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vent & jawm: adult scream-puking at two am - update in 1


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Scream puking is new to me. We don't puke much around here and I've not heard someone do that.


But yell-sneezing? That's totally something DH does. I have heard that people who do it can't control it...but I'm not convinced. I mean, does he yell-sneeze in the middle of a meeting at work with the company president? I don't think so.



Yes! What is this? I think it comes on with age, because I am pretty sure I would have noticed this tendency right away when we first got married! His dad does it too! I have no idea when it started, but I am going to guess within the last few years.

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I could probably describe my sneeze as a yell sneeze.


I have tried to contain it in a situation like you describe.  Well, not a company president, I have never worked a job with so much prestige lol.  But I have worked many jobs where I am face to face with the public and yell sneezing in front of a customer is a bad idea.  So, I do *try* to contain it.


What happens is my ears blow out.  Like when they pop on a plane, only, more forcefully and painfully.  Also my eyes water like I have been crying hard.  And it hurts.  A lot.  And sometimes, it results in having to excuse myself to clean up the........nasal mess.  So, control it......kind of.  But it's sometimes a choice between volume and pain. 


ETA: also at this point in my life, 40 yrs old and having had 4 kids, 3 of them within a 4.5yr period, there is another common female post-childbirth issue that I concentrate more on



I'm going to ask DH if this is the case for him.  If so, then I'll have compassion.  If not...

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Scream puking is new to me. We don't puke much around here and I've not heard someone do that.


But yell-sneezing? That's totally something DH does. I have heard that people who do it can't control it...but I'm not convinced. I mean, does he yell-sneeze in the middle of a meeting at work with the company president? I don't think so.


I yell sneeze too but only when they're allergy induced. The allergy induced sneezees just come out with such a force that they seem to go through my vocal chords in a different way then a cold related sneeze. I really can't help it. I feel like a lunatic when I sneeze like this.


Anybody have a loud hiccupper in their house? Those can be pretty crazy too.


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I do not understand anyone over the age of 5 using a bucket repeatedly for the flu. For emergencies while running, sure, but simply staying on the couch while hurling seems filthy. How far away is your bathroom?


I must be in the heartless categoey too. Everyone here cleans their own bucket, wipes their own floors, and tries their darndest to not touch anything and keep their nasty germs to themselves.

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Why do I find this so funny, I can't stop laughing. My dh is a loud hiccuper, it sounds like huge gulping noises, I have no idea.


The first time ds ever vomited, he was about 1.5 years old, and he was running backwards while he was vomiting, I guess to escape it, and managed to leave a long trail on the carpet before I grabbed him.

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I do not understand anyone over the age of 5 using a bucket repeatedly for the flu. For emergencies while running, sure, but simply staying on the couch while hurling seems filthy. How far away is your bathroom?


I must be in the heartless categoey too. Everyone here cleans their own bucket, wipes their own floors, and tries their darndest to not touch anything and keep their nasty germs to themselves.

I use a bucket while in the bathroom. I do not want to put my face that close to the toilet.

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I do not understand anyone over the age of 5 using a bucket repeatedly for the flu. For emergencies while running, sure, but simply staying on the couch while hurling seems filthy. How far away is your bathroom?


I must be in the heartless categoey too. Everyone here cleans their own bucket, wipes their own floors, and tries their darndest to not touch anything and keep their nasty germs to themselves.


I've used a bucket this week - sometimes the vomit comes up with no warning and so much force I can't possibly hold it until I get to a toilet or a sink or the garbage.


Not to mention, with bad enough flu you can need a bucket while you are sitting on the toilet.

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Or...if he really can't make it to the toilet, let him puke in a gallon ziplock baggie. Zip that sucker up and put it in the trash. No cleaning required.

Yup. I'm a barfer in a family of barfers. When we travel, 1 gallon ziplock bags are at hand.

At home, it's a stainless steel bowl that you clutch to your chest. Ds esp can't anticipate it. 

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I can't read about the puking, so didn't even read your full OP, because puking is just the grossest . . .


But, I had to tell you . . .


2 years ago, we had dear friends visit along with their then-8-year-old . . . who brought the stomach flu (norovirus, really, but we call it stomach flu) for a New Year's present. Ds16 (then) caught it first, overnight. He brilliantly thought to go downstairs to the family room so he wouldn't wake the rest of the household with his puking. He puked all over the laundry room (near and in the sink and all over everywhere), the family room (wall!! floor!!), the powder room, and even managed to crap the sofa. (It was a really, really bad funk. Poor kid. Thank God for washable slip covers on the sofa, or we'd have had to burn it!) 


So, I got to decontaminate the entire downstairs of the house . . . and of course, every one of us eventually got the plague, despite my best efforts. Fortunately, I didn't come down with it until after I'd at least cleaned up the main level of the house . . .


