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Question about my job hunting

Night Elf

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As you may know, I applied to CVS to be a cashier. It took me two weeks to get in for an interview. I talked to the store manager a couple of times during that period and he said he was waiting on information from HR. So finally I got my interview. I interviewed with two managers from two stores. It seemed like my interview ended on a positive note. Then I was told that something had to be submitted to HR and I should get an email within 48 hours telling me what to do next. It's been one week since my interview and I haven't heard anything. I'm not surprised but I don't know what I should do next. I figured I'd give it this week and then next week maybe call the store manager and ask about it. What I'd like to know is if I didn't get the job, would they still send an email telling me I wasn't hired. I don't want to wait around for weeks for this. This is still my first job preference. My Publix is hiring right now. DH thinks I should go apply but what if their hiring process goes faster and I get a job offer from them? If I accepted, I might hear back from CVS saying they're finally ready to hire me. Well, if I accept at one place, I'm not going to back out so I'd be missing out on the job I wanted. However, if I don't apply at Publix right now, all the positions may be gone in a week or so. 


Part of me is also thinking I'm done with this thought. If I don't get the job at CVS, I may not work at all. I'd join the YMCA and volunteer at the humane society. I'd also like to get a new dog. I don't want to do all these things if I'm working so I'm really stuck in limbo here. I have no idea how long I have to wait and to be honest, I don't see how the store manager can help me as he isn't in HR.


Should I call the manager next week or give it another week? They were obviously slow in getting me the interview. I imagine they're going to be slow this time as well.

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Companies are notorious nowadays for not letting applicants know they didn't get a job. That's true for professional jobs, so I would assume it would be even more true for hourly ones. You're under no obligation to not pursue other jobs just because you applied/interviewed with CVS. As far as calling the manager--that can be a tough decision, but my feeling is you've got nothing to lose by contacting him.

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Move on. If they finally get back to you, tell thank you, but you are no longer available.


It's pretty common to not inform applicants they are not going to get a job offer. I sometimes ask at interviews if they let people know either way. I've had people say no and people say yes. Those that said yes did notify everyone who was interviewed, but not necessarily in a timely manner.

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I am with your DH. I think you should go now and apply at Publix.  When we were in Orlando last year, we shopped there. I didn't know about their Sub Sandwiches, until I read about them here on WTM, a few weeks ago.  Go to Publix! 


Sometimes, an employer will have the courtesy to send applicants who were not selected a polite message, thanking them for applying and telling them what wonderful qualifications they have, but that they selected someone else.


The one thing that would be very helpful, if the Managers you applied with remember your interview, would be if you can get any "Feedback" from them, about what you did "right" or "wrong".  Each interview is practice for the next interview.


Good luck!  

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It is so common for people not to hear back after submitting an application/resume and/or having an interview.   


But what I'm wondering about is that the manager said you'd hear back within 48 hours with the next steps. Is it possible email from HR went into a spam folder? Based on the manager's comment, I would feel comfortable contacting him and asking directly.  Maybe HR is backed up.  Maybe the email never got to you.  There are probably other possibilities I haven't thought of. 


In the meantime, though, why not apply at Publix?  


My daughter just got a job at a clothing store.  She applied online and it took a couple weeks to get an interview. The day after the interview, she was offered the job. But then it took a couple of weeks for the HR department to get her background checks done, etc. She got a call back today and is going in tomorrow for training.

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Often you don't hear. Some businesses here will put a note in the situation's vacant column thanking the applicants and saying the positions are filled but they are the polite ones. I have always got letters from jobs where I made the final three/got a second interview but not usually until all the paperwork was done for the person they offered the job to. Once I was offered a job when the first person turned it down.

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I had a job interview once and they said that they would send me a qualifications test of sorts within a certain time period.  I never got it and never heard anything.  Well, a couple weeks later, I was mentioning this to a friend who is involved in hiring at one of our major local employers and she said that was getting more common nowadays - if the employee sends an email that shows they are on top of their stuff and wants the job ("so where's the stuff you were supposed to send me?!") then that's the sort of person who actually gets hired.  Kind of a weeding out process.  

