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Canned pumpkin

Night Elf

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I want to try a muffin recipe that calls for 15 oz canned pure pumpkin puree. I can't find canned pumpkin but I could have sworn I saw some last week. Today at Walmart I saw pumpkin pie filling. That would be different from puree, right? I guess I have to wait until November to find canned pumpkin?

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I've never seen canned pumpkin anywhere except (1) the baking aisle or (2) a special seasonal display.


In my stores pumpkin everything is everywhere and has been for a couple of weeks now. I can' imagine a store of any size not having it in stock right now.


And yes, pumpkin puree is just pumpkin. Pumpkin pie filling contains other things (sugar, spices, etc.).

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Yes, baking aisle, and yes, canned pumpkin is different than pumpkin pie filling. By the end of October I start looking for a good sale to stock up for the year. I used to always find Kroger for $1 a can at some point, but I think it was more like $1.50 last year. Libby's was $2 this week--that's the year-round price, not the seasonal good buy price.

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You should be able to find it year round. It's usually on the bottom shelf near the pie fillings in the baking aisle in my local stores.


If they only have the big cans, you can freeze what you don't need.

Edited by Rach
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Got some at Aldi today. Agreeing with others. Baking aisle. Not the same as pumpkin pie filling but usually right next to it. Usually pie filling is a bigger can and pumpkin purée is smaller.


If your stores have started a seasonal section with Thanksgiving items you can likely find it there too.

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It's always in the baking aisle near the cherry pie filling. Some stores don't bother to stock it year round, so I always keep a few spares in my pantry. You have to get Libby's because it seems they own ALL of the farms and another brand might be squash? Don't quote me because I may have the details confused, but something is UP with Big Pumpkin :-)

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Amazon has it:




If your area,has a Whole Foods, you might try there.


Or, if any of your local supermarkets have grocery pick-up services try ordering it online so you don't have to visit several different stores.

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I'm not sure how long you want to wait for the muffins, but if you are in a hurry you could roast a pumpkin and purée it yourself.


You know, I actually did think of that but I don't know if I can pull it off. I don't know how to buy pumpkins and they're so messy too. I have to go to the grocery store today, so I'm going to go to a different one and see if they have the pumpkin. I've never made these muffins before so it's not a big thing if I don't find the pumpkin. I've still got a batch of banana chocolate chip muffins we haven't finished.

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You know, I actually did think of that but I don't know if I can pull it off. I don't know how to buy pumpkins and they're so messy too. I have to go to the grocery store today, so I'm going to go to a different one and see if they have the pumpkin. I've never made these muffins before so it's not a big thing if I don't find the pumpkin. I've still got a batch of banana chocolate chip muffins we haven't finished.


Don't you just pick one up, pay and take it home?


I come from a country that doesn't sell pumpkin in tins, so my imagination really doesn't know what you all could be doing to make fresh pumpkin such a tricky beast to slay.  :laugh:

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Don't you just pick one up, pay and take it home?


I come from a country that doesn't sell pumpkin in tins, so my imagination really doesn't know what you all could be doing to make fresh pumpkin such a tricky beast to slay.  :laugh:


I'm not sure why, but canned pumpkin that is already to go for pie is less expensive than doing it yourself.  Those little sugar pumpkins are ridiculously expensive!


But it's not particularly difficult to do yourself. 

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Don't you just pick one up, pay and take it home?


I come from a country that doesn't sell pumpkin in tins, so my imagination really doesn't know what you all could be doing to make fresh pumpkin such a tricky beast to slay.  :laugh:


First, I don't know what type of pumpkin to buy. Right now in the stores, there are bins of really big pumpkins. The kind used to create jack-a-lanterns. That would be overkill. Plus, I've seen white spots and brown spots on pumpkins so does that mean those are bad spots inside the pumpkin? I don't buy produce of any kind that is marred. And finally, in the past when I have bought the big pumpkins to carve, the insides are all stringy and full of seeds. It was a nightmare cleaning it out. I just don't want to go to all that much trouble to make a recipe I've never tried. 

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First, I don't know what type of pumpkin to buy. Right now in the stores, there are bins of really big pumpkins. The kind used to create jack-a-lanterns. That would be overkill. Plus, I've seen white spots and brown spots on pumpkins so does that mean those are bad spots inside the pumpkin? I don't buy produce of any kind that is marred. And finally, in the past when I have bought the big pumpkins to carve, the insides are all stringy and full of seeds. It was a nightmare cleaning it out. I just don't want to go to all that much trouble to make a recipe I've never tried. 


Buy butternut squash. They don't have a lot of seeds in them.


Jack-o-lantern pumpkins are more annoying to clean than other kinds because with other kinds you can cut 'em up. That makes it easier to cut out the seeds.


Spots on pumpkins depend on the kind of pumpkin and don't necessarily mean it is bad. Some are meant to have spots. Even if there is a bad bit, you cut it out, no harm done just like you would if a potato was starting to sprout. It's probably less effort than trawling grocery shops to find tinned.


Anyway, for all the emotional labour you're putting in, I hope they are good muffins! A cream cheese frosting would probably be good.  :drool5:


Is it an online recipe? I think I want to make some now!

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