So, anyway, I'd have much rather been woken with scream-puking than him going off on his own to quietly puke (and crap) all over my house. At least then I would have been able to give him a trash can, restrict him to his own bed room and one bathroom   . . . Kids have very bad judgement about these sorts of thing in my regrettable experience, lol.


Stomach sick is just. the. worst. 


This year, for Thanksgiving, a different dear family was supposed to come for the holiday week from out of state -- something we all look forward to all year. The mom let me know 7 days ahead of time that their little one was sick with norovirus (most likely) . . . and we agreed to cancel their visit. (It's contagious for up to a month!!) When I told my son about the cancellation, he said, "Oh, God, I wouldn't have come home (from college)!" (It took him nearly 2 years to fully recover from the damage that terrible bug did to his GI tract.)


(((hugs))) and here's hoping the rest of your holidays are puke-free!



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I do not understand anyone over the age of 5 using a bucket repeatedly for the flu. For emergencies while running, sure, but simply staying on the couch while hurling seems filthy. How far away is your bathroom?


I must be in the heartless categoey too. Everyone here cleans their own bucket, wipes their own floors, and tries their darndest to not touch anything and keep their nasty germs to themselves.

I often use a bucket when I'm sick. For one thing, it makes me feel worse to have my face so close to the toilet. Another thing is that if it's a virus I get VERY cold. If I'm sitting on the floor by the toilet I can start shivering so hard that i can't even move.

I haven't implemented the ziploc bag idea but I think I'm going to the next time someone is sick.

I've even thought of ordering some of the nice emesis bags (like they have at the E.R.) to have on hand.

Edited by kitten18
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No see this is not what I'm talking about at least (and I don't think what others are talking about).  I mean screaming, crying, throwing one's self on the floor and moaning one is going to die and why don't you help me...acting too helpless to do anything at all...


Yes, exactly.  I'm reasonably sympathetic to being unavoidably noisy while expelling things from one's body, like sneezes or vomit.  But screaming "NO NO NO NO" (or more colorful phrases) on the way to the bathroom at 3am doesn't really qualify as "unavoidable noise" to me.  

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I actually kinda wanna run a poll-- bag or no bag in puke bucket?


People are very different when they are sick lol


O. M. G.!!!  We have a puke bucket (doesn't get lined,) but it's for emergencies, not for general vomiting. Because I do realize it isn't always possible to get up and to a bathroom in time. Especially for kids on top bunks!  But I consider it *USUALLY* possible to get to a bathroom. The concept of using a bucket just because it's available grosses me out. Because you know who's washing out that bucket!!!


However, my MIL thinks it's disgusting to vomit into a toilet.

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Yes, exactly.  I'm reasonably sympathetic to being unavoidably noisy while expelling things from one's body, like sneezes or vomit.  But screaming "NO NO NO NO" (or more colorful phrases) on the way to the bathroom at 3am doesn't really qualify as "unavoidable noise" to me.  


For the record, my husband is ALSO an explosive sneezer, and while I consider that slightly less controllable than the puke drama, it still makes me crazy.  Admittedly, I struggle with anxiety that often makes me extra jumpy, but his sneezes nearly shake me right out of my skin!


I've always wondered if I'm too hard on dh because I tend to be overly stoic, but this thread is melting away that guilt, lol.  Maybe some of us are a bit too stoic, though.  I've had nurses and midwives doubt my labor progress because I tend to make light of pain.  I'm terrible with hospital pain scales.  I suffered a ruptured ectopic that was actually missed during my overnight observation, after trying to refuse an ambulance when I was barely conscious on my inlaws' bathroom floor.  And all I could talk about during my hospital stay was how I didn't get to finish my roasted pork because I had nonchalantly left the table without calling any attention to the symptoms of a dramatic blood pressure drop.  (And I knew better. I had just had methotrexate a couple of days earlier.  IIRC, we hadn't told my inlaws.) Everyone else got to finish their dinner while I debated the need to call out from the bathroom.  I had decided the cool tile floor would fix me in a few more minutes!

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I use a bucket while in the bathroom. I do not want to put my face that close to the toilet.


That feeling helps you get it over and done with, though!



I remember when my sister moved out of home and in with me. She thought I was going to clean up after her! No way, Girl! You're a grown woman and if you puke up the walls you can clean it!

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I was pro-toilet until we all got sick with some kind of stomach bug a few years ago. It was the first time I'd been that sick in a very long time, so when I started throwing up, I'd make sure I made it to the toilet each time. Except that after the first few times, I realized that I could feel...splashback...on my face as I was puking forcefully into the toilet. And afterward, I could feel residue on my face and hair, which then traveled back with me to where I was sleeping. It was horrific. 


After that I instituted the bucket rule. Whenever anyone feels sick, they get a trash can lined with multiple plastic grocery bags (checked for holes first). At the bottom is a big handful of toilet paper or tissues for immediate absorption and splatter retention. The bucket gets emptied and relined as needed. Problem solved. 

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