The position I was applying for was higher-end technical, so I don't know if CVs does this or not.

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My counselor told me to wait until Monday to call, that gives them Friday in case they are trying to get their work out by the end of the business day. I'm just going to tell the manager I haven't heard anything and did he know if they'd let me know if I did not get the job as I'm applying to other places. If he's truly interested in me, he might decide to intervene with HR when he hears I'm applying to other jobs. If not, then oh well. 


I did speak to the cashier on the morning of my interview and she said it took about a month from the time she applied to the time she started working. I applied on Sept. 14th. I can't believe it's been that long already. 


I've resigned myself that it's not going to happen. I just don't know if I want to go apply at Publix after all. I'll think about it today. I have to go there and pick up a few things. I'll see if the now hiring signs are still out. Maybe I'll ask to speak to the manager and ask what positions they have available.

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Night Elf:   If you want to work, or need to work, you need to apply to lots of different companies. For one position, they might interview 8 or 10 people. One person gets selected. The others are out.  Do not put all of your eggs in one basket.  We shopped in the Publix near the Timeshare we were in last year, several times.  Seemed like a good store when we were there.  Apply to the Publix!


Putting your information on Monster and CareerBuilder might help too. Each of those sites takes time to input the information, but you can Upload your resume and then add more information.


Good luck!


ETA: If you are able to speak with the Manager in the Publix store you go to, whether or not the "we are hiring" sign is out, tell him/her you are looking for a job and would like to work there. See what happens...

Edited by Lanny
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The main reason I was thinking about working an outside job is to help with my empty nest feelings. DH is at work. Ds sleeps all day because he works all night. Oldest dd lives away from home, but we have lunch once a week which we both love. And youngest dd is away at college. It's my youngest dd's new independence that is hitting me the hardest. We don't talk every day anymore. We used to chat several times a day about all kinds of things. Now, this semester, her first in her sophmore year, she's pulling away. She's in counseling and they're supporting her to pull away a bit to be independent, make her own decisions, and be her own person not so intertwined with me. This is hitting me super hard. We have always been super close. So now I'm at home all day, alone, with no one to talk to much. I do email DH a few times but sometimes it can take an hour or two for him to get back to me because he's working. My house is small so it doesn't take long to clean. So I watch tv, play on my computer or hang out here, or read books. I also run little errands like the grocery store. Working would get me out of the house and have something else to focus on. But if I don't work, I plan to join the YMCA and get back into working out a few times a week. I love using their machines. And I'd also volunteer at our local humane society, even if all I do is go in and socialize with the cats and dogs. So I'd have an opportunity to get out of the house for a while every day. True, I wouldn't be bringing in an income but it's not needed in our single income household.


I appreciate all your support. This is just a new phase of my life and I'm feeling my way gingerly.

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Next year I will be a 2/3 empty nestor. I'm am looking forward to concentrating on myself a little bit. I've been a wife and a mom for my entire adult life practically. I say skip the job and do the gym and volunteering. Take some time doing what you want.

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Next year I will be a 2/3 empty nestor. I'm am looking forward to concentrating on myself a little bit. I've been a wife and a mom for my entire adult life practically. I say skip the job and do the gym and volunteering. Take some time doing what you want.


+1 for what MooCow suggested to the OP. Exercise in the gym, volunteer, etc. Stay busy with things you enjoy doing.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with you contacting the manager you interviewed with and asking if he had any further information for you, as you are considering other opportunities, but would like to give them the first opportunity to hire you.


By all means, wait until Monday if you feel okay with that, but in the meantime, get your application in to Publix if you think you'd like to work there.  Definitely go and walk around the store- get something from the butcher counter and get something from the deli or bakery counter and you can get a feel for the work environment in that store.  If it's a bummer of a workplace, the employees will reflect that. 

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Aww... I'm sorry you're feeling so lonely.


Honestly, if you don't need to earn an income, why not start volunteering, going to the gym, etc?  And see how that goes.  Maybe that will lead you to other activities too.  Someone I know started working out at the Y, then volunteered there, then got certified to teach one of the fitness classes, and ended up with a great part-time job.  


