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just  as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything."  That being said, I'm pretty sure Jesus is okay with people eating pork while celebrating His birthday.  ;)  


To the OJ, see you found a way to get it without making a special trip! :)

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I am getting closer to ready every day! Presents are all wrapped, and if I haven't bought them at this point, then we will do without, lol. 


Special meals. Well, for actual Christmas day it will be just my immediate family. But we are feasting all weekend starting today. Tonight I am making a ham that we can have over the next few days. For Christmas Eve we will go to church, come home to chili in the crockpot. I don't know why, but I always do chili on Christmas Eve. Then we do appetizers and snacks the rest of the day. We will go to a family member's for part of that day and just take a ton of goodies with us to share. I am just doing a roast on Christmas day. I will make the rolls and an apple pie tomorrow to have ready for Monday. I will do the mashed potatoes the day of as the only real thing to make that day besides throwing the roast in the oven. Baked brussel sprouts alongside. And I will make a breakfast casserole that I can refrigerate overnight and just throw in the oven for Christmas morning. Today dd3 and I baked a ton of cookies to make plates for all of the neighbors. 

So this weekend. Tomorrow is just baking and finishing any cleaning. Sun: church and visit family. Monday, family day at home this year. Gifts, feasting, family game day, and movie night is the plan! 

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Not ready for Monday, at all. I have bronchitis, so dmil and dear aunt in law have graciously decided they are preparing the meal instead of me. We will be having tuna sandwiches. And you know what? It will be fine. They love me and are not as invested in a traditional meal and I am just gonna let them do it and everyone will  be happy. I will prepare a nice meal for my immediate family the next day.


My weekend plans include meds and rest, with short times of light work as I feel like it. Dh is gone for the weekend. I am sipping hot chocolate, listing to Christmas music, and watching Hallmark videos.

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Not ready for Monday, at all. I have bronchitis, so dmil and dear aunt in law have graciously decided they are preparing the meal instead of me. We will be having tuna sandwiches. And you know what? It will be fine. They love me and are not as invested in a traditional meal and I am just gonna let them do it and everyone will  be happy. I will prepare a nice meal for my immediate family the next day.


My weekend plans include meds and rest, with short times of light work as I feel like it. Dh is gone for the weekend. I am sipping hot chocolate, listing to Christmas music, and watching Hallmark videos.



Bronchitis bites!  I got it the week of Thanksgiving and I am still coughing.  I'm sure my teeth are rotting from the cough drops in the middle of the night.  I'm just starting to get my energy back.  Praying for quick healing and easy breathing.  

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Hi all.  Long time no see.  When I've seen the lounge pop up, it's either been the previous day's lounge or it's been about school, which I'm pretty much hands-off right now.  


Who's ready for Monday? Almost.  I think I have one or two small things to pick up and I have wrapping to do, which will mostly be gift bags, in the interest of ecological awareness ... and just plain laziness.  Shh.  Don't tell anyone that I used to work in the gift wrap department of a major retailer.  I still want to make some special Christmas cookies, which may become the kids' job.  We also need to finish decluttering and menu planning.  


If you are doing a special meal for Christmas,what will it be? Christmas eve will be Portillo's Catering.  I am working during the day.  And it is a family tradition.  We grew up near the original Portillo's and my parents knew the owners way back when it was a measly hot dog stand.  And any time anyone mentioned this place in front of my mom, she would go into this story about how she knew them.  It became a family joke ... someone would walk into the room and make mention of the name and walk out, knowing that everyone else would have to listen to the story again.  We called it Portillo's Bombing.  

For Christmas Day, we are making a ham, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole (home made, not from a can), salad, rolls, and pie.  I'm sure dh would love for us to have potica, but no one had time to make it this year.


Plans for the weekend? Not much.  I'll probably spend Saturday getting the house ready.  Dh will do the grocery shopping.  Sunday, I work 11:30 - 4:30.  need to fit church in there somewhere.  Dh's sister and hubby are coming on Christmas even and my brother and girlfriend are coming Christmas Day.  

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Who's ready for Monday? Mostly ready. Completed grocery shopping today. All gifts are here; just need to wrap.


If you are doing a special meal for Christmas,what will it be? Well, on Christmas day we'll be visiting dear friends and have dinner there. We are contributing Scalloped Potatoes. I am considering a quiche for Christmas morning, though I have never made one. Christmas Eve will be our special family dinner at home. We voted and Filet Mignon it is.


Plans for the weekend? Mostly spending time with family and friends. On Christmas Eve day we will be going bowling; it's known as Christmas bowling around here. We have been doing this for 18 years. We all look forward to it.

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