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Thanks to my dear friend Tonya in CO who is a lurker here and finally registered just to tell you all that our baby had arrived.


So, I know, you are lacking details. ;)


Baby Boy in OH was born Thursday night at 9:56.

He was 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches. We narrowly missed having a Halloween/ Reformation baby for which we were glad.


We went to the birth center at 1 pm and I was 5 cm, but contractions were irregular (which is regular for me). So they sent me walking, came back in an hour and I was 6cm so, irregular contractions were working. Soooo, they started my first IV (GBS +) and then I walked for another hour. I was 7 so I got permission to get in the hot tub where I was for the next 2 hours and got my 2nd IV of antibiotics. Got out, checked me, was 9+ cm. Water was broken, was complete and ready to push, but I could just tell something was up. I got up, walked to the bathroom, came back and he came with is hand up on his head. Ughh! That was hard work. But so worth it.


He is so very sweet, and is so much fun having around after 5 girls in a row. Thanks for all the support. He does finally have a name but I don't want to post it. PM me if you are dying to know. ;)

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