IIRC you like to read.  You might find a book group through your local library.  And aren't you trying out new foods by using one of those meal services?  Maybe you'd like a cooking class.  One of the local grocery store chains here offers them.  Maybe Publix does too?  Just a couple of ideas of things you can do to be around people.  Maybe I'm not remembering correctly though so feel free to ignore.

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Aww... I'm sorry you're feeling so lonely.


Honestly, if you don't need to earn an income, why not start volunteering, going to the gym, etc?  And see how that goes.  Maybe that will lead you to other activities too.  Someone I know started working out at the Y, then volunteered there, then got certified to teach one of the fitness classes, and ended up with a great part-time job.  


IIRC you like to read.  You might find a book group through your local library.  And aren't you trying out new foods by using one of those meal services?  Maybe you'd like a cooking class.  One of the local grocery store chains here offers them.  Maybe Publix does too?  Just a couple of ideas of things you can do to be around people.  Maybe I'm not remembering correctly though so feel free to ignore.


You're remembering correctly. I hated cooking before I started Hello Fresh but making restaurant dishes is so fun! I haven't tried any of them on my own yet but I might. 


I don't know of any place around me that has cooking classes. I can check my library for a book club, that's a good idea.

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Honestly, unless working sounds good to you, I wouldn't do it. I'd pick something I think sounds good. I'd probably volunteer, join a book club, go to the Y, everything else. But, that's just me. :)


I don't know how I feel, really. I had been thinking about getting a job for months before I actually decided to do it. I chose CVS because it's a small store, one I feel I could learn easily and be an excellent employee. I like the idea of getting out of the house, and I also like the idea of making a little money. We don't need it to live on but it would be fun to have money to spend however I wanted. But it will make my life a little bit harder. Between ds, my dog, and I, we seem to have several appointments every month. I told CVS I couldn't work on Wednesdays thinking I'd make that my appointment day but what if I can't schedule that? I'd have to ask off for appointments and I don't want to do that. But I've been making appointments this month for Wednesdays only and it's crazy! I have something to do every week, sometimes two appointments in one day. 


So if I decide not to work, and a week or two or more from now I get a call from CVS offering me the job, how do I say I've changed my mind? I was very gung ho in the interview. I would have gladly started that day if they had offered. I'm sure they could sense that. I just feel like a flake if I don't follow through what I started.

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Well, it's something you decide for yourself. If you want to work there, call them and let them know you haven't gotten their email. If you don't want to work there, you can call and asked to be removed from consideration for the position.


I think you should decide what you want for yourself. :)


And, if you work there and decide later on you can't continue because of scheduling or desire, you can quit.


If it's just a time fill until you truly find your heart's desire, that's still good experience. I'm not trying to sway you one way or the other, just encourage you to do what you'd like. Jobs can be fun and interesting. :). So can volunteering. So can reading a book. For me, I'd find a couple crafty friends or teach a class. Or exercise. If I needed/wanted money I'd find a job I think I'd like.


Idk, I feel like I'm muddling it all up 🤔

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I would prefer working at Publix to CVS, but I guess it depends on individual stores. Publix puts a lot of energy into customer service satisfaction and training its employees to do its best to make the customer satisfied. The ones I have been to are clean, organized, and have helpful employees. I'm sure CVS is great (just don't know either way), but if I need a job down the road and don't want to go back into my profession I would like to work at Publix or Costco. I think they are overall good to their employees compared to similar places.


I would inquire with the manager at CVS on Monday since he said you would here back in 48 hours and didn't. Just reply in the way you said you would, just curious since you are considering other job positions as well.

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Between ds, my dog, and I, we seem to have several appointments every month. I told CVS I couldn't work on Wednesdays thinking I'd make that my appointment day but what if I can't schedule that? I'd have to ask off for appointments and I don't want to do that. But I've been making appointments this month for Wednesdays only and it's crazy! I have something to do every week, sometimes two appointments in one day. 


Cross the "what if" bridge when you get to it. Your shift schedule may not be the same each week and may change on short notice, so that is not something to worry about.


It is normal for people to have appointments every week, and it is normal to have multiple appointment in a given day. What's the issue with two appointments in one day? Seems an efficient way if doing things.

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Cross the "what if" bridge when you get to it. Your shift schedule may not be the same each week and may change on short notice, so that is not something to worry about.


It is normal for people to have appointments every week, and it is normal to have multiple appointment in a given day. What's the issue with two appointments in one day? Seems an efficient way if doing things.


I've had two appointments in one day. Yes, it's doable. It's just not optimal. It's just annoying to have to leave home twice. I'm a home body. I like to be in and settled. As it is, I rearranged appointments this morning. I had two back to back in the same building but they were so close together I got nervous that I wouldn't get out of the first one on time to get to the next one. So I had to space them out. Unfortunately, it's a large gap. So it's a 30 min. drive each way and I have to go back twice. That's 2 hours of driving. That's just stupid to me. But it's unavoidable if I only want my appointments on a Wednesday. I could reschedule them again for other days but I don't know if I'm going to be working. I just think it looks bad to be a new employee coming in and immediately being unavailable on days I said I would be available in general.

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I've had two appointments in one day. Yes, it's doable. It's just not optimal. It's just annoying to have to leave home twice. I'm a home body. I like to be in and settled. As it is, I rearranged appointments this morning. I had two back to back in the same building but they were so close together I got nervous that I wouldn't get out of the first one on time to get to the next one. So I had to space them out. Unfortunately, it's a large gap. So it's a 30 min. drive each way and I have to go back twice. That's 2 hours of driving. That's just stupid to me. But it's unavoidable if I only want my appointments on a Wednesday. I could reschedule them again for other days but I don't know if I'm going to be working. I just think it looks bad to be a new employee coming in and immediately being unavailable on days I said I would be available in general.


Just schedule them for what is convenient instead of scheduling them in anticipation of a job you do not yet have and a work schedule you do not yet know. Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

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Just schedule them for what is convenient instead of scheduling them in anticipation of a job you do not yet have and a work schedule you do not yet know. Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.


Haha! I came to the same conclusion right after I posted my last note so I went onto my doctor's site and rearranged my appointments again. Now they're good.

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I haven't got back to the computer for a bit, but forgot to mention in my prior post that it is normal for people to apply to multiple jobs, accept one, get a better job offer a short time later, and resign from the 1st job they accepted. If you are still in training, you wouldn't even need to give notice. That is what the probationary period is for. It is normally a 30-90 day period of time where the employer can dismiss you or you can resign without any reason or obligation to each other. I understand you don't want to seem flaky, but managers understand that you are going weigh schedules, benefits, locations, and pay for all job offers and choose what suits you best.

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If you don't hear back from CVS soon, I think it's a good idea to apply elsewhere. Publix is a great company to work for. You also might look into working at your local Y. They don't pay much, but that can work in your favor because in exchange for not paying a lot they're usually okay with part-time flexible hours. I worked at the Y for about 4 years when my kids were little (one of the few places where I could take them to work with me) and have considered going back now that they are older and mostly independent.

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If you don't hear back from CVS soon, I think it's a good idea to apply elsewhere. Publix is a great company to work for. You also might look into working at your local Y. They don't pay much, but that can work in your favor because in exchange for not paying a lot they're usually okay with part-time flexible hours. I worked at the Y for about 4 years when my kids were little (one of the few places where I could take them to work with me) and have considered going back now that they are older and mostly independent.

I forgot about this one. Lots of young moms and empty nesters (one is a good friend) work flex hours at our local Y, usually in the daycare. They usually coordinate the schedule around each other's life needs like appointments and their kids' school schedules.

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If you are going to the Y anyway to work out, you could ask if they are accepting applications for future positions. Sometimes they may have a vacancy that is upcoming that won’t show up online because it technically is still filled at the moment. Sometimes they also have unadvertised vacancies, so it doesn’t hurt to ask.

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