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OT- Do any of your kids have a wierd 'habbit' that helps lull them to sleep?

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Logan has these 'taggie' blankets that have silky tags all around them. At night while he's going to sleep, he lifts up his shirt (he has a 4 inch scar on his tummy from a surgery, also has a scar from where his feeding tube was) anway, he will lift his shirt, suck his tongue and rub one of the tags from his blankie on his scars. We tried footie PJ's, the ones that zip, andwe would find him asleep with them unzipped because he would unzip them so he could reach his scars....it's interesting. He does this every night. Anyone else have a child with a 'wierd habbit' that lulls them to sleep?

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When my daughter was littler, she would have to have her finger in her belly button. I finally gave up on onesies because she COULD NOT go to sleep unless her finger was in her belly button. This lasted until she was about 3, I think.

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My youngest has always rocked himself (semi-violently) back and forth, face down... or he also enjoys face down, curled with legs under him, hands on each side of the head and he raises up and thumps his head down onto the pillow... in a rhythm, over and over... we call it "thumping". These habits started by 4 months of age. They increase with stress, but it could be "good stress", like an exciting day... Even on the calmest, happy evenings he does this and it helps him settle down to sleep... hmmm... (he has aspergers and sensory integration disorder)

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My ds likes to rub a mole on my collar bone. He doesn't have to do it anymore to actually fall asleep, but he still does it sometimes. He even does it in the day. He'll just come sit in my lap, hug me and rub it. He loves the feel of my neck, also, because he says it's warm. He loves skin and touch so much that I'm afraid we're going to have to move to the mountains when he's a teenager!!!

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but... my husband actually sort of rocks himself sometimes by kicking his feet so that the bed kind of moves back and forth. Sometimes he does it in his sleep, and most of the time I don't think he even knows that he does it. I however, notice for sure, repetitive movements like that kind of get on my nerves, lol.


I think it is very common for people to have certain things to help them get to sleep. Me, I have to be in a certain position, and the fan has to be on! More or less for the noise of the fan, even if the bedroom is freezing cold I need my fan on! :tongue_smilie:

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When dd is really having trouble getting to sleep, she lays down with me. 10 minutes tops, and she's out like a light. I'm some kind of narcotic for her, apparently. Sometimes it works for her to cuddle with a shirt that has my smell on it (like she'll bring me another of my shirts and ask me to trade).


Weird. And, yes, she's 11.

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My oldest dd has a doll with yarn hair named "Hair baby". She gets the yarn bundled up in her fist and lightly rub the end of her nose with the end of the yarn. It makes me need to sneeze just thinking about it. She doesn't have to have hair baby every night, but when she's super tired or stressed out, she's rubbing her nose. *Weirdo!* (but very sweet)

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My older dd sucked her thumb and rubbed the tag of a particular stuffed animal she had. She would fold the tag in half and rub the halves together. When the tag eventually dropped off, "DogBear" had a series of silky ribbons tied around his neck so she could do the same with those.


DD#2 has these small, stuffed terrycloth frogs that were supposed to be bath toys. But she adopted them outside the bathtub, held them in a certain way (very specific - even now she can tell you all the rules for holding them) and sort of sucked on them in a certain way.


My brother used to sit on his hands and knees and rock back and forth so vigorously that his bed would move across the room. He also banged his head on the wall